Thread exists, but since it hasn't been posted in 4 weeks, idk. Guess it's up to the mods to decide... Since I didn't post in that thread...I guess my favorite would have to be... The Companion Cube. Better than tons of characters out there.
The MC of course besides him i like Darth Revan from KotOR I as well as Slash from GH:3 lol and Mario.
Spoiler I cried when you had to euthanize the cube My personal favorite would have to be Saren from Mass Effect, he was a sketchy bad guy, a Darth Vader esque, who still has good in him. I loved his character development.
Master Chief for sure. His complexity in his actions make him a very authoritative yet subtle. I seriously got emotional when the "Beleive" campaigns came on the tele. I mean, Master Cheif.Dead? Impossible! Thats basically all I thought about.
My main one would definately have to be MC.6 years kinda sticks with you. My second one would have to be the companion cube.Portal was a great game and I don't even have it or played it!I'm getting it tomorow though lol. And my third would probably be Gordan Freeman.Half Life is a great series.
Crap, I was hoping this thread would die. Instead it's succeeding. Is there something wrong with that? Does this change your mind?
Auron from FFX was badass As is Riku from Kingdom Hearts (awesome series, kiddish, but great stuff) and the guildmaster from Fable (he had a shady past, but still..he was cool)
Heeeeey nice to know I'm not the only one who really enjoyed the kingdom hearts series. My favorite character though has gotta be Brucie from GTA: IV.
no order Sephoroth-pure evil badassness Gordan Freemen-for putting up with all the **** espcially alyx and ill get back on this tommarow