Endagerment version 1: Free For All only Gametypes: Slayer, Koth, Oddball Players: 5 max Download Endangerment TEST VERSION BAD THINGS: a few places where the interlocking was rushed ON THE WALLS ONLY, this is because i will not have xbox live for a week and i can still work on the map based on comments GOOD THINGS: everything else is pretty much how it should be except that the floor where the teleporter is will probably have another building i just need comments on gameplay only please...thank you v2 will be the REAL version and i will actually make a REAL post with better aesthetics on the "short wall" and a few other spots...if u dont wanna dl now i will have some better pics up when xbl is back up top carbine "This lift shouldn't even work like this" destant 2 kill, cause they work so good sniper tower near the corner where short wall and long wall meet bottom carbine rockets and a glimpse of short wall to the left bottom of rocket building also housing the shotgun short wall overview backside view of sniper tower, must jump into gravity lift to get up, inside the long hall overview of longhall with ceiling off, sniper tower in the distance power drainer view from bottom entrance of long hall catwalk near carbine tower and teleporter underneath that shoots u out... ...here, into top short wall, this teleporter should prevent some tele camping. overview of map from behind long wall with long wall deleted people that have actually played my maps for some amount of time usually say they get better the more you play, cause its just so different and weird...im just a weird person what can i say? C: weapons list: 4x Battle rifle/30 second respawn/2 clips 2x Carbine/30 second respawn/2 clips 1x Rocket launcher/120 second respawn/0 clips 1x sniper rifle/150 second respawn/2 clips 1x shotgun/150 second respawn/1 clip 1x power drainer/120 second respawn 1x bubble shield/120 second respawn 6x plasma grenades/30 second respawn 2x frag grenade/30 second reswpawn
Looks a little messy. I would suggest making a v2 and cleaning it up a bit. But the general layout of the map looks nice. I'm sure the gameplay is awesome though. I'll be sure to play it with you tomorrow.
I knever knew it is possible to interlox too much. That made your map look sorta bad, with all the Curved Objects. Don't get me wrong, the maps layout is Great! Im just saying it could use some cleaning up, like in Pics 2 & 7. 3/5, and ill try it out.
yea i guess i'll be on live today so i might do some new pictures...parts of the wall were rushed (pics 2 and 7, and a few other places not shown) but all the walls are built above the death barrier (some pictures had the ceiling/wall removed) and plz check it out if ur interested
Looks quite well interlocked etc. Some parts do look a bit cluttered and a bit confusing (like the sniper tower) The floor also looks quite bare, you should add some more cover to give people more of a reason to go on it.
yea you can inter lock every thing you spawn if you want thats ust an egsample . and the map is well interlocked and good creativity
First off, this map looks like a lot of fun. The map also looks a bit messy though and the v2 should be more neat. The post looks messy too and it hard to read because short sentences take up like 2 lines and they don't even need to be on 1 whole line. The map's lower floor could use some more cover, especially seen as how there is a sniper tower in the map. A couple overview pics from different angles would be nice because I see all the stuff in the map but don't know where any of it is. Also, why is there a reciever node on the bridges and from the looks of the underground hallway, can't you turn around and jump out of the maps from the stairs? The weapon placement could use some work too. 3/5 Oh wait the interlocking looks good too! Almost forgot!
This map looks really good. I like the tunnels mixed with the open spaces. I'll download when LIVE is back online. 4/5
That looks pretty good, there is some pretty good interlocking and some of the structures are pretty awesome looking. I really like the back wall on the right side. That looks really cool. The layout of the map is very original and interesting. Nice job on the map.
People who say " its a bit sloppy, Clean it up"....SHUT UP. if your going to say that tell them which parts they need to clean up and what parts are a bit sloppy. anyway nice map i downloaded it. I'd really like to play on it with you, send me an invite...KFf SimpL3 PS I see that somebody says too much interlocking....I do see alot and that does cause lag if your playing over live.
the layout here and there look good but the overall layout needs to flow better half is cramed half is empty try to make the two sides work so that it is fair... and the wall and other places look sloppy mayb u were going for the angle bridge look but it makes it look bad... sorrah... other than the interlocking geo... weapon place ment playability look really good... overall is a 4.5/5... fix that n it might haz my 5/5 rating :>
It looks really good. I like how you made all those weird structures. I like where rockets are. The sniper tower is really cool.
looks a little sloppy, but you said youd change it anyway so i wont ***** to much the wall structures and designs are very.. different origional yet interesting the structure creatations are a little funky, but good the lift is an eyesore, bothe the mancannon and the guidline atthe top
This looks really good (sniper tower, interlocking, long hallway), I just hope it plays good too (looks a little too open down below). I will definitely download and check this out, seems like it will be a lot of fun. AWESOMETASTICALY SCRUMPDIDDLYICIOUS
Whoa. This looks really cool. I'd DL, but Live is down at the moment. As soon as it's up, I'll DL + check this out.