Forgehub Existence - a Reflection

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by drak, Sep 28, 2008.

  1. drak

    drak Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hi Guys, welcome to my 1500'th post. You're probably all like whoop-dee-doo, 1500, get to 2000 loser. If that’s you, read on.
    Hi Guys, welcome to my 1500'th post. You are probably going to keep reading it, to see all the amusing things I have to say here. If that's you, read on.
    I spent much time on this, so please read it all. If not, go to my dedications at the bottom of the post(s)

    Let's start at the beginning of my "ForgeHub" career. I was browsing "teh interwebz" when I found FlemProductions, ForgeHub's official Forging 101. There, I marveled at all the things I could not do in Forge previous to this wonderful discovery. I sat there playing all these wonderful maps, amazed at what a difference this was compared to Bungie Favorites (I know,
    right?). While on my computer, when I also discovered this wondrous site called H3artificer.
    They told me, "Forge, look how many really cool things you can make!" They were the ones who really got me back into Forging. I combined the two, and started Forging real maps, like my wonderful sticky wars map, and my amazing Foundry "Wait-for-the-stuff-to-spawn-so-you-can-run-away-from-the-zombies-who-get-released-by-waiting-for-something-else-to-spawn (of course, courtesy Forging 101). At that time, I had so
    much fun on those maps, and when I look back, they were worse than all those maps on Sandtrap with the zombies at fastest speed, and lowest gravity combined.
    I learned what double posting is, and what necro-posting is, the hard way, of course. I got all my infractions in the beginning from Randle Scandal, who BTW HAS THE SAME BIRTHDAY AS ME TYVM

    I really got into ForgeHub, when I started meeting the regulars, and knowing who they were. I felt like a nuisance to everyone, sucking up to them, asking them for favors here and there. I also started asking the member, "a pmp nmd slkbk" to help me forge. "Help me forge please plz please pmp please plz please." Was me everyday.
    At least that’s what I think.
    So, I started doing my usual thing, looking at maps, commenting thoughtfully, (to a point, not Pegasi Delta style, yet still not, "Great map, needs more interlocking, 5/5") suggesting what I would improve. I remember getting excited like crazy when I got my cavalier rank; that was a huge hump for me, and it was pure joy.

    So, this was my time of crazy lunatic posting, I wanted to be the first on everything (you know, to get noticed...) and I wanted to post good (you know, to get noticed..again). So then, I believe people started seeing me around on the forums more often, and thought who's this kid.
    So I started being a regular here, being obsessed (mildly saying it) with ForgeHub, and all its cool features and users.

    Now, here comes my "being-a-**** faze". From there, to around exterminator/ranger ranks, I was acting badly towards a few select people, for no select reason. You see, I have some problems in my life currently, and around the end of July, early August, I was scheduled to go
    back to my mother's home. This being very stressful, I took it out on some of you guys, and I apologize, I really do.
    Some people named that I would like to especially apologize to:
    E93 (recent) - Status - ok now
    BL00D F1R3 (sorta recent) - Status - Good!
    Reynbow (old) - Status ok now (don't know him that well)

    Now comes the time of the slums. It all starts out with Skittlemeister and his nice little rants, and his funny arguments. They were funny to us all, but frustrating at the same time. We then had a nice little spoof a couple of days after Skittlemeister's "beheading". Banned. Then our beloved skittles, the joyful 1,000,000 post party thread's almost main poster, decides to use his brother's account (not really) and gets that banned too. Great.
    Let's keep going, shall we? God of Grunge RIP, gets banned because he wants to make a statement, "OMG FarCryCreations is better, I don't want to be here anymore, OMG it's way better!" Guess
    what? Banned.
    Why are so many people trying to make a statement, and get banned? What is the point?
    I talked with Skittlemeister on FarCryCreations (before GoG's stunt) and he told me his point was to get banned....why?
    Enough about this bad stuff, since nobody likes a pessimist, especially one who keeps his rant

    Here comes my period of adding people on XboxLive. Many people started knowing me much more around the forums around now. Comparing to before, I was a ghost.
    So, I started helping people out personally, instead of in general, saying, "If you want, I can help you make it in-game...", or other things of the sort.
    I started forming "friendships" as I like to call them, not like my parents say, "those other people." I feel I know you guys. I know what you like, and I bet you know what I like, and what my interests are too. Aren't those friendships? I believe they are, so whatever mom/dad, I like these guys (cuz they're awesomesauce!)

