Post Comments to let me know what you think. Thank you. This is my 3rd map and by far my best. this map incorporates parts of arena style maps and room based maps. i feel that this map is a collision of these map half of the map is just like a typical 2 base map with a high tower in the middle of 2 bases, but the other half of the map is a courtyard with a power-up in the middle and a walk-way along the outside. i have been forging all day every day for about a week. if i had to guess the amount of time put into the map i would say at least 50 hours. weapons: br 4 10sec carb 4 90 sec mauler 1 120sec 4 frag 30sec 4 plasma 30sec Custom power-up 1 120sec pictures: main bridges high tower A-base top mid courtyard B fence ramp inside B-base high tower looking down at floor IMHO pictures don't do this map justice, it really needs to be played on for you to grasp the concept and enjoy all the gameplay elements this map has to offer. Download Goliath v3
the interlocking is great, though there might be grenading problems, cause of the lack of geo-merging and there could be a tiny bit more cover, for the rest everything is incredibly good.
wow the curve and flow of this map is nice.. nice job... the geo merging is nice and the interlocking is nice... nice job with this layout is epic.. playability is very well made... this basically is AmAzInG.. keep on forging more of these to come i hope... nice work with simple foundry to THIS
This map is awesome. I really like the middle part and I also like competitive maps such as this cuz its a good map for practicing my BR. I aslo liked that you put MLG settings to this map because ya I like MLG settings except for no radar. Great job and keep forgin!
I remember playing on one of your other maps a couple weeks ago that looked like Warlock, and we were all trying to do slide jumps to get to top-mid and you were getting pissed at everyone, lol. This looks just as good, one of the better MLG maps that anyones posted here due plainly to the fact it's not a ripoff of Onslaught. I'll DL and hopefully post back later.
It has the same layout and weapon set up as MLG maps, i think this should go in MLG maps but as for the map itself the high tower isnt well....high try raising it, i love the interlocking and the bases are great but there in a corner try puting it in the middle og the sides.