the great wall v2 Created by pinohkio Supported Gametypes: Almost all infection games. Just take out starting grenades and change custom powerups to your likings Map Description Instead of a wall this time around I made a little compound sort of thing. There is still some houses and I have made spawn killing impossible wall side 1 wall side 2 wall interior zombie spawn 1 zombie spawn 2 This is the v2 of my epic failer of a map called the great wallAlthough the first one was a blast to play with 8+ people many people have told me to create a v2. I have done this but I have no over view pic as my pictures have filled up. I will get it up eventually though download map here
I think i played v1(not certain) but i remember it being fun on infection because of the middle pyramid maybe i played this version well anyway good map : )
I have heard of the first great wall. This looks pretty good =] Though which wall is the great one?? lolz. But I likes it, 4/5.
naming your map after another popular map with a similar theme is a BAD idea if the mods are around. might want to rethink your post.
umm ok but 2 things a) i searched the threads for a map with the same name and there was none b) i made v1 and nobody told anything was wrong about that ps i named it that because there is a picture of a big wall thingy in the middle that wouldnt upload so i didnt include it
In case you didn't know this 'great wall' was one of the first foundry maps posted in bungie favorites. It's a pretty well known map for anyone who has been forging for some time. Also another thing that's clearly similar is the concept itself. There is nothing here that sets this map apart from any other zombie's map I've played. Maybe next time try coming up with a more original map and concept 1/5
morphine im sorry to say this but i dont remember a great wall map and also this is different than most zombie games because its up to YOU to decide how the game is played, you see one thing that i may have frogot to mention is that to leave the zombie spawn, the zombies must pick up a custom power up and the hos can change the traits to whatever(s)he desires. so the host can make however onesided of=r fair that they or the party wants.