Hi its me again this time im going to show you a Cops and Robbers map i built called the isle of wight. ok just to let you know the isle of wight is a little isleand at the bottom of england im doing it so more people know about it ok in the map you will find a police station, gunshop, super market, car park, Gang House and a pub, in the map tou will start in the town and if you see a door then walk into it and it will take you to a shop i.e the gun shop. when you walk into it you get teleported in to the shop and if you want to leav the shop then walk straight back into the door. If you are a cop the jail is just in frount of you where you spawn just break the pallet and tell the robber to get to go in there they wont beable to get out unless some one breaks them out. Remember to just play fair You only have one life so dont die just listen to what the cop has to say ! take a look at the screen shots i took The Town Gun shop Inside the gunshop Ganghide out (Located back of the carpark) The Pub Inside The Pub Super Market How To Get On The Roof DOWNLOAD Isle Of Wight DOWNLOAD Cops & Robbers
i really like the rooms for the buildings, it definitely helps save room... but couldnt a robber just stand on the receiver node and not let the cop in???
well you cant just say that... couldnt you put like 2 receivers in every room??? atleast to make it harder??? many people dont like games that rely on honor rules... you know?
i really like how you used the teleport doors to make the buildings thats awesome, nice job! 5/5 on creativity!
Yes, the tele-doors are creative, but.....how do you make them? I am kind of a noobzie when it comes to things like this. I mean, I can interlock, geomerge, advanced float and that kind of stuff, but how do you make tele doors? Oh, also inside the pub, putting the propane tanks inside the cubbie-hole things was smart, except that if they are shot a couple of times, they EXPLODE!
Yeah. But, it would be bad if someone shot them... Also, how do you make the teleporting doors of awesomeness.
Hey, how scary... I live on the Isle Of Wight. You can guess how shocked i was when i saw it, lol. I'm called Nic.D incase you know me... or the pink ukulele boy, Do you live on the isle of wight too? Anyway the isle of wight is quiet well known anyway, Dinsy
Sweet, love the map too anyway... 4/5 but the mass use of teleporting doors does really put a sign up asking to be assassinated... but got my download
no you carnt get assinated because you would be blocking the teleporter but as i have already said to loads of peolpe as long as you dont play with people that will mess up the game then the game is fun as it can get
That door idea of yours was clever, atleast the way you used it accaully has a city feel to it, but i think you should make the building taller, and also add like a back alley you know like in a dark alley after midnight.