    Here, I become less active on the forums, only posting where I feel like it. This part is called UNSC Spartan. This rank was my other "hump" I crossed. I don't know why I lowered posting everywhere, like I used to; I believe it was from me realizing that I am now decently active, therefore don't need to post like I used to. I won't deny that compared to my old posts, my
    current ones are better, but I do not believe I spammed.
    I become now really close to the higher members, something I could not see in the beginning of my ForgeHub life.
    I really don't know. Maybe my ForgeHub existence was short, being a mere 4 months, and not being here from the start. The only reason I wasn't here, was because I didn't know. I sign up for things the second I see them (please don't say 2girls1cup lol) and I did so in the beginning of June for ForgeHub. Maybe I was pleased with being back into halo first of all, and second, being back into Forge, and actually spending more than 10 minutes to make a quick dodgeball arena.

    Now, as some of you may know, I recently created my own site. Why? I believe it was for me just plain old wanting to be in charge, although I clearly tried to sell it a different way, in a blog entry I had. I enjoy that site, as it is smaller, but trust me, I enjoy ForgeHub much more! My
    website was made mainly, even more than wanting to be an "admin" (not that good, trust me....over-rated) I wanted to experiment with some fun things like forums, websites, which never were open to me before. Anyways, enough about that.

    Here's the part, where if you read nothing above, you should read this.

    I truly love ForgeHub, for all reasons stated above, even the skittlemeister "incident".
    I would like to make a shout-out to certain members:
    this is going to be in random order, so whoever pops into my mind at the time, will be higher on the list

    a pmp nmd slkbk - for putting up with all my naggings, and helping me too
    The Official Y35 - who has a sexier sig? nobody... uWIN
    Juggernaut448 - Although recent, has been super cool to me, and to the community
    Fbu - for being one of the coolest mods out there, and the nicest
    LIGHTSOUT225 - for being one of the coolest mods also, and the fastest
    Insane54 - definitely the overall best staff-man-dude FH could have picked. NO U...nuff said
    Grif - you rich bastard....
    thesilencebroken - one of the nicest members out there, if not premium, definitely should have
    gotten loyal
    camoflaug - we are working on a collab map together, and he's waiting for me to get my xbox back...thanks dude
    Dthen - one of the most active h3artificer members on ForgeHub, also was always cool towards me, from the start
    Bl00D F1R3 - although we had a little.....disagreement, we're cool now, and it's really fun to watch him forge, while joining his game, and being in the corner like a monitor ninja...
    Dizfunky - you sig making bastard...
    Linubidix - Truly, and i mean truly, one of the nicest people I've ever "met" (see friendship part)
    Linu will surely read this whole post, being that type of person
    Mastar - for letting me help on his map "tapestry" and just being cool towards me also
    Lawful Chilli - Selena win just for that
    MattDGiant - for letting me judge his awesome competition
    Matty - can I haz reconz for killing you once in the single game I played with you?
    Pegasi Delta - sshhhh, but this whole writing thing was based on your paragraph structure...
    SargeantSarcasm - you're cool, nuff said
    Scopulus - lol'tage's abound, and you like Keira sir, are also full of win
    xSharpshooter94 - for the cool sexbox-live talks we had
    Tex - you rep *****/infraction giving
    Nemihara - you know much about computers, and are cool at the same live in Hawaii (as i understood) you win too
    Penguinish - you make me lol alot
    BetaWaffle - for making this awesome site function as it should
    Dragoncoals - you managed to spam in win!
    Norlinsky - you make me lol a lot!
    Duderdas - you really helped me through some tough times....thanks dude....erdas!! lmao..but no seriously thanks

    Special Dedications!
    yomtvraps - for reminding me I'll be infracted while thinking, "When I become a mod...."
    Sp3cOp5grunt - "I'm 13 and I almost have a girlfriend"

    .:.:NEW VIDEO:.:.
    and a link:
    YouTube - FH Existence - a Reflection: PEOPLE THERE
    (for youtube linking sites feature...)
    chill out, i know its lame....

