Epicentre v1 First of all I would like to start off by saying hello to everyone as this is my first map post on ForgeHub. I have been looking on these forums for a while and at some of the map creations and all I can say is WOW!! The standard is very high here, which is why I don't pretend that my map is anywhere near the best. But since I have just learnt about all the cool things like geomerging and stuff this is the first map I have put it all into practice and there are some errors I can admit that. I am really just using this map as a sort of "test run", to get some feedback either positive or negative. It has been a fun and sometimes frustrating learning curve but all worth it in the end. Thanks to all the guys who made that "Forge 101". If it wasnt for that this map would have not come to light. Anyway if you read this thanks..Onto why you are here..the map P.S I searched but if this name has been taken just tell me and I will change it Map- Epicentre v1 Gametypes- Slayer, KOTH, Oddball Recommended players- 2-8 This map was inspired by Warlock, which is pretty obvious from the four teleports.The map revolves around the centre structure and is only recommended for small team games and free for all. Now the worst thing about making a map like this is the process is very repetitive and if something is a ***** to do, its a ***** to do four times. As you will see in my pictures some of the geomerged walls I have used for cover need work. I just couldn't get the final "door sink" to go straight. But I think it has turned out ok. I used the budget glitch map (another thanks to whoever put that on here) so the Prowlers are really just their for aesthetic. I am also pretty sure my map is unbreakable, I tryed everything so if you guys know something I don't about how to get out, please tell me. Please feel free to comment both positive and negative. I can take constructive critisism. I will be honest I have not done a hell of alot of testing other than with a friend xxJG0Dxx, who was the first person to see my map unveiled. But all spawns and everything worked as intended but I do need to play some team games on it. I guess this voids my recommended players advice but it is a small map. Ok heres the link and some pictures ( I will add action pics when I can get back on live) Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Ok this is one of two fence bridges. Note the Brute shot, on opposing side is Needler Centre Structure Overview This is a corner view. It is the same in every corner The sword spawn and the Prowlers The Skirmish Pit (repeated on two sides) A look at one of the teleports Thats me, the creator, OzPatriot Please Download, rate and comment If you have got this far thanks for reading Enjoy
FIRST POST =) I am very impressed by this map. It is very nicely made, especially for your first map! PROS > unique centerpiece > interesting layout > sword spawn > good choice of weapons > geomerged walls =) > nice aesthetics CONS Even with the geomerged walls your map is still a little to open. Also, I suggest you make some higher up areas on this map to make it more interesting. You did a great job on this map and I can't wait to see what you come up with next!
This looks really nicely made, and seems to have some clean interlocking, along with well thought out design and a pretty good sounding balance. I plan on downloading, whenever I can delete something off my HDD to make room. Two things, though. Firstly, there is a featured map by the map of Epicenter. While this isn't a problem, tbh, I think it's fine if theres two by the same name, you may potentially get some confusion or flak for 'stealing the name' (Don't know why anyone would do that, but people are weird). Second, I would put your download link in more noticable spots, and use the URL tag. For example, like so: [noparse]Download my map here![/noparse] That looks cleaner in your thread. The outcome looks like this: Download my map here! I linked it to FH, for the example. Anyway, map looks great. Keep up the good work
Awesome Map Hey everyone. i would just like to say, that i have played on this map & loved it. The " centre" structure looks awesome & the whole map plays really quick & smoothly. 8 player ffa would be a blast. OzPatriot has shown alot of patience & is only going to get better. Well done
For your first map there is some excellent merging going on here. However, it looks a bit too open and lacks cover. Brilliant for your first map though, I'll download when LIVE is back online.
I see this as a problem.. i dont see how this bridge is smooth to run over. Unless you were going for that look, the two parts seem clearly separated. also, i feel the map has a nice aesthetic touch with the stair tower ( first time i have ever seen that done that way) but thats about it. nothing really sets it apart. The simple geomerging is nice (the simplest is always the hardest XD) but it still doesn't set it apart. I'll dl and let you know more.
Thanks for your replies and comments they are appreciated crazyzebu- Thank you for being the first comment. Believe me I wanted another sort of higher ground but I also wanted my map unbreakable so comprimises had to be made. On the lack of cover I feel the teleports provide decent escape routes Insane54- Thanks for the kind words and giving me the heads up on the Title. I did browse the forums but never seen it, but if a stink is kicked up about it I will change it, no worries. xxJG0Dxx- A RL friend, thanks for the testing of the basics that you done with me and for your words of encouragement when you first seen the map FullMetalJacket- Thanks for noticing the stuff like the merging it seemed to take me forever and there a still some minor mistakes. I do sort of feel as well that this map need more cover but at the same time I do not want to block the clear paths to the teleports. So let me think about this one. Aromore- This is a fair critisism of that bridge. I have walked over it alot and you don't get one of those funny bump jumps but I admit the gap can do weird things to grenades so I will try to fix it while keeping the angle that it is at
i thought this was someone stealing epicenter but calling it there own. so i got ready to start flaming and i was plesantly surprised, a nice map made by a junior mem? then i looked closely at the pics and noticed one main thing wrong. if players spawn by the choppers, doesnt that mean they have the skinny side of the wall to use as cover??? unless this is ffa then it might be ok. oter than the stairs there is nothing new about this map so no dl but i will five you a higher number for being a new mem 3.8/5
Yeah, that's pretty much what I thought too. It's not really anything new, but as you said, it's your first map, and I encourage you to keep forging. Nice.
the map is great and I love the center structure, though that could be interlocked and so could the brigde, the map looks plain at the moment maybe a v2 would be good, though I haven't played a game on it yet so I can't judge the gameplay, I really still like the center structure, nice first map.
ome thing is a do not now what the hell you just said because its all white good for you using the new forgehub but me and many others do hot so next time dont do that and for the map its pretty blank try adding more stuff.
well it looks really good geo merging interlocking is EPIC... but i would give it a more vertical asspect... raising the playing feild and giving a weapon layout for use would help this... but other than that i can tell u spent time on this too much to over look that part w/ the fences and all... fix that in V.2 :>:> thx
i would add to the aesthetics and add a little more cover but other than that this map has really clean interlocking and is beautiful.
This map looks quite good, Warlock was always a fun map to play, this one looks fun too. The asthetics are beautiful especialy the center tower thing. If this was my map I'd replace the choppers with something else and maybe add something on to the walls
Isn't there a featured Mini-game map pack with a map called Epicenter? Oh well, yes. The map looks really good! i just love the stairway tower! It was very nicely done. But it is quite open, more cover would make the map even better! The Ascetics are 80% to its best. Basically just the Fence was Walkway mentioned earlier, and thats pretty much i!
This is really good for your first map. I like the bridges put together it looks cool. It looks great for slayer so i'll download it. i'd say it's a 4/5
Great for your first map. I can only hope my first, (Soon for release) will look as good. This is some good work and you got my DL.
okay the map is looks pretty smooth and clean, there is great geo and interlocking, and the gameplay look good. the only problem is is that some people can barely read the description since it is in white, i may be one of the few that stay o naturale and since the original background is in white it almost looks like you made a ton of space and then put pictures. other than that good job and keep forging