The Octagon

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by pianoman674, Jul 11, 2008.

  1. pianoman674

    pianoman674 Ancient
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    Did you read the description? The massive pit in the middle is the hill for KOTH... the point of KOTH is to defend yourself while you're in the hill... however you're two stories down from everyone else, so now you're team, who is on member short, has to try and defend you from up above while the guy down below is frantically trying to avoid constant grenade bombardment.

    As for more pics... you pretty much can see the whole thing in one shot or another, its really not a huge map... I suppose I could add pics of the scenery if you'd like... otherwise, there's not much else I can do, unless you'd just like more action shots.

    And finally, Thank you. I can tell you appreciate the amount of work I put into this.
  2. Carter C

    Carter C Guest

    Community Reviewer: I Carter I
    Map Review-

    Description: 5/5
    Pictures: 5/5
    Map Idea: 4/5 [havent seen it done before, but a bit simple]
    Map Quality {layout}: 2/5 [escapeable! spawn camping!]
    Map Quality {looks}: 4.5/5

    Comments: An okay map. It's a simple but unique idea for a map, and you've created it really neatly- I always think cones look really cool on a map lol. The hole is cool (like the one in 300) but possibly not too good for gameplay as it just= easy kills from grenade spamming. The map is let down quite a bit because of these gameplay flaws (escapeable, spawn camping and being easy to kill people in the hole), but overall pretty good.

    Overall: 3.5/5

    ~ I Carter I
    Want another map reviewed? Want to become a reviewer? Message me.
  3. Gigidy

    Gigidy Ancient
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    Looks very cool, i like the interlocking and the octagon in the middle. very creative
  4. pianoman674

    pianoman674 Ancient
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    Thank you : )

    Attention Everyone! Version 3 is Now Up!!!

    Do to the numerous requests to make it so you can't get out of the map, I have now done so. The entire map is completely enclosed. I've also added additional spawn areas to help prevent spawn killing. As for the complaint of a way out of the octagon... sorry, but the point of the octagon is the only way out is DEATH!

    Hope you like version 3, enjoy!
  5. Toxic Spade

    Toxic Spade Ancient
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    This is a pretty nice map. Like someone mentioned earlier this maps, interlocking is just amazing. It's a very original design. 4.8/5
  6. crazyzebu

    crazyzebu Ancient
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    I like the... octagon =P Great job with the creative layout. The floor looks a little sloppy but it wont affect gameplay. I really like the looks of this. Nice aesthetics as well... DL'ed!
  7. Awkward Silence

    Awkward Silence Ancient
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    I really think you should have made a way out of the octagon hole. That strikes me as becoming a real nuisance. What if you're fighting, kicking butt on a Running Riot, and then a stray grenade bumps you into the hole and you're screwed? I don't like that idea. Make a v4 and put Mancannons in the walls or something.
  8. MNM1245

    MNM1245 Ancient
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    This is a pretty solid map. Its a very simple concept that so many people have tried at but this is one of the best executed maps with the idea in mind. Maybe put teles at the bottom of the pit or something.
  9. delaney.99

    delaney.99 Ancient
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    good interlocking especially with the octagon but (this is just my personal opinon) its to small but that probally enhances the gameplay 4/5 (and not for the size
  10. pianoman674

    pianoman674 Ancient
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    Everybody keeps mentioning this, and time and time again, all I can do is remind you guys. The whole (no pun intended) point of the Octagon is that, once your in... you're in. And the only way out? Death.
    You jump in, that's your decision, I hope you thought about it carefully.
    You fall in, that's your fault, should have played it a little safer.
    Either way, your punishment stands, you're in until somebody puts you out of your misery.

    Thank you. I had seen lots of "octagon maps" based of UFC... but I thought I'd try putting my own spin on it. Plus, I had always toyed with the idea of a trap of some sort... but I wanted it to be the central theme of the map. I thought this idea kicked ass, plus it was fun to make a King of the Hill map instead of the all-too-common Slayer and Capture the Flag maps.
    As for the second part, see above.

    Thanks! I was always slightly worried about the size... but I decided I had to compromize something. The lack of size is what allowed me to interlock it so well. I may not be using much area, but I'm using every dollar of the budged :)
  11. pianoman674

    pianoman674 Ancient
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    **version 4 is now up!**
  12. RaBBiiTTT

    RaBBiiTTT Ancient
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    Oh nice map dude. Although the map fits only for 1v1, its still looks very fun. I really like the design of the entire map especially the one in the middle. I give this map an 8.5/10 and a download. Good job.
  13. pianoman674

    pianoman674 Ancient
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    Thanks! :) I really appreciate that because I've but a lot of work into this map!
  14. pianoman674

    pianoman674 Ancient
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    All links have been updated!

    Seriously, you guys need to check out the new Halo File Forum, it's AMAZING!
    Please comment on that one as well as here, thanks a bunch!
    ~IA SWAT1202

    (Oh yeah, they added the new Bungie Cards too!)
  15. Jigsaw107

    Jigsaw107 Ancient
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    The pit looks like it would be annoying if in the middle of a fight u fell in and u die because there is no way out. I agree with Y35 i can see alot of spawn campng. 3.5/5

    Interlockings good. I liked how u seperated the camo from the shotgun. The shield doors are not and orginal use but they can provide interesting gameplay. Good job
  16. pianoman674

    pianoman674 Ancient
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    Hey, as I said, if you fall in, that's your fault for not paying better attention, so that's your punishment :) I mean, the whole purpose of the pit being there is to fall or jump into. if you take the concept of the pit away from this map... you really don't have a map.

    As for the shield doors not being original, no, you're right, they're not... but they're there to serve their purpose. And I'm using them as an effort to prevent this whole spawn camping. That's also why I added the additional spawn hives.

    I appreciate the comments though! :)
  17. Fex Sish 1337

    Fex Sish 1337 Ancient
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    That is awesome!
  18. Mace

    Mace Old Tyme
    Senior Member

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    very nice
    interlocks good
    pit is awsome
    make sure you dont have boxes underneath the outerarea of the pit, could use htem to block it off
    you could ahve death teles around the escapable parts
  19. pianoman674

    pianoman674 Ancient
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    wait... there's somewhere you can get out? please let me know so I can work on blocking it off.

    Oh, and Thanks to everyone else who commented :)
  20. pianoman674

    pianoman674 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    *version 5 has finally been released!*

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