Download here gametype, either use this or set slayer to magnums with no starting grenades and no custom powerup traits You must have 5 or more players for this to work fluently Colour arena is a tournament style map, where people first fight for a place in the tournament, then using their chosen colour will fight for victory. Now this map is quite technical and isn't all just one place, so I'm going to show it picture by picture. Firstly, you will start in a small geomerged cage with a dumpster blocking your exit. If there are more than 5 people there will be someone else in there. Kill them! because this is only the 1st round and I'm not giving anyone good weapons yet beat down is the most successfull method to kill with. After 20 or so seconds the dumpster will start to glow blue (there is a mancannon behind a wall). When it does, walk into it and it will open. Behind it is a teleporter. Go through the teleporter and you will be in your next cage, this time with a selection of weapons and equipment of a certain colour. (blue red orange or green) This room happens to be blue. Most of the teleporters will lead to cages, however one will lead to the main arena where there are colourless weapons. These pictures are old so alot of messy things (like the sheild door) have been fixed. Around the room are peoples' cages, held closed by custom powerups. It is the person in the middle who chooses their fight. Warning, dumpsters will nearly always take away your sheilds and can occasionally splatter you. Standing to the side is advised. Now let the fight begin! This extra cage is for people joining late, they used to screw up the game but with this box they just sit there waiting to be killed. Here's the weapon selections Red Green Orange Blue, the grav lift has been taken out as it messed up the dumpster I had to take out all grenades and explosives because if someone got a kill from the grave everyone would be trapped and you would have to start a new game. download here gametype, either use this or set slayer to magnums with no starting grenades and no custom powerup traits Finally if anyone knows why the hell there is a huge gap at the bottom of this page please say so.
looks cool ill DL when i got some space. I like that you have a choise of who to fight and the weapons are placeed after that but dosn't the spartan laser guy always loose? And the sentilel beam guy probably always win. Also i like the thing you have done with the fence walls in the main area. 1st post BTW Also there is no gap at the bottom?
wowzer incredibly original, you have obviously done alot of testing since you added the box for ppl joining late of for laggers tht accidentlly respawn. although i dont understand how A death from the grave can mess up the game..
Wow great map you made. I like how you made everyone get a different set of guns. That will make everyone use strategy instead of running for the rocket launcher or sword... What happends when there is 5 players though? there is only 4 sets of weapons so whats gona happen? Thank you for making this awesome mapyou are truly a great and respectable forger.
I love this map idea. I love teh colars!!1! The only thing I'm worried about is that dumpster, but if I guess ur not an idiot you'll be fine.
sounds cool... the areana seem very well forged it is nice interlocking smooth the idea is win... but u have too have 5 ppl... also how often does something go wrong this is very neat nice idea tho i think the red is WAY to over powered compared to orange and blue but then again lots of ppl miss w/ a SPLZ and it is very easy to kill them do to long charge im sure uve tested... nice map i want to DL but i cantz sorrez... nice tho i rate 5/5 i want to see u make more maps PLOX
I just played it and red is the worst :/ Okay so after playing it here are my suggestions. one: put the grav lift behind a shield door; alot of idiots broke it, not knowing what to do. Two: make it so that you dont have to kill everyone in the beggining either by adding more colors or you could also make it so people spawn in the arena so the can kill each other with covr and weapons instead of meleeing... Thats all i an think of but after playing it i'd rate it a 4/5 if you could fix the problem with killing each other in the beggining we might have one of the best minigames ever on our hands.
Yeah, I could easily put the grav lift to instant respawn but 1. if your trying to get in it's easiest to break the grav lift, you dont want it spawning 2. when people go through the c powerup and nothing happens they think "wtf" and walk to another, when it spawns again it's always funny to sneak up on the person without them knowing they have released you. However I am going to try to act on the killing at start bit, although I can't really think of much atm and building those cages and making them work did take a while.
No no you got me wrong... I meant instead of two people spawning in the same room make a small arena with cover and weapons and when i mean small i mean super small... like the lower half of electric slide small...So that way instead of people spawning in a small room they get weapons to actually fight. But only do the arena on the one that takes you to the middle of the main arena.. For example there is 7 people in the game. one spawns in the small room with the dumpster that takes you to the red, another in the small room with the dumpster for orange, another in the small room with the dumpster for green, one spawns the small room with the dumpster for in blue and yet another spawns in the small room with the dumpster for green. so that 4 all together. The other 3 spawn in the small arena then pick up battle rifle and they last guy standing goes to the main arena. That way instead of killing each other by meleeing its more meaningful and fun so you don't feel as cheated by the death/wait...
This is most certainly a unique map. It is very original and adds a new flavor of arena style maps. I like the creative usage of timed events and switches combined with amazing interlocking. Overall I give it a 5/5.
I really like the whole idea of you choosing your fight. I might use that. Also the fence wall structure in the main arena looks perfect. 5/5
I certainly wouldn't agree with that lol >.< but then again I am a very big perfectionist at times, also I tried to make it unobvious in the pics that it's slightly off.
I really have to say that I love the map, its great when theres only a handful of friends online, it kills some time. The idea of the map was great, expanding on the idea of arena. However, it seems that Blue tends to win alot of the fights. They just camp and shoot for about 1 second then beatdown. Also, Orange will place throw a tripmine right infront of the cage's shield door.
this is a pretty well thought out desgin... excpet for teh fact that ... teh weapons were placed all together.. i usually dont liek those ideas... it might work on your map.. not sure tho.. oh and.. u must be Canadian... are u ? i am... i think u are cuz u spelled it like colour and not color just curious ( unless you just cant spell) still besides taht i really liek all teh interlocking.. adn the center piece with the fence walls.. i also liek taht dumpster trap thingy