Map Sneak Peak

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Mr Pokephile, Sep 17, 2008.

  1. Mr Pokephile

    Mr Pokephile Forge Labs
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    First of all, I'm not advertising, i have been using this thread for various things and I have been editing it frequently. Its a discussion as-well. I have a link to it in my signature. I also would prefer to to make it a blog. I understand what you guys are getting at, but this is different. If you prefer I can lock, although there is no sense in it. Or I can move this to the tester section or what-ever.
  2. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    Well, the largest issue in my opinion, is that you, being a highly respected member, set an example for others, who will in turn, start making their own map sneak peak threads. Someone recently already has. However, you are a known forger, people want sneak peaks at your maps, but for the average joe, no one really cares. So as soon as they provide a sneak peak, chances are they will be flamed, or insulted, because people have no idea who they are, and really don't care about their map.
    But do whatever you want with this map, but I personally just wanted to prevent the above from happening.

    Edit: @ Below, that is fine however, because it is in the Map Testing section, where you wanted to get your map tested the proper way.
  3. Debo37

    Debo37 Ancient
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    Blood, dun wory. I did a very similar thing for Interrobang in the Map Testing section back in the day. ;)
  4. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    So I remember, but you were kinda asking for advice weren't you? Being it one of the first maps built in that area of blackout, plus before you were premi.

    I wasn't trying to insult you blood, but sweeny said what I meant to. You are an example to follow, as many people respect you. Thus, causing others to want to make "sneak peak" threads in hopes of their maps getting noticed. The difference is, you don't need the's already going to be good and it's going to get downloaded. Others don't always see this though..they see it as a route to premium and gettin their maps noticed.

    Move it to testing if you'd like, or you could just make a thread there when you are ready to test. There is kinda a guideline there that makes it easier for testers to notice and sign up.
  5. A SouthPark Kid

    A SouthPark Kid Ancient
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    I tested this out and it was so much fun! The gamplay, and aesthetics were the best. I really liked how it played out. Some of the geo merging is incredible. Overall very fun map, i look foward to dowload the final version.
  6. Nobody Worthy

    Nobody Worthy Ancient
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    Helping test this was pretty sweet. I'm sure you'll work out those little things that should be fixed. ;)

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