Click trophy shot for download **VIDEO COMING SOON** Vid on hold..need to buy a cap card now lol.. DESCRIPTION Harmonexus is a completely symmetrical, 100% enclosed, doubles based map. It boasts great gameplay for Team Slayer, Team BR's, One Flag, One Bomb, Team Oddball, and Team VIP. They map is also set up for Team King and Territories. Originally, my idea was to recreate a few of the aspects of cold storages main room, with the two off height bridges jutting out into a more open, central room with passages going from these bridges, to smaller rooms, than to the central room. About the only thing kept from that idea was the bridges. Harmonexus became a Semicircular room with a large ledge two floors up which slopes on either side. Three hallway leave this room, an upper hallway leads to the sender nodes, which take you back to the central room. From here, stairs descend on either side towards the ends of the other two tunnels exiting the central room. From this landing, a larger set of stairs ascends to the spawning base, which is symmetrical to both sides of the map. The map can be described in two terms (call outs). There is the standard B/A based, but as well as there the sides can be called light/dark. Light coincides with the yellow on the A signs, and is much brighter do to the original map lighting of foundry. The B side/Red or Dark side is darker again to the original lighting of foundry. I thought this was pretty cool. MAP BACKGROUND "With the development of advance AI, manual labor refinery stations, such as this, became obsolete..." Harmonexus is a raw minerals refinery used by earths population in areas with high concentrations of raw materials. Harmonexus is specifically the storage and transfer division of the refinery. A base is the control room for materials that enter, traveling down the lower hallway on that side (this was once a conveyor belt), towards central. Central is the storage center for all the minerals harvested in other areas of the plant. B base is the control center for the materials that leave the refinery to complete the process of being refined. The upper hallway is the walkway for the plant workers. WEAPONS/ EQUIPMENT/ POWERUPS/ GRENADES 1xRocket Launcher/1 Extra Clip/180s Respawn Time (Symmetrical) 1xRocket Launcher/0 Extra Clips/180s Respawn Time (Asymmetrical) 1xMauler/1 Extra Clip/150s Respawn Time 1xCovenant Carbine/2 Extra Clips/30s Respawn Time 2xSMG/2 Extra Clips/30s Respawn Time (separated symmetrically, not placed with PR) 1xBrute Shot/1 Extra Clip/120s Respawn Time 2xPlasma Pistol/30s Respawn Time 2xPlasma Rifle/30s Respawn Time (separated symmetrically, not placed with SMG) 2xBR/2 Extra Clips/45s Respawn Time 2xBR/2 Extra Clips/60s Respawn Time 2xBR/2 Extra Clips/120s Respawn Time 2xDeployable Cover/120s Respawn Time 1xGrav Lift/30s Respawn Time 1xOvershield/150s Respawn Time 2xPlasma Grenade/10s Respawn Time 2xPlasma Grenade/45s Respawn Time 2xPlasma Grenade/60s Respawn Time MAP OVERVIEW DIAGRAM (created by Sweeny) *Central is more rounded than shown in the diagram First Floor: Second Floor: MAP OVERVIEW SCREENSHOTS This is one view of the main room, named Central: View 2 of Central: Gazing up from Lower Central: Base B (Dark Side) Main View: Inside Base B (Dark Side): Base A (Light Side) View 1: Base A (Light Side) Lower View 2: Base A (Light Side) Inside: Lower Hall Towards Overshield: Mauler, Stairs, Entrance to Lower Hall: Upper Hall, Sender Node: ACTION SHOTS Sweeny is an Overshield *****: Someone got Blown Up: The ball is mine! TACTICS (SCREENSHOTS) BR Vantage Point on Mauler: Picking up your spawn BR, than quickly jumping onto this ledge allows a view of the mauler rusher without yet acknowledging them of your presence. The BR wielder usually will kill the Mauler rush, resulting in power weapon control. Quick Jump from Bottom Central to Top Central: Originally a misinterlock, which turned into a great jump. Slightly larger and easier than a ghost jump, with first jumping onto the crate, and than off of this small ledge allows for quick access to the rocket ledge. Grav Lift: The Grav Lift has a few purposes, one being the ability to take you from bottom Central to Rocket Ledge, as well as from Mid Central to Rocket ledge. Grav Lift Blockage: The Grav Lift can be used to block off a stairwell for an oncoming enemy, as well as often resulting them to be stuck against the ceiling, making them an easy target. Deployable Cover Tunnel Blocks: If an enemy is quickly approaching you down the hallway, and your low on shield, drop a Deployable Cover to completely block the hallway and slow down your enemy. As well, you are able to shoot throw the concave side of the cover, allowing for you to quickly turn the tables in these tight corridors. REVIEW SECTION Spoiler CREATORS NOTES This map may not boast the best aesthetics, it may not be the most innovative creation ever, but this map plays well. After hours and hours of gameplay, I've come to love playing this map with tactical advantages as I do with Bungies own maps. Playing this map only once will not be enough for you to share in the sweet beauty and tactics that flow so well through gameplay. Try out the suggested tactics, and see if they give you a boost above your friends. Thanks for downloading, hope you guys enjoy! THANK YOU SECTION Lastly, I want to give credit