Dumbest thread evar!!!!!! 1st: In your statement sentence you said "whats wrong with these guys?" Incredibly stupid. You ****ing gave them your password. 2nd: If your account is level 50, what's so good? Pride? Hell no. All you'll do is get matched up with pros in matchmaking and level down. 3rd: Get your ass outside!
It's your own fault your account got hacked, and you probably won't get it back either. If you every see him again, report him with the Code of Conduct thingy.
Also, what did you tell them, "This guy was boosting my account! And he won't give it back!" OK ill stop.
I explained it FULL story. All the details. Yes i know its my stupidest mistake ever but why do you keep insulting? Ive already experienced too much pain already.
Well, sorry to sound mean but it's hard not to. It's blatantly obvious that they're fake. I sent your profile a message asking if he'd stolen your account and he responded saying that he did that and that you were an idiot. In fact he didnt steal your profile, you gave it to him. He seems to be proud that he managed to trick you. As I've said previously, it sucks that this happened but you have only yourself to blame.
Wow illegal... didnt know it was that bad. Also no offence but it was a stupid idea to give your password away to a random person.
Its a bit stuped giveing your account to him lol if you want a 50 you should just buy oneim selling a level 46 lol for a 1 month if any ones intrested
Ya I know. But its was like another version of me when I saw the vid. I was really pissed and mad at myself for that. Hopefully, microsoft will give my account back when I call them on Wednesday (my time)(tuesday on america).
Hey, kids! I have a great offer! If you give me your bank account number, I can get you a million dollars for free! Would you believe that ****? Then why would you believe any other **** that people would tell you? I mean, why would you complain to ****ing Microsoft for this? It's like complaining to your landlord that someone broke into your house after you gave them your key. Honestly, the lack of basic security principles that the average person seems to have is nearly justifies all of the scams on the internet, like Nigerian bank accounts and such. Oh, and one more thing. If you give me your Forge Hub password, I can get you Loyal. (And don't actually give me your password)
God, dont you read the other replies that I posted? I said that it wasnt the normal me. Its complicated but Ill just put it this way, I have bad connection for about 4 months of the 6 months I had Xbox Live and you do not know how that feels so please....
We all know what lag is like. I am Australian, playing the majority of my games with Americans, I know what lag is.
Yeah?... That's Lag... Like us Australians get every single day. That's norm for me. Seriously. Untill I play customs with other Aussies, then I Lag is the norm.
Hawaii actually has a similar crappy lag, unless you're playing custom games with others. Dunno why. /shrug
So you gave your account to someone because you had lag? I think you're trying to make this out to be a lot worse than it is.