
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by JJ3672, Sep 27, 2008.


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  1. JJ3672

    JJ3672 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    By: JJ3672

    'Innovation and asymmetry together equal gaming paradise. Set up for ALL gametypes and 3-10 players. By JJ3672.'



    Much thanks to sdrakulich for the above Youtube vid.

    The Youtube vid only seems to embed in normal quality, so follow this LINK if you want to view in high quality.

    EDIT (10/8): Download links updated & Youtube issues fixed.

    Video Walkthrough Link (courtesy of Gamevee)

    Mini Caption Contest is back! Post your funniest caption for the last action shot for a chance at victory. Winner gets + rep and their quote inserted into this post. If yours is better than the current victor's, you become the new winner.

    Brief Disclaimer

    If you like Z3novation and didn't see my previous two maps, Enigma and Azure Warpath, now might be a good time to check 'em out.

    Z3novation is the third and final incarnation of the Zeta series, following System Zeta 1 and System Zeta 2 respectively (no links to old versions). Just FYI, pronunciation is zee-no-va-shun or simply zee-three, and I'll be referring to the map as Z3 throughout the post.

    Anyway, Z3 is a medium-ish sized competitive asymmetrical map that features a great deal of tunnels and outlandish structures. I like to call myself an innovator, so you'll probably see some parts of this map that don't resemble anything ever forged before (unless it was by myself in the previous versions).

    True to the bungie.net description, it does work for all gametypes, but TS, Assault, One Flag CTF (lower flag return time), and FFA King play better than most other games. I'll consider the map tentatively inescapable, and any possible way of breaking the map won't be practical in a competitive environment.

    Now on to the pics. Don't yell at me for not having whole map overviews or fancy little weapon design drawings, the walkthough video will quickly clear up any confusion...

    Overview n' Description


    Defenders' starting spawn area. An OS spawns in the small tunnel shown after 3 minutes. The mongoose is great for rushing sniper in TS and for grabbing flag/planting bomb in CTF/Assault. The Defenders' flag spawns near the geo-merged mongoose ramp.


    The Defenders' "base", so titled as it is the most protected area on this side of the map. Defenders' flag return and bomb plant are here, so this tall structure will witness a lot of intense action.


    Center of the map (turret side). Defenders' bomb spawn is on the fence wall platform at lower left, and neutral bomb spawns inside the Turret tunnel (along with a Power Drain).


    Inside the Defenders' base. Beam Rifle spawns in the V-shaped interlocked staircases (in the background).


    Center of the map (sniper side), with the Attackers' side shown in the background. The pallets can be destroyed to gain access to the main tunnel entrance. Powerups way on top of the map are aesthetic only and cannot be accessed.


    Another pic of the center of the map, looking from sniper side through the Brute Shot alcove to the turret side. The fence wall dome below the Brute Shot houses the end of the main tunnel.


    An inverse of the last pic. Looking from center of the map on turret side through the Brute Shot alcove to sniper side.


    Looking from Attackers' side to center of the map (turret side). Attackers' bomb spawn is on the fence wall platform at right and the main tunnel exit is at far left (mostly off-screen).


    A view of the Attackers' base and surrounding area. The base contains the Attackers' flag return and bomb plant, so it is an important area to control.


    Looking from the Attackers' base to the Attackers' spawn area. Geo-merged mongoose ramp mirrors the ramp on the Defenders' side, and the Attackers' flag spawns near it.


    One side of the geo-merged crouch tunnel on the Attackers' side. The tunnel is a great place to sneak around and steal the OS as it spawns (in front of the pictured pallet, but only after 3 minutes).


    Main tunnel entrance. Openings on left and right are blocked off by pallets to begin the game. Try throwing the Trip Mine (spawns where this picture was taken from) into the drop-down entrance to kill anyone camping the shield door below.


    Looking from the far end of the main tunnel up towards the main tunnel drop-down entrance. The Splazer spawns inside the fence wall dome that makes up the far end of the main tunnel.