to those who helped Harmonexus evolve into a map which plays so well that I honestly enjoy playing on it (seriously I'm very critical of everything). First and foremost: xX5w33ny70ddXx (Sweeny) - Massive changes to the weapon layout, a much more balanced and competitive layout as a result. Removal of Camo, move of OS, structural suggestions and overall amazing support in helping get this map posted. As well as rigorous hours of testing and tweaking. Secondly: Cosmic Rick - I was extremely glad to have Rick sign up for my testing session, and instead actually come in and give me some one on one help. He told me he liked it overall, thought it had a unique and decent layout and liked my mancannon torches (those have been a favorite). He suggested that I raise the roof (lol) in the central room, widen the ledge and patch the bump. A couple other tiny bump fixes, all of which improved the map tenfold. Thirdly: TurboGerbil (Nik) - Was very critical at first, threw down a lot of the aforementioned suggestions as well, but overall loved the gameplay and helped me achieve the level of competitive gameplay I was looking for. Also many tests were done by Turbo. Fourthly: Vorpal Saint - Vorpal helped me run a few tests, and gave me some good feedback on my gameplay, as he is both a skilled competitive player and a great forger. Finally: The Forgehub Testers Guild - A great many members of the TG put in quite a few hours on my map. I've run so many tests I can't count them all, and I've had the opinions of many, many different members such as Waylander ,InferiorPigeon, Ch33s3yboy, Megathumbs, Teerav, as well as the aforementioned Testers (sweeny, turbo, vorpal, cosmic). DOWNLOAD HARMONEXUS
woah, this map is so well made, i can surely see that you know what your doing, interlocking is so smooth i see geomerging in areas. no power weapons, very nice job! 5/5!
Woah nice map. It looks like you spent a lot of time on it because the design is nice. Also, the interlocking is very good. This looks like a good map for 2v2 games and I like 2v2 maps. Good job!
1st page ftw! Anyway, I will update this post tomorrow with a full review, because this map is so amazing. But for now I will say, I had no idea a small, completely enclosed map, with great gameplay, and amazing tactics, could all exist in one.
hey chris i was just playing on this with sweeny and the gameplay is awesome, the asthetics awesome and it is a really cool close quarters map. there was no real flaw in this map from what i could see. congrats on first post chris.
ohai, Let's Kick This Pig!!! ZOMG I WUV THIS MAP I played the early version of this map when it was still being tested by the guild, and right from the get-go, it was aesthetically easy on the eyes, and it was tons of fun to play on. Then I played the updated version a while later, when I say "easy on the eyes" I am implying that this is a beautiful map, unique features I have never seen on a map, like the aforementioned "Torches", and other things around the map that you catch yourself looking at. Playing this map I feel very comfortable, it has a very simplistic yet complex layout and having that in a map is just awesome. The weapon layout is perfect, no overpowering, your not gonna run out of ammo but your not gonna have huge amounts of ammo at your disposal. It plays well on every game type it was made for, my personal favorites are (Team) Slayer and Assault, and I hate both of those gametypes, honestly deeply dispise them, but this map executes them perfectly, and makes them fun. Perfect utilization of all forge tequniques are used here, interlocking, geomerging, etc. Overview: Aesthetics: 9/10 Gameplay: 10/10 Weapon Placement: 10/10 Spawning: 9/10 Badassness: 11/10 Cheeseyness: /10 Overall: 10/10 I would bet monehz that this map will get featured, chrst high five o/ btw i love you dl this map and get magic cookies k thx bai D
this looks very nice... i like the grav lift weapon holder part thats pretty sweet... weapons seem powerful but with the little ammo and the tight nRROW hallways it should be okay... i noticed no frags placed on map... i would see into that they seem like they could give gameplay a real kick to the new potential of unseen enemies... nice map tho i wish i could try i will come back for this when i get my DL 5/5 nice work
Fence walls in boxes with nothing on the other side!!! Say it isn't so!!! Lol. Anyway, this is a great map mate, wish I had been able to get a proper game on it instead of me and you just mucking about. Very well thought out and definitely does not have that 'just another foundry map' feel to it. BTW, there is a pool in the ceiling folks. Have fun trying to find it lol.
whoa whoa! nice works guys, very nice, anyone who was involved in making this map gets my praise sif thats a big thing though lol. anyways 5/5 for sure and downloading wen i make space
can it be, an enclosed map with great gameplay AND aesthetics??? if it cant you pulled it off anyway the only thing i would add to the map is maybe a weapon list or somthing but from what the pics say and the descriptions say i can get a pretty good idea of how the weapons are layed out 5/5
Nice map it makes me think of c0ld storage because of the bridges but other than that it's very orginal, looks fun for ballboxer, but in thst middle area try putting in some cover.
