Diamond Version Mewtwo 100(my favorite) Blaziken 100 Flygon 70 Giritina 70 Gyrados 100 Raquaza 100 I have plenty others but im to lazy to list.Im not a modder becuase I tranfered mewtwo from leafgreen into emerald then from emerald into Diamond version.This was a long time ago when i used to play this i still have it though.My team has phycic,fire,water,ice,dragon,flying,fighting,dark,and electric(believe it or not gyrados can use a TM to learn thunder).
Oooh quite the epic Kyogre, sir. I salute you and all you stand for. However, I salute this man more. EV's FTW. I had two friends who like me were crazy about the pokemon games and we'd help eachother build godly teams of non-uber (not legendary and a few others) pokemon only to have epic battles of such winsauce to cause the universe to explode. On emerald, I think my final team was: Lv100 Blastoise Lv100 Metagross Lv100 Heracross Lv100 Sableye (my ringer, come through in the clutch, ace in the hole pokemon) Lv100 Snorlax LV100 Charizard These are all legit lv100s. Me and my friends would breed pokemon to get the right natures as well as egg moves. We learned how to effectively max out the right EVs and learned the best items to give them. And then we realized that we had no lives lol. THE END.
A hjogh level EV'd my balls would destroy all pokem teams in it's way. I'M BODACIOUS BO MY BALLS ARE HUGE!
Milotic - Ev's 252Def 252SpAtk Tyranitar -Ev's 252Atk 252 60HP 196Spd Blissey- Ev's 148HP 252Def 108SPAtk Weavile - Ev's 252Atk 252Spd Electivire - Ev's 6HP 252Atk 252Spd Surfing Pikachu - Ev's 252Spatk 252Spd Platinum just arrived in the mail, going to make a new team on that game once I beat it, I'll update it soon.
Just went back to Sapp. on my old SP. This was my Kyogre's stats. HP:382 Attack:222 Defence:168 Sp. Atk:433 Sp. Def:302 Speed:207 Ice Beam Thunder Water Spout Double-Edge I remember having so many more, and a better Kyogre than this one... I have no clue where they went.
Thank you for complimenting my patience =P. Really, EV's don't take a lot of patience. It takes just as long to EV train as it does to just train, it's just a bonus for me. The part that takes the longest is getting the right nature, my Tyranitar took 3 hours to get it's adamant nature = / F. E. A. R. = ****ing Annoying Evil Rodent, according to Marriland. I've had someone use it against me, and since I didn't have anything that could sleep it I was screwed = / Honestly, I prefer a focus-sash holding smeargle that knows Agility, Spore, Quick Attack, and Endeavor, it works a little better due to the fact that you can use it multiple times and people won't expect it as much as a Rattata. You just use Agility, causing you to be faster than most, then use Spore to put your oponent to sleep, giving you time to use Endeavor and Quick attack, then repeat. I'm not that cheap though = P
Diamond: Garchomp lvl 72 Staraptor lvl 67 Lucario lvl 68 Roserade lvl 67 Lapras lvl 57 ...And spot left open for any other Pokemon I may need. Pearl: Golem lvl 58 Palkia lvl 50 Mismagius lvl 52 Infernape lvl 60 Alakazam lvl 59
Well, I think Platinum is pretty cool so far, but I can't really say yet, seeing as I'm not very far. If you think it's worth it to spend an extra $20 to get an updated version of Diamond / Pearl that has the 3 birds, the Battle Frontier, revovated gyms, new formes for Giratina and Rotom, Wi-Fi square, your own house, Palkia and Dialga in one game, and a new storyline that you don't know because you can't read the game because it's in Japanese, then you should probably get it. If you want to buy it, you can go here. I can't read Japanese and I can still play just as well, so you don't have to worry about that.