    Looking from the start of the main tunnel (by mancannon) through the far end and out. The pallet in the background is the other side of the Attackers' crouch tunnel. Camping the shield door that marks the main tunnel exit is also leaving oneself exposed to any grenades, mines, or spartans that may drop down from above.



    1 Splazer, r=120
    1 Beam Rifle, r=120
    1 Brute Shot, r=90, c=2
    2 Maulers, r=60, c=1
    6 BR's, r=20, c=2
    2 Carbines, r=30, c=2
    2 SMG's, r=30, c=2
    1 Plasma Pistol, r=30


    1 Power Drain, r=60
    1 Regenerator, r=90
    1 Flare, r=90
    1 Trip Mine, r=30


    6 Frags, r=20
    6 Plasmas, r=20
    2 Firebombs, r=30


    2 Overshields, r=180


    2 Mongeese, r=10

    Action Shots


    Ignore the two guys fighting above, my carcass is the highlight of this picture (damn trip mines)...


    Maybe it would be easier if we just swapped flags and avoided all this conflict...


    Hey, look what I found!


    Me attempting to portray that I have some sort of skill with the sniper, when the truth is quite the opposite...


    Posted by jakemadkronsomker - "Just a bit more duct tape and he'll never notice."


    Thanks for reading, and don't forget to check out Azure Warpath (150 DL's) and Enigma (250 DL's) if you haven't already seen them.
    #1 JJ3672, Sep 27, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2008
  2. drak

    drak Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I thought i'd help you out to make your Original Post even better, so just embed that into your post instead of that gamevee video!!!

    Love your map BTW!!!
    JJ3672 likes this.
  3. minato

    minato Ancient
    Senior Member

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    An awesome map. No real comments on how to make it better. Now for the caption:
    Holy crap! Your frikin hand is cut off at the arm!
    No, I just have the ability to transfigumate my body peices, and I made my arm into a teleported and you appeared here...
  4. crazyzebu

    crazyzebu Ancient
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    i love all your maps! This is no exception, you were very creative and used advanced forging techniques to give your map a neat and interesting layout. I am very impressed by your geomerging and interlocking as well as the curved wall (great aesthetics!) Your choice of weapons also matches this maps style and should provide enjoyable gameplay! I really like this map and I hope you continue forging.
  5. Reflection

    Reflection Ancient
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    Dude, the interloxx are epic. The map's layout in general looks amazing. Enigma inspired me to do a back-of-Foundry map, I thank you for that. It really was amazing. But one question - are the fence walls interlocked? In one of the pictures, it looks like it's slightly above the thing it's next to. But still, amazing.

    "It's OK to come out of the closet..."
  6. TKOwnedU5

    TKOwnedU5 Ancient
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    I agree the interlocking is just amazing u did a great job on this map. I don't really like the pictures though but i can tell the map itself is great 5/5 from me, U got my download for sure.
  7. XED360X

    XED360X Ancient
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    I like it alot - great interlocking - good size - great skill - lots of items (wepons , vehcils ect.) and you have proved that you can make good maps but i think you double posted , i dont realy know but just watch out for this

  8. jakemadkronsomker

    Senior Member

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    ok map. it looks like it might be fun i'll give it a dl and re post.

    "just a bit more duct tape and he'll never notice."
    JJ3672 likes this.
  9. Skittle085

    Skittle085 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This looks very well made and creative, I'll definately download.
    For the caption:
    "Just buy a damn encyclopedia already!"
  10. Orphanslayer92

    Orphanslayer92 Ancient
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    Very interesting map. It has a unique layout and some pretty cool structures. The interlocking and merging is nicely done and there don't seem to be any open spots that are found on many maps. Really nice job with the map.
  11. Warfang

    Warfang Ancient
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    This is a whole new kind of foundry map. Most of these techniques and structures you used are unlike any other. Theres lots of interlocking and geomerging, which was done with mastery. You put a lot of thought into making this: aesthetically and practically, like the window panel you put on Foundry's ledge to prevent escape. You probably should have done the same on the other side, as one (skillful) flare jump is all it takes. For more information on this, click the spoiler.
    This notice is brought to you by the Forge Hub Map Breakers:
    The purpose of our group is to help make the communities maps better. We are here to break you maps, so you can improve the next version.

