Ok I have not found or understood a good way to do this and its making me pretty mad. I have looked at pretty much every single thread I could find on Angled Geomerging but I still can't get it right. What I do is put a box at the angle I want it, surround it with bridges the long way, and then from there do the door method. I can never get it to work. I seen Insane54 was describing a way to some guy where you put it at the angle you want, surround by bridges, place at start:no, start new round, and then something about putting a wall the height you want it in the ground. I really am looking for a great explanation on how to do this the easiest or the best way to do this. Maybe if someone would like to show using pictures step by step or just trying to explain it best you can please. Plus rep for people who explain it great.
What you could do is use the Guide for geomerging Movable objects, but instead, Just put a wall underneath and then use your method, that way the box wont slip all the way under the map.
I didn't have a problem with it slipping under the map, its just I couldn't get it "just right" and I wanted to know if anyone knew an eaiser way or more perfect way of doing it, maybe if someone knew the way Insane was talking about.
i dont like geomerging at an angle, cuz i suck at it. ive been trying different mehods in the last month and still the door method works best for me. i tried ur way like 1 week ago, no joke.
May I get the link to the method that doesn't require doors? I mean, I understand what you explained, but I was wondering if there was a long walkthrough for me to read. I want to try this new method that you had explained. Considering that there is no Xbox Live right now.
Its wasn't me explaining a method, I was wondering if anyone knew that method Insane54 uses and could explain it to me. This is as far as I have ever gotten on an angled merge: I tried pushing it in with walls to make it go faster. On the next merge, it got all screwed up. Can someone tell me what I am doing wrong? Maybe the angle Im doing it at, if I can only use doors to push it in, or if theres a better way of doing this? Gumby, this is what the way I was talking about that Insane was saying but I just don't understand it, if you figure out how to do it, can you please explain it to me more. My gamertag is iM so PerFecT
I found that if you save and quite the box will usually align the exact way you angled it. The Save and quite method made geomerging alot more bearable for me. Simple answers.... Just grab the box when your ready to push it in and instantly Save then Quit.
What seems to be confusing about my explanation? If you do it in one move, its easier IMO, but the main thing is to save quit instantly.
lol go here: Justin.tv - Live Streaming Video you can chat with insane, and watch him play....he's broadcasting now....haha I dont think he'd be able to join your game though.......