Thanks sweeny, awaitng your review Glad you liked it sharp, I'm going to have to play it with you Lol Cheese awesome review, I'll add that to the upcoming review section Did you lose fileshare? The weapons are pretty balanced actually once you get used to the map. The torches are mancannons actually, but thanks for your praise We will way, we will. And im sorry! but I didn't wanna stick pointless rockets in the stairs lol! And pool, nice.. Everyones praise is appreciated. Thank you. There is actually a weapon list lol. And thank you Yep, it originally started out to be like cold storage, but I got a bit innovative. Thanks for all the comments guys!
y so spam alright message to all this post^^^^^ is spam and i would like you all to refrain from doing this. please explain what you like about the map. thank you. a map of this calibur deserves a spam free thread!
Thanks sharp. I don't wanna go reporting and being an asshole, but please guys, download and take a run through. Tell me what you like/dislike. Criticism, positive or negative is appreciated greatly. The pictures give some ideas, but seriously it's hard to take pictures of an enclosed map. This map feels very different from the atypical open styled foundry map.
Wow. This has got to be one of the first 100% enclosed maps I have ever seen, that is actually big enough for good, enjoyable gameplay. Every object that was placed was placed wisely and with great precision, except for the two receiver nodes, which were placed sloppily. That is my only complaint that I have on this remarkable map. Other than that, it appears to be completely symmetrical, and the weapon placement is all very good. I could not imagine any spawn killing on this map, thanks to the ingenious layout of this map. Congraulations, you have a feature worthy map here. 5/5 *Certified unbreakable by the FH Breakers Guild*
I'm glad you posted this finally. Lawlz, ok I'll write up a sloppy-review... it'skind of smaller and less organized one than my normal ones, but still pretty lengthy. I just have somewhat of a headache and I'm not up to doing a normal-review. (sorry) I think the best thing about this map is the aesthetics and gameplay. Both of them are very awesome. Aesthetically wise this map is awesome because you've got man-cannon tourchs, and various cover that are "blue". It's a setting them and is very harmonious. The gameplay is very balanced for 2v2s. That's basically all I played on this map with various games. I really liked playing slayer and oddball here, which is odd because I normally hate oddball. The other games we played also went smooth and nothing really bad happen. The layout is pretty square, (and it kind of looks like a you know what... 8=>lol) But it's pretty decent. It's a very nice symmetrical small map that has various ninja-jumps that I love. The two bases are suited with well placed cover and the long hall ways are good for some medium ranged battles. The use of teleporters to get from one side to the other is used good too. The spawns are very good because there is no real spawn camping, and for a small map that is awesome. The weapons are very balanced. The rockets are nice touch and amp. game play while the overshield acts a good counter-balance to it. I like how you have deployable cover in this map. It acts as a nice equipment one can use. This map is 100% original and 100% awesome. There's no way to break it and is sure to get featured. For an overall rating I give you with a 66/70. (I'll be getting on later and testing this with Sweeny, Insane, and Nightfire or another sen. or higher member -which afterwords I'll come up with a longer review, maybe)
Alright, it's about time I posted a review for this map. INTRODUCTION Before I get the nitty gritty review, I have to first say my thoughts ever since you first showed me this map. When you invited me to check out your map, I hardly knew you at the time, but I had no idea you forged. So, I was taken away when the black screen was done, and I got to walk around in it. Since then, I have been there every step of the way, watching this map get better and better, and the end result is fantastic. Thanks for letting me apart of that experience. Now let's get to it. LAYOUT - 10/10 Okay, lets begin with the heart of any map, because without good layout, there is no such thing as good weapon placement, spawns, or gameplay. Harmon's layout exceeds other enclosed maps for several reasons. Firstly, this map is COMPLETELY enclosed, with a complete ceiling. That alone takes many materials to create, and can impact the size of a map, but this is where your layout suceeds as well. It doesn't feel small at all, at least, for 2v2. There are 3 main rooms, and 3 main hallways, sectioning this map off, giving you the feeling that everytime you walk somewhere you can't help but thing "Oh, this place is new, didn't see that before" during the first couple times playing on it. In the end, I see nothing wrong with the layout at all, even witht the commonly complained about teleporters, because those just enhanced gameplay in ways you have to play this map over and over again to understand. Aesthetics - 8/10 If there was one thing I didn't like, it would be in this area. No, your torches are amazingly innuvative, and the main room with the fencewalls displaying reciever nodes and custome power ups was great too. Those were great aesthetic touches that made