    This is an official notice telling you that your map is breakable. Before you panic, be aware that you can change the download link your post to an updated, non-breakable version.

    Broken by: Warfang866 (GT: Warfang326)
    Number of exits: 1
    Description of break: Flare jump on to Foundry's ledge (the ledge seems to be my specialty lately). Grenade jump may also be possible.
    Posibiltiy of escape during game: Low
    Film Location: Slot 4
    Final Score: 5/5
  12. Mace

    Mace Old Tyme
    Senior Member

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    i see a possible feature
    this map is as your other two maps are increadibly innovative
    the very design of the map, the way the mechanics all work together, it makes this look pristine
    the structures the tunnels, ah so beutiful
    the interlocks and geomerges are all perfectly aligned and well done
    congratz on this map, if people got paid for good halo 3 maps, you would be a rich *****
  13. JJ3672

    JJ3672 Ancient
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    First, a couple things:

    1. The current caption contest winner is jakemadk...., post your best captions to replace his quote with yours and earn some rep in the process.

    2. For everyone who posted on the now locked duplicate thread, I've read your posts and taken everything into consideration. That would be directed to Deathtoll and the other 5 or so people who posted there. Sorry for the confusion.

    Now, moving on...

    Once again, thanks for the help.

    Glad to give you inspiration. And the fence walls are interlocked (to make the dome-shape), it's just impossible to make them perfectly even because making a half-sphere out of non-curved objects is geometrically impossible.

    Well, that's why there's two different video links, right?

    I don't see anything wrong with the pics, but it's good to have a backup...

    I am aware that I accidently posted this twice. The problem has been dealt with, it was a human error on my part.

    You know, one of those *click* no not there--stop--****--dammit *clickclickclick* moments.

    Thanks for the comment, and you are now the current winner of the caption contest. Enjoy your rep and spot in the OP.

    Thanks for the in-depth review and breakability report. I appreciate your help, but I won't be updating the map for two reasons:

    1. the break in question is hard to pull off and not in an area where most people would look, so the odds of it happening in a game are slim to none

    2. going back to fix the map would require me fiddling with the budget glitch and trying to find an item that I haven't used to completion, i.e. it would be a massive pain in the ass

    Heh, should I sig that last quote? Currently debating...

    Thanks for the comments and support. Much appreciated guys, may you enjoy your DL's.
  14. xKingSasquatch7

    xKingSasquatch7 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The map looks great. The geomerging is good and interlocking is great or at least better than any1 elses maps ive seen
  15. Eggsish

    Eggsish Ancient
    Senior Member

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    It looks really cool! I'm downloading this.
  16. FullMetalJacket

    FullMetalJacket Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Interlocking is epic. Geo-merging looks sweet aswell. design isnt great. But awesome map 4/5
  17. JJ3672

    JJ3672 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Youtube vid is back up:


    The Youtube vid only seems to embed in normal quality, so follow this LINK if you want to view in high quality.

    Still looking for caption contest entries and constructive comments. If you have either or both, post 'em here.

    Thanks for the comments, perhaps go into a bit more detail next time than "nice interlocking". Obviously I can't complain about getting comments on my own map, but others who look at the thread might consider it spam.

    Maybe say what you specifically liked about the map or what might need improvement. Just some tips to keep you guys from getting yelled at/neg repped/infracted.

    Thanks, but what do you mean by "design isn't great". Do you mean that you think it's unbalanced, or that you personally don't care for the layout.

    Maybe after playing a game on it, you'll change your mind...
    #17 JJ3672, Oct 2, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2008
  18. Dobam

    Dobam Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Good map i really love the spartan laser spawn it seem very aswestics ! Good merge work good worked budies !

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