Epicentre v1

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by OzPatriot, Sep 29, 2008.

  1. TXGhost

    TXGhost Ancient
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    Looks quite nice. Everything looks clean and sharp, with the geomerging and interlocking. Looks like a good simple layout. My only problems with it is that its looks a bit empty, but other than that everything looks good.
    De Wy El Ay En likes this.
  2. Mace

    Mace Old Tyme
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    firstly the map name is slightly different, it ends with tre, not ter
    the map is well though out, mergingand interlocking is nice and clean cut
    the prowlers, if naded would jump over to a side and you could get in them
    The map is missing something, arond the centre piece, its kind of bare, mabey add some cover, mabey a pillar or something
    De Wy El Ay En likes this.
  3. SiN Fwang

    SiN Fwang Ancient
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    wow. i love the center structure. reminds me of one of my maps a little bit. but it is sort of open even though you geomerged. i CANNOT, no matter how hard i try, CANNOT geomerge.then again, i havnt tried in a while, and i have some things about it... anyway, aestheticly pleasing. quite. just because it's empty though, the gameplay may suffer. a little bit. 4/5 for the map. keep it up. i cant wait to see some more stuff from you!
    Obibital likes this.
  4. Obibital

    Obibital Ancient
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    true, but this is just a small part of the map, all together it looks pretty nice, as what insane said there seems to be alot of clean interlocking aside from a few minor screw ups this looks nice. the center peice really brings the rest of teh map out and just tops it off. unlike most maps the sword works here because of how the open and enclosed areas are balanced. very nice 5/5
    Something. likes this.
  5. xFr1ct10nx

    xFr1ct10nx Ancient
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    i accually think its a nice looking map. maybe a little to open, but not a big problem i mean you can always play team or ffa slayer on it. nice interlocking and geomerging i havent seen geomerging in a while from trainees. good job, ima check it out when xbl is back up.
    Mace and Obibital like this.
  6. xSharpshooter94

    xSharpshooter94 Ancient
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    Dude dont spam tell what you like about this map!
  7. WispyHobo54

    WispyHobo54 Ancient
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    This map's merging is phanominal! Lol i don't think i spelled that right. Oh well. Anyways, i can definitely see this as a featured map. Good job!
  8. OzPatriot

    OzPatriot Ancient
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    Thanks for the replies everybody all have been taken on board.

    After reading all the replies a few common themes emerged and I will address these one at a time.

    Fence Bridges- Yes I know these could have been better But I couldn't find a way to merge and get that angle. I have never been sure of these myself and after the constructive critisism recieved They will probably be removed and replaced in v2.

    Lack of Cover- I agree that in certain areas cover is minimal. But the conundrum i face IMO is for the teleporters to be effective they must be an open escape route, sort of like a substitute for cover in a way. If I provide too much cover in the areas in question the teleports become a little redundant as they could become a last resort other than an equally viable option. Please don't think I am dismissing you all as I will be adding more cover in some areas but not around the teleports.

    Higher Ground- I did want some higher ground but plain and simple I ran out of stuff. And it could be a little overkill. It is a map inspired by Warlock and that map was played on two levels only.

    I hope this clears some things up but any questions please feel free to ask
  9. Acosta02

    Acosta02 Ancient
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    This looks really cool. I want to say more, but I'm going to play it before I start shooting my mouth off!

    I'll be back!
  10. OzPatriot

    OzPatriot Ancient
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    Ok to everyone I will clear up the "center" vs "centre" thing. All it is is thats way we spell it here in Australia. I suppose it is different technically but really the name is the same. I have not had any messages or hate over it so I guess it is not that much of a drama but like I have stated if this is complained about I will change it, not a problem.

    Also you mention the prowlers rolling over. I have tryed from every angle with both stickys and frag and no rollovers. It is pushed back as far as it can go.

    Thanks everyone for your feedback and your downloads :)
  11. kingkai93

    kingkai93 Ancient
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    looks good, but a little bit open. but still, its a good map.

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