this map feel more like an actual Bungie map. No, I will only say the following because that is Forge Hub, and might as well say it before some unintelligiable noob does. Interlocking isn't perfct. There, I said it, who cares? Lets move on. Weapon Placement/Spawns - 9/10 I decided I will merge these two together, since there isn't much to talk about for either. First off, weapons. At the beginning, there were issues, but you worked them out wonderfully. The Rockets are very, very powerful on this map, and being there when they spawn is key, so you can use them to their full potential. The Mauler, allows you to infiltrate the main room. The battleriffles are aplenty, and the carbine is a nice add. But the equipment is what there is to talk about, and I won't say much since I will intercede upon gameplay, but they work better than you would originally think. The only point you loose is spawns, cause there is occasionally spawning issues in the main room during Team Slayer, but only rarely. Gameplay - 10/10 To truly cover this topic thoroughly, I will need to section it off in parts. Team Doubles Slayer - This is a great, balanced map for any form of doubles play, and slayer is straight out fun. One team may get off with a fair lead, with help from the rocket, but the other team can just as easily catch up and pull off a victory. The back and forth fight over the lead really makes gameplay intense, and as both teams draw nearer to 25, tensions grow, and you are grounding your teeth, loosing the game by only 1 kill. 1 Flag CTF - At first you thout that one flag wouldn't be all that great, as did I since this is a symmetrical map, where the two bases are on the left and right. But it works. This map quickly turns into an assymetric feeling map as soon as you play this gametype on it, and it is hard. Teamwork is a must, without it, you cannot hope to win. Let your guard down once in the main room while watching the flag, and you might as well give the other team a free point. While, at the same time, if you are facing a well organized defending team, perfect execution of tactics is needed to knock the rocketeer off his perch, and take that flag home. These two gametypes are by far the best to play on this map, and really are what makes this map amazing. Equipment - Now, again, I will save some of this for tactics, but the use of equipment is amazing. At first thought, I couldn't help but think, why is their a grav lift, but you and I both discovered during gameplay, it was far more effective than even you at first intended. Mainly, the main room no longer felt so tall. And the deployable covers were great. I was iffy about having 2 of them, on a map like this, even having 1, but I again was caught by surprise. They were more than cover, but flowing shifters. Tactics- Time for bullets Teamwork is essential, and using 2 pairs of eyes to cover the map is essential. Many ledges enhance the effectiveness of the BR in this map. I am not talking about the actual bridges in the main room, but many of the smaller, easily overlooked footholds. The grav lift is a great way to catch defenders in the main room off guard. The rockets on the top bridge are easilly acessible from the bottom floor, and that area being harder to detect intrusion while defending, you can use the lift to quickly spring an attack. The deployable covers sectioned off the narrow hallways of this map, changing the flow. As you are getting assualt rifled down on of the bottom hallways, throw down the deployable cover. Not only are you safe from you attackers bullets, but now they must find a way around the newly blocked off tunnel, forcing action into the parrallel hallway. Did I mention teamwork? If so, I must have not stressed it. Taking over the main room as a team is only half the fun, for defending it provides, sometimes, an even greater challange. OVERALL - 37/40 You sir, have gave life back to gameplay over aesthetics here at forgehub. Lately, maps have been lacking great gameplay, but this map does not. It is the definition of gameplay over aesthetics in every way (not saying aesthetics were bad, but it wasn't your focus, and rightly so). This map never gets old to play on, and I have had non stop fun everytime I tested it with you. A map of this calliber deserves a feature, or at least, severe reckognition. Who would of thought that a small, fully enclosed map, could not only support team doubles, and have great gameplay ontop of that, but also contain unique tactics, that can improve any doubles team, and more than likely, increase their skills when it comes time to do Matchmaking Doubles? I for one, did not, but my mind is now open to what is possible. If I could, I would highlight this map with gold on my maplist, for it is, and I mean it, a permanent additon to my hard drive.
Thanks sweeny, vorpal and warfang for your awesomesaucem reviews. I added them all to the first post, so now it's really long lol. Sweeny I love your review especially because you were so honest. And warfang, the receivers didn't seem like a problem to me. They are angled that way so that when you run through the sender, you don't go flying off the ledge. But otherwise, thanks for the comments.
well chris then i suggest using a spolier to enclose them all and to save space, if you want. if you want them to be shown then by all means keep them open. {spolier}{/spoiler} replace the{ with [