Debate Hiding in halo 3

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by viprikr, Sep 19, 2008.


Is It ok to hide In halo3 slayer game?

Poll closed Oct 4, 2008.
  1. No because there not playing the game >:(

  2. yes cause its fun >_<

  1. BunN eeE

    BunN eeE Ancient
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    I really don't think just straight up hiding is very smart, although if you are talking about hiding or jumping spots I think it is very useful for gameplay.

    If you can incorporate them while you are playing that is great. Take the Gold 1 to Gold 2 jump on Guardian for example, it prevents you from making any sound while going up the Gold lift, and also making you sneaky, maybe perhaps to get a couple of assassinations.

    Although if you are talking about HLG or something, when they get a couple of kills and then go hide, I think that is stupid and is very easy to actually kill people when they are hiding like that if you yourself also know the jumps...
  2. dented_drum

    dented_drum Ancient
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    Dragon, or whichever one of you folks it was, I edited my previous post to fix your complaint. I was at fault.
  3. The Storm 59

    The Storm 59 Ancient
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    What? When did I say that?
    When did anyone say that?!

    And I think you're getting the wrong idea from some of my posts (it might be my fault that I came off in a certian way in some cases, but still). I don't hide. I think its fair enough that people do, and that while it may be cheap, its not cheating. Its a good tactic that takes skill to perfect, that's why I'm defending it.

    So I wouldn't quit if they put navpoints in because A- I don't hide and B- I never said I would anyway. =P
  4. dented_drum

    dented_drum Ancient
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    Didst thou not read?

    I mentioned my mistake in that very post. I even posted again to clarify my post. I left the original version to show that I was at fault. Otherwise, people who might just be joining the debate could be easily confused as to why you said what you just said.

    Example: "What? Drum wasn't even talking to that guy. Why's he freaking out?!"

    See? I left the old version, but edited. Now, you can see both my fault and my original intent. This isn't rocket science. You just have to read more than the parts that you want to.

  5. The Storm 59

    The Storm 59 Ancient
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    Guh. I saw big text and thought it was just part of your signature. Big text has no place in debates for me. =P

    That's why I didn't read it. Sorry. =D
    (little text on the other hand is fine =P)
  6. Aranore

    Aranore Ancient
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    what type of hiding though are you ok with? I'm curious. I myself have mentioned a couple so im wondering which type you mean specifically.
    yay! no quitting halo!
  7. Darkdragon

    Darkdragon Ancient
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    you know, by what kind of hiding, i must admit, actually certain hides are not fair, but stuff like hiding behind the turret case... now thats just funny
  8. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    Way points do more then just ruin hiding.They ruin strategy and in-game tactics.If you know where your opponent is all the time whats the skill in that?

    Hiding is a strategy.Its an in-game tactic just like shooting,or beating down.Its using the maps geometry to your advantage.

    Bungie made the maps ,so why should we suffer for their 'mistakes'?
    Telrad likes this.
  9. Darkdragon

    Darkdragon Ancient
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    if people wernt so stubborn that should have ended the debate +rep 4 u
  10. dented_drum

    dented_drum Ancient
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    Actually, that's an opinion based off little more than personal bias. It lacks logic.

    You consider "suffering" to be not playing the game the way you want to play it. You call it a mistake, but they created the game. They decide how it's played in their own playlists. If you want to have a game of hiding with you and friends, then do so in Custom Games. The issue of WayPoints only ruins your form of gameplay (your form, which the creators obviously seem to have a problem with). The goal of WayPoints is to prevent camping. It keeps all players moving. It requires skill of the player- skill to be prepared and use teamwork to overpower the enemy. If WayPoints were cheap, then how could any game of Team Dual ever end up in anything but a close game? In your theory, each team should basically be swapping the lead as they're able to easily find the other. However, I've won (and lost) several games of Team Dual by landslide. This is because either one of the teams used their brains to outsmart the other team. It's difficult, but therein lies the fun of Halo.
  11. Darkdragon

    Darkdragon Ancient
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    but, hiding and camping is fun, somtimes we dont play for EXP we play for FUN
  12. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    I said suffering referring the way points in play lists for both HLGers and non-HLG.Does bungie say campings cheap?I think thats a bit bias there.Does the slayer description say it is mandatory to kill your opponent?

    I think not on it says this "First team to 50 kills wins. 12 minute match time limit" Proof.

    Therefore the team who has the lead wins.By whatever they do in the game.Be it shooting the other team,beating the down,or hiding.

    Bungie made the maps,also made the spots.If they want to block them then let them block them.

    Whether that solves the problem or whether it doesn't.

    If Bungie's so paranoid then why not just have a blank map?No spots or anything so no one can get frustrated.
  13. dented_drum

    dented_drum Ancient
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    Fun for the winning team:::

    It ruins the ability for all involved parties to enjoy the game. Both the losing and winning team can enjoy a game of Team Slayer where everyone actually participates, but only the winners enjoy laughing as the other team has little ability to make a comeback.
  14. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    Laughing?How do youn know they're laughing.Bias once again.And Bungie never said that both teams would have fun,and thats most unlikely now-a-days with Xbox Live.

    Its a strategy once again,how don't you see that?
  15. dented_drum

    dented_drum Ancient
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    Yes, Bungie is against camping. Your previous post only argued whether or not this was fact. As you've previously seen this said, and made no attempt to debate it, you show that you accept it as true. My previous argument stands unchallenged.


    Why do I not see that it's a strategy? Because I don't feel it to be a strategy. It's called opinion. Don't get your panties in a wad because I have one.
  16. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    What are you talking about go up a little I posted back to it.Even included proof.
  17. dented_drum

    dented_drum Ancient
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    Actually, you continuously post this "just make a blank map" BS. I assume that you're not being literal, but even the intended point is invalid. As previously said, people will find spots to hide, even if Bungie attempts to block them. It is obvious that Bungie is against it; so, subsequently, those who practice it are not playing the game the way it was intended.

    *Hopes you say something to the tune of, "I paid for it. I can play it how I want."*
  18. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    Well as I previously said let Bungie Block them.

    And its bullshit?You didn't elaborate.There seems to be no fix for bungie so if they're really that paronied let them have a blank map.

    Every single Halo 3 map has hiding spots,or 'camping spots'.But i ask you how is this wrong?Is using the map and weapons to their advantage.Don't just say "Because Bungie said so".That sounds a little immature.

    If you could,I'd appreciate proof.
  19. dented_drum

    dented_drum Ancient
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    I needn't proof. You accepted it as truth when you replied to DTL's post. You didn't challenge his saying that then, so you must have accepted it as truth. Now that it's breaking apart your argument, you're choosing to request proof? Personally, I don't have proof. I believe it, yes, but I couldn't show you it on Bnet. He mentioned a podcast. Let's have a look see there.
  20. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    Your true I accepted then.But whethere I didn't ask proof then or I did I'm asking for it now.

    Seeing that you belive it makes it an opinion.Until further notice its not true.

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