The Top 50 Xbox Characters of All Time

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by fiery, Oct 1, 2008.

  1. fiery

    fiery Ancient
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    50. Dog
    Half-Life 2, Episode One and Episode Two
    49. Johnny Napalm
    Guitar Hero II, Guitar Hero III
    48. Ryu
    Street Fighter Anniversary Collection, Marvel vs. Capcom 2
    47. A Worm
    Worms 3D, Worms 4: Mayhem, Worms
    46. Jade
    Beyond Good & Evil
    45. Razputin ‘Raz’ Aquato
    44. Saren Arterius
    Mass Effect
    43. King Of All Cosmos
    Beautiful Katamari
    42. Jansen
    Lost Odyssey
    41. John ‘Soap’ McTavish
    Call Of Duty 4
    40. ‘Little’ Jacob Hughes
    Grand Theft Auto IV
    39. Jimmy Hopkins
    Bully: Scholarship Edition
    38. The Dragon Of Destruction
    Panzer Dragoon Orta
    37. Spider Splicer
    36. Kasumi
    Dead Or Alive 3, DOA Xtreme Beach Volleyball, DOA4
    35. Brucie Kibbutz
    Grand Theft Auto IV
    34. Alma Wade
    33. Carl ‘CJ’ Johnson
    Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
    32. The Prince
    Prince Of Persia: The Sands Of Time, Warrior Within, Two Thrones
    31. Darth Revan
    Knights Of The Old Republic
    30. Mitsurugi
    SoulCalibur, SoulCalibur II
    29. Tommy Vercetti
    Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
    28. Sergeant Johnson
    Halo, Halo 2, Halo 3
    27. Ethan Thomas
    Condemned, Condemned 2
    26. Sonic
    Sonic Heroes, Sonic The Hedgehog, Sega Superstars Tennis
    25. Big Daddy
    24. Anthony Carmine
    Gears Of War
    23. Roman Bellic
    Grand Theft Auto IV
    22. Frank West
    Dead Rising
    21. Alyx Vance
    Half-Life 2, Episode One, Episode Two
    20. Joanna Dark
    Perfect Dark Zero
    19. Jackie Estacado
    The Darkness
    18. Commander Shepard
    Mass Effect
    17. The Arbiter
    Halo 2, Halo 3
    16. Gordon Freeman
    Half-Life 2, Episode One, Episode Two
    15. Ryo Hazuki
    Shenmue II
    14. HK-47
    Knights Of The Old Republic, KOTOR II
    13. Lara Croft
    Tomb Raider: Legend, Tomb Raider: Anniversary
    12. Augustus ‘Cole Train’ Cole
    Gears Of War
    11. Agent 47
    Hitman 2: Silent Assassin, Hitman: Contracts, Hitman: Blood Money
    10. Ryu Hayabusa
    Ninja Gaiden, Dead Or Alive 4, Ninja Gaiden II
    9. Dante
    Devil May Cry 4
    8. Price
    Call Of Duty 2, Call Of Duty 4
    7. Sam Fisher
    Splinter Cell, Pandora Tomorrow, Chaos Theory, Double Agent
    6. Urdnot Wrex
    Mass Effect
    5. GLaDOS
    4. Altaïr Ibn-La’Ahad
    Assassin’s Creed

    3. Marcus Fenix
    Gears Of War
    There as something about Marcus Fenix that just seemed to epitomise the image of the Xbox 360 at that moment in time: big, bold, brash, and hard as nails. This was a new hero for a new generation of consoles, and he came in curb-stomping and chainsawing his way to the top of the charts. But behind all this is a clearly wounded, perhaps even emotionally deadened, human being, and that really resonates as the game progresses. Fenix’s legend can only grow.

    2. Niko Bellic
    Grand Theft Auto IV
    It was a close-run thing for Niko in our poll, as his incredibly strong showing in GTA IV shot him to universal acclaim and appreciation. Few characters in videogame history have provided us with such a spectrum of emotions. Niko’s tale is such a rollercoaster ride that by the climax you’d be forgiven for feeling exhausted and perhaps even a little numb. For his part, Niko’s tortured soul, the gradual revelations about his past life, and his eventual struggle for redemption are thoroughly gripping. As this poll has proven, there are very few characters that can hold a candle to him.

