[vimeo]1832546[/vimeo] Watch at MLGPro.com Watch at Youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UrNs6JekYfc Long overdue from when i began with this project. You may have seen the trailer i created a few weeks ago. Well this video has nothing to do with that. To me that video was just a practice, this was the real thing. I tried to keep it short 'n' sweet so not to run into a second song. I may be making another in the forseeable future, but for now, enjoy. I would love to hear any comments and criticisms you have.
Wow man great job! I really love all those no-scopes and how you used transitions to go with the music.All these across the map sticks were pro style lol.Especially at the end how you owned that guy in the air with a rocket,and before that owned roche. Keep it up I enjoyed wtaching it.
I have just one question. Is there a trick to sniping? Or does it just take tons of practice? Because you sir either know that trick, or have had tons of practice. I need some more people who will play Halo 3 on my friends list. I really need to practice my sniping. Anyways, your video is excellent. Nothing less than expected. Good job on the video.
Great montage, one of the best I have ever seen. It was very enjoyable to watch because of the wonderful editing. Truly a great montage.
fantastic video, and coool song, loved it even though my computer was lagging. very good editingskills by the way. cant wait to see others
Thanks for the comments guys. Much better than the ones i got on H3F.. and Youtube.. I uploaded it to Vimeo and added a link, it is much higher quality than the other two. I'll see if i can embed Vimeo.
Its great to finally see this finished after so much work went into it grats Matty it turned out great.
That stick on me was luck.Half the sticks were luck.The rest sorta got me cuz u sorta new it was gonna happen. I hate you,that stick was so lucky.I hate you. Still... that was a really good montage.My favorite part was the overkill.You like guessed they were there.
Perfect. I love it. The music the clips the editing everything. Also how are you so good at editing? What program do you use? Also Like Juggernaut said: Could ya answer that? Anyways Awesome Video Mate.
It is my second go at editing. I used Sony Vegas Pro. I read into alot of tutorials, and took some good advice from montage makers. I guess the aim of the game is to keep everything simple. Nice easy transitions always look better than over-complex effects. Theres no trick that i know of, but there are always ways to improve your chances, although too many to go into detail with. I play competative customs and MLG almost 24/7 now. If you want to be part of it and are prepared to play competative, send me an FR. If i have no free space send me a PM and i will make some.
so basically its you owning roche and Alby ova and ova again....nice! glad i could record those clips for you man it came out great
Youtube mate. Plenty on there. Uhh i wouldn't say that. Check MLGpro out or download some montages from H3F. They will put mine to shame, but i try Thanks for helping with the recording. You were the first to help, and without you i doubt i would have the motivation to actually get started with this all that time ago. Me and Roche play alot together, but i wouldn't really call it playing.. more like.. arguing.. complaiing.. on my part anyway. But we get the job done.
good 'tage matty. real solid editing. the rocket shot at the end across narrows was epic, among others
That was so nice; I just had to watch it twice. Seriously, I watched it twice. Although the second time was more so to hear the song again. Excellent choice in music. Clips were all quite spectacular, I dont think I'll ever want to play snipers with you. Editing was phenominal, perfect timing and all out of 1st person shots were at the right angle. It didnt get repetitious, it remained fresh throughout. I really enjoy watching this, well done sir. You've made a sensational montage.