I agree, put them all in a spoiler. The first post was long enough before. I kinda see what you mean by the nodes chrst.
Wow. This really could get featured. It has beautiful aesthetics, it is unique with things like the torches, it has obviously been tested the crap out of if u can tell us tactics like that. It is a straight up awesome map. Ill forge through and get back to you on more ways on how its awesome.
Thanks cheese. I agree guys, the main room looks a bit open, but it's that way for BR fire. The way the ledges and bridges are set up, there are plenty of places you can duck out of the way of fire. Also, I fixed your name cheese, sorry lol. You think really? I know it's long, but sweeny's review is so awesome. It's a perfect description of the map. What does everyone think? Spoiler or no for review section? Thank you very much, I lost track of the amount of game played on harm lol. It's traveled between hmm...4 accounts I think? I had it on my main, than my Mr Deplorable monthly I did a lot of work on it. Finished and perfected it on B4df0rurh43l7h, touched up and posted with chrstphrbrnnn. I await your response good sir.
this is very impressive , i like the design its not often seen , and its well built interlocked and everything. ill give it a download
Guys please, posts need more substance. DL and run around first at least to give me some feedback. They are cracking down on these types of posts, as they just clutter up maps.
if cleanlines is next to godliness? ahemmm. this looks awesome and it deserves way more than what i can decipher from the pics. gonna try and play some games later on, forge through, get back to ya and such. promise.
Please don't spam, you will get an infraction, like chris said substance. EDIT: I have seen that none of your posts are worth anything, they have no meaning, they are short, and you are "Sirspamalot" congrats nao GTFO, post reported
Thanky you very much sir, I await your opinion. I am a big fan of your maps, btw like the name change of fuzzer lol. Can't wait to hear your thoughts, hope you enjoy it. Thanks cheese, I don't like reporting people but 2 word posts are just too short. I'd rep you, but it's too soon lol.
great map, as a map breaker i tried to break it but couldnt, ended up playing some customs on it, great map, really intense games. 9/10
Haha tbh, I never really had anyone try to get out, other turbo but I don't think he was really trying lol. It's good that you couldn't though I guess I didn't make any slip ups. I'm glad you enjoyed the games played on it, lets me know gameplay wasn't all just IMO.
n33dz moear in34rl0ck1ng, 2/5 4 gud pixxx. Nah, kidding. This map is great, blah blah blah, you've all already heard the same thing over and over. 5/5, all that, awesome map. Download nao! no u
wow chrst, i didn't know you made this map when i was playing around on it, it made me very happy because the weapon layout was spectacular and the spawns were pretty uber from what i remember, unless you changed some stuff. this map officially gives me a gamegasm if you know what i mean...eh eh? *hint* *hint* Just Kidding...but seriously loves it, hopefully i see it more in the future!
edit: so, i couldn't get anything good going the last day or so, but i did manage some head to head and it was epic fun! camped rocks when i could, hehe, tried to control that room, strikes me as a great spot for holding it down but with the telepoters it aint 'too' easy. of course the sick ass torchy lookin things are awesome. duuh..! really nice touch though. plasma pistol was an excellent choice imo. comes in handy in the corridors. no trouble with spawns ((at all)). anywayz . . . don't know what else to add that hasn't been mentioned. it's stayin' in muh library, thats for sure. downloads tehs map guyz!
I am extremely impressed by this map. Here are the parts that I liked best... 1: Aesthetics- You did an amazing job on this. The man cannon "torches" are really cool as well as the smooth interlocking and great use of shield doors! 2: Choice of Weapons- You did a good job with this as well. I like the inclusion of a rocket launcher as well as a brute shot so you can still blow **** up but you have limited ammo.
It's obvious to see your an aesthetics type person. The maps looks very clean, whether you have sacrificed gameplay, I'll tell you when I get a game going on this. From what I can see from the pics, it looks epic! 5/5 Good job
Thanks nic, night, and insane for your replies. I added you guys to the review section lol @fullmetal: Lol I wouldn't really consider myself asethetics type at all. I added a few touches but as cheese said: Gameplay doesn't suffer at all. I build for gameplay. Oh and, the video is almost done but I need a song. Anyone who has played it know a song which would match the feel of the map? Thanks and I will add you to the TY section if I use your song.
this is an awesome map, the fusing is good, the layout is awesome. You can count on my DL. Btw- stricken by disturbed O_O
Hey, do you wish to play Harmon later chrst, so I can get the video footage? Also, for the song for this map, I want to refrain by overused songs/bands, though I could care less about the originality of the band compared to the originality of the song. I also don't wish to use anything really hardcore. PM me suggestions.