    So guys, I'd like to say, thanks for allowing me the honor of being here, and sharing this
    ForgeHub Experience with you!​
    #1 drak, Sep 28, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 30, 2008
    EGP, ToochieHxC, Y35 <3 and 5 others like this.
  2. EGP

    EGP Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Haha nice it still says that you have 1,499 though. If you can add meh in the people list lol I dont know if you know much about me though.

    Congrats of 1500
  3. Lord Terrax XII

    Lord Terrax XII Ancient
    Senior Member

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    From Sdrakulich controlling the hands of Lord Terrax XII:

    Lord Terrax XII is also the pwnz
  4. GoodWhaleSushi

    GoodWhaleSushi Ancient
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    I can relate to a lot of that. And yeah, once I passed a thousand posts I just kinda stopped posting. At first not on purpose, for I had a school assignment, but now I only post when needed, and I still don't at home seeing as my mum blocked FH on my mac.
    drak likes this.
  5. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Very well written, a great read.

    I was actully planning on doing something like this back for my 3000th but I eventually decided against it.

    How'd you know I'd read the whole thing? Thank you for your beautiful complement.
    drak likes this.
  6. MattDGiant

    MattDGiant Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Read the whole thing, Nice work.
    And thanks!
    drak likes this.
  7. Y35 <3

    Y35 <3 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thats long, but detailed.
    i got muh name mentioned.
    My xbox is being shipped back, we should play sometime.
  8. Scopulus

    Scopulus Ancient
    Senior Member

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    That was an interesting short read, good sir; well done!

    Thanks for the shout-out.

    You, and this thread, are eternal win.
    drak likes this.
  9. drak

    drak Ancient
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    there are two things that need to be fulfilled so you can play with my awesomesauce (lol jk)

    1. I dont have my xbox, my mother jacked it while i was at school
    2. you have to tell me who that chick is in your soon....!
  10. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    Lol this is a perfect recap of everyhting on forgehub.Congrats =).
  11. ScarFac3d

    ScarFac3d Ancient
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    I know =) But I have sworn my self to secrecy.
  12. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    Great use of your 1500th.

    WTF how did you get that many posts!?
  13. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    Whoever that Staff guy is that isnt Grif is totally totally sexy :D

    Great post guy, +rep for graet justice.
    ScarFac3d likes this.
  14. Juggernaut

    Juggernaut Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yes! I are mentioned. Really though, it's no problem helping you. Although someday, you're going to owe me big time. Lawl.
    drak likes this.
  15. Archon gold

    Archon gold Ancient
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    And thank you to Archon Gold for hosting my site!

    lol jk

    Cant wait for more posts =]
    drak likes this.
  16. Murdock Sampson

    Murdock Sampson Ancient
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    lolwut? you tried to sell said secret to me!

    Anyways great job sdrak. I remember your spamming days and you have improved. Thank you for not including me in your shout outs lol.

    I'd just like to point out that i make few appearances here on forgehub these days, and I did appear to say congrats to you. you should be honored.

  17. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
    Senior Member

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    nice post man, very well thoughtout.
  18. Orphanslayer92

    Orphanslayer92 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    you mean rusty? lol

    Congrats on your 1500th, you joined in the same month as me but have like triple my posts, lol. That was very well written, nice job on that.
  19. Endless/Nameless


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    Way to charge ur lazer.


  20. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    I was with im in their Shoutbox when he did this.

    It was around the time whtn FCC had just begun, and some of the people there (not naming names) were acting very immature towards FH, probably in an effort to gain more popularity on FCC. I believe that was what Skittle was trying to do.

    There is absolutely no reason to want to have yourself banned, but he did, so clearly he had motives.

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