    1. Master Chief Petty Officer John-117
    Halo: Combat Evolved, Halo 2, Halo 3
    What makes an icon? You may as well ask ‘what makes a hero?’ If either of these questions could ever be answered then this list would probably look very different, but John-117 has come to embody both of these personas. There are plenty of memorable characters in the preceding pages, some of whom have long histories stretching back far beyond the Xbox or Xbox 360, and yet there was very little doubt that the Chief would emerge victorious.

    Critics paint him as generic, metaphorically and literally faceless, and lacking in personality. Master Chief certainly carries archetypal qualities that may be interpreted as bland, but they are no different to those of any heroic figure. He is a man without fear, who thinks nothing of self-sacrifice, and these are qualities somewhat lacking in an age where anti-heroes prevail. Yes, he wears a mask and we can never use his face to read his emotions, but we have no need of them. In their place we have the esteem in which others hold him within the Halo universe, his unnerving dedication to duty, and his ceaseless drive.

    As for lacking in personality, that is obviously a conscious decision on the part of Bungie to allow you, the player, to impose your own character upon him, but then did Clint Eastwood’s Man with No Name (an inspiration for Master Chief) feel like he lacked a personality? Master Chief’s lack of character actually broadens and intensifies his appeal. It makes those subtle moments where the human being behind the armour reveals himself all the more poignant and your bond with him that much stronger.

    The rousing music, the immediately identifiable and now iconic armour, and the stupendous odds that are stacked against him all help to lift Master Chief up, and while none of this is necessarily unique, Bungie’s execution of them to elevate its lead character has never been bettered. There really is something very special about John-117, and that’s why he tops this chart. Hail to the Chief.

    Gameplayer - The Top 50 Xbox Characters of All Time
  2. Frag Man

    Frag Man Ancient
    Senior Member

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    What the heck? Where's our favorite plumber? Where's our favorite swordsman (Link you noobs)? This sucks, I wanted to see them!

    Anyway, the ratings are pretty fair. Without a doubt Master Chief got first.
  3. Vinny

    Vinny Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Master Chief is certainly not the most iconic character on xbox.
  4. TexturedSun

    TexturedSun Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hope that was sarcasm, since this is an XBox only list ...

    Anyways, i would have liked to have seen Jade be higher on the list. Beyond Good and Evil was, in my opinion, in the top 5 best games you could possibly purchase for the XBox.

    Glad Agent 47 is high up. Earlier games were better than the later ones. Hitman 2, namely. I still own a copy of it.
  5. Iv0rY Snak3

    Iv0rY Snak3 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Needs more timesplitters characters, like zombie monkey and cyber monkey...

    Or even normal monkey....
  6. TexturedSun

    TexturedSun Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Actually ... yeah. Timesplitters 2 was epic of all wins.
  7. J A Y

    J A Y Ancient
    Senior Member

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    As if Sonic was 26, he deserves to be in the top 10. Of course the MC will get first, he is like every kids gaming idol
  8. Iv0rY Snak3

    Iv0rY Snak3 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I dunno... A hyper awesome semi-emotional ghost in a shell super warrior (The Chief)


    A zombie monkey that, when you shoot it in the head, it's head falls off but it can still run around... I dunno, they're pretty close...

    And Textured, please tell me you've played Future Perfect.
  9. Transactionzero

    Transactionzero Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I agree with most of the list. Number two...god, I've been meaning to finish the new GTA.
  10. TexturedSun

    TexturedSun Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yeah, i had Future Perfect, but it wasn't as good as TS2. I got super hyped about FP's release, then it turned out to be not as good.
  11. Iv0rY Snak3

    Iv0rY Snak3 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yeah, but gotta love the monkeys... and the cardboard robot guy...

    but yeah, TS2 was better than TS:FP.
  12. Frag Man

    Frag Man Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Actually, no. I totally forgot about that.
  13. The Hudacris

    The Hudacris Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The chief deserves number one because if you own an xbox you more than likely own halo.
  14. De Wy El Ay En

    De Wy El Ay En Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Altiair made it in as #4! Awesome! Altiair is my favorite Videogame Character, but Niko bellic as #2.. that's just stupid, Niko bellic is'nt that awesome..
  15. KB

    KB Ancient
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    Idk if it is up there or not but the Knights from Castle Crashers? HELLO!?!?! They are like the best so yeah add them.... Good list though
  16. Frag Man

    Frag Man Ancient
    Senior Member

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    It's not his list. This was a poll by Gamespot. And the knights aren't really a character.
  17. xFr1ct10nx

    xFr1ct10nx Ancient
    Senior Member

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    where is any the force unleashed characters? or cortana, she was pretty good id say like # 44.

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