Loved it. As others say, the editing is top notch and it seems really coherent and together as a piece. The music isn't really my thing but I'll admit that it fits really well and works with the montage as a whole. Some of those no scopes were pretty damn sweet and that rocket on the flag guy at the end was a real nice ending clip. In short, I like muchos.
I died quite shamefully though.. I don't want people to see that... Anyway.. i'm starting a new project that could be done soon.
Great montage Matty. I'm glad to see it's done, agian it really came together quite well. I especially loved the no scopes from the sideseat of the warthog. Once again, great montage!
I like 3:39 where it transfers from one clip to another but the guys hand stays in the same spot Reminds me of the fluxy and phurion one i believe. Great editing.
Montage=Sub Par. I have a few things that bugged me about it. The melee after a stick, is totally cliche. It is old. If I can remember correctly, you didn't even get but 2 or 3 overkills. Most of your triple kills weren't that impressive. You definantly should have included more multi-kills. I liked how you added some mongoose snipage, though. The montage was a little bit too short in my opinion. Great editing, by the way. 4/5 (ready for swarm of -rep)
A lot of nice no scopes and sticks in this. I liked the part when you were no scoping of the back of a mongoose and in the side seat of the warthog the best because I know how hard it is. Invite me if you play more free for all customs for another montage!
Maybe so, but it is chiche of Halo 1 and 2, and i did it in Halo 1 and 2, which gives me the right to do it in Halo 3. Fair enough. I have 4 different Overkills on my Fileshare that i never added in because i didn't like them. BR Overkills are little to show off abut in my opinion. Most people are more than capable, and i didn't want a Montage that was crammed with them and had no space for more interesting clips. You gotta start off with two clips killing me, (which were nice BTW) The editing and syncing was great, but I would've loved some more overkills, some triples unimpressed me, but most were nice, and your no scopes just like, lock on to the head.
The one thing I thought was unworthy was the clip on Valhalla where you threw a power drain down the front of the base, wasn't as skillful as some of your other clips, so I would've swapped that out for something. Also, I deserve extra thanks for waking up at 3 in the morning to play that 2 hour long KOTH match... which (as well as I could tell) did not make it into the montage with me in it.... although I may have been in one i wasn't watching... some personal faves were the no-scope on the warthog, the no-scope up to snipe tower on high ground and the overkill with no shields at top gold on guardian. Next time I have some MLG customs going with Zanno and stuff I'll try and get you in, we generally run pretty decent games.
Jesus, dude. Nice stuff. It really makes me glad you backed out of the game that Chipsinabox was hosting on Sunday; I would have been raped. I didn't find the song to my liking, but it fit well with the montage (and honestly, most montages I've seen don't incorporate music that I really dig). Excellent job on the editing and it was just long enough to be entertaining.
They were not entered because i did not hav etime to get them recorded. The Valhalla clip was entered just so i had an Overkill that was not Guardian. I understand it was pretty lame, but medals are medals I am going to try work on a 2v2 tage in the next four weeks. If you want to get a partner, or even a 3, you can come and play. I am Forging some maps out now and i will have a gametype very similar to MLG. I ask that you play in a fun and forgiving manner, and allow some crazy @*#! to happen then i believe we will have an enjoyable session and i might just get some clips worthy of putting in.
Wow this video proves how great of a halo player you are I wish I got allmy videos together like that. I never knew you were that good Nice video
It's on (possibly permanant) hold. I'll still be going for clips, and when i get above 50, ill reconsider and start working on a next, but i'm in no hurry. Keep up the comments guys.
Excellent series of clips. Great music choice. And the clips really played to the music near the end. Montagegasm??? I also like the stupid punch thing you do every time you stick somebody.