Okay, I bought my 16GB iPod Touch today, after like a day of use, I went to bathe. And when I came back to it, it had a full white screen. So I fiddled with it, and it worked again! So I'm asking you guys if this is a one time problem, or my iPod is simply broken?
Well it's working now, so I don't understand the problem. Also it's an iPod, they have a nice history of having tantrums every now and then. Yet another thing, it's obviously some kind of malfunction that is not supposed to happen, so how would anyone be able to predict if it will happen again. It wasn't suppose to happen in the first place and it's not suppose to happen again. That's the best kind of answer you can get really. I have had my 16GB iPod touch for quite some time now and my Touch has never done anything wrong without my intervention. Jailbreaking and messing with the firmware doesn't count as the iPod ****ing up if I did it to it. It's frozen a couple times when I've tried to do fancy things to it but if you do a simple Jailbreak and you don't try messing with it too much then it should be fine. To be honest, I don't get why you posted this, here especially, in the first place... Good luck.
I'm not sure if you're serious, but Bathe (v) - to immerse (all or part of the body) in water or some other liquid, for cleansing, refreshment, etc.; to wet, wash. Anyways, my Nano does something similar every so often, where it just white screens. My music still plays, and it goes back to normal after I turn it off then back on though.
This just happened to my new nano but all you have to do is let the battery die and it will be better in a night. I guess waiting is the only way.
Not often to me. If it does, hold the home and power buttons for about 20 seconds, and when the apple icon comes on, release. If it continues to screw up you can do it again but hold it for 30-40 seconds I believe it is. Then you'll have to restore from your computer, but at least your iPod isnt ruined...