I wonder how tecks obtains pics like that... loolololololo That sig is 500x260, and the allowed limit is 500x200. GET EET RITE NUB! jk, the sig is okay, a little bit too bland, and way to dark. Did you make that? I'm guessing you didn't.
Looks good, but a little boring. Why, is it too good for your belief? Great, it's one of the Spartan things all over. No one believes you, and no matter what you do to prove it they deny it. I'm not even going to bother proving myself right.
I don't know how well that fits with the Nod theme. The background just doesn't do it... I'm talking about the hexagons of course. Also, a better line would be "Peace through power." Also, I think the line is supposed to be "One vision, one purpose." The sig is good, but as it's Nod themed, it just doesn't go with Nod. I don't like it. When you use the head thing, you're genarally trying to portray two sides of a person. I doubt that Marcus is secretly a Locust. Unless you know spoilers of GoW2... On the head thing, use a better image for the Locust as I can't see Marcus's other eye but I can see the Locusts two eyes. Merge them into each other more.
Umm overall not bad... I how the renders are too different sizes and the middle is just kinda... um idk how to put it but it doesn't blend too well....Other than that its good... Great color selection!
My recent sig: I love castle crashers! Sorry if it stinks but I stink at smudging and backgrounds for sigs. And some times Text. Peace.
Seven, the effects and overall composition are great. But crop off the bottom and the left. It's way too big. As for my own, it's fairly bland and boring. So not much cnc needed because I wont do a v2. And here' s an avatar I made real quick.
Ur sig is rather plain and the head sticks out too much because it is oversharpened. It looks half cartoon, half part of a sig......odd....i don't really like it much personally. I don't even know what the avatar is supposed to be......so i'll just leave that one alone. CNC plox on my new sig.
The first glaring problem is the text. Those blocky letters are better for tech sigs. Next problem is the border. Way too big. 1 pixel is all you need all around unless you want to do something fancy. Which isn't done on yours. Onto the actual sig. It's not bad but I think you overdid it a bit with the C4Ds on the left. Other then those, good job! This one is much better. Color is always better then no color except in very few situations. Nothing much to say but the background needs something more. An easy way to make good backgrounds is to copy your render, place it everywhere on the sig, soflight each render and then go into Filter>Distort>Ripple, Wave, or Zig Zag. There are more of course. The border and the overall sig need to be smaller. Most of the left side just detract from the actual focus so get rid of half of the left side
Even though your sigs are weird, sometimes, it always suprises me how you can get the bg to look perfect. The bottom text is bad, the color doesn't really go along, and not to easy/pleasant to read. The background is okay, a little bit too bland. Damn, those things on the side, whatever they are, look really nice. How did you get them in there? Is it an effect, or one of those c4ds, or is it just part of the picture? I remember that guy in the avatar from somewhere...can you refresh my memory? The sig is pretty cool. Loving the font. Background pretty neat.