
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by c74yt0, Sep 27, 2008.

  1. c74yt0

    c74yt0 Ancient
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    4-12 players

    Created by: c74yt0

    Drainage is an asymmetrical map designed for one sided games. The map works well for symmetrical gametypes too. There are numerous routes and paths to get across the map, but each has its advantages and disadvantages. The "street" as I like to call it, may be the fastest, but most dangerous, as it is the most open and you are more vulnerable to the warthog and BR fire. The sword tunnel is the shortest from the attackers base to defenders base, but the narrow space make it harder to escape death and the sword wielder. The defender base is safe, but not sound. The attackers have many ways into the base. No one said it was going to be easy to defend it. The weapon layout gives advantages to both teams. The attackers get a warthog, while the defenders get a turret. The laser may seem easier for the attackers to get, but rest assure, the turret is placed there for a reason. Both sides get a sniper, which makes for a key weapon. This map also features an openable gate, which allows access for vehicles in the defender base. The switch/fusion coil is stationed above the gate on the inside.

    Techniques Used:
    Interlocking Objects: Yes
    Unlimited Money Glitch: Yes
    Merge with Map Geometry: Yes

    Weapon Set:
    Battle Rifle (7) 30 sec
    Carbine (2) 30 sec
    SMG (2) 30 sec
    Assault Rifle (1) 30 sec
    Plasma Pistol (2) 30 sec
    Needler (1) 120
    Energy Sword (150)
    Shotgun (1) 150 sec
    Sniper Rifle (2) 120 sec
    Spartan Laser (1) 120 sec
    Magnum (1) 30 sec
    Plasma Rifle (2) 30 sec
    Spikers (2) 30 sec
    Turret (1) 180 sec

    Bubble Shield (2) 90 sec
    Power Drainer (1) 120 sec
    Flare (1) 120 sec
    Trip Mine (1) 120 sec
    Plasma Grenade (8) 10 sec
    Frag (2)
    Active Camo (1) 180 sec

    Mongoose (3) 45 sec
    Warthog (1) 180 sec
    Ghost (1) 180 sec

    Gametypes supported:

    Gametypes Recomended:
    FFA Slayer
    Team Slayer
    One Flag
    One Bomb

    Defender Base


    Inside Defender Base

    Attacker Base

    Inside Attacker Base
    In the Streets

    A ghost lurks

    Sword Hall

    Middle Street/Laser

    Gate Switch

    Camo Spawn

    Gate Closed

    Gate Opened
    STEClash96 likes this.
  2. STEClash96

    STEClash96 Ancient
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    This map looks good for team slayer. Although, A warthog is a little too much in my opinion, The map has clean interlocking and geo-merging in my opinion. The mongoose is fine where it is, I also like the dumpster gate for the ghost too. Nice idea because I would'nt see that on any other map. I'm going to download and rate later. Nice map dude. +rep for you since that you posted right and your a trainee, I'm surprised because recently, Trainees have'nt been posting properly.

    Overall: 4.6/5

    EDIT: I'm unable to download because the sign in page on bungie.net says the sign in page is encrypted but I'll download it later when I get the chance. Also, Don't rate your own map on Bungie.net.
    #2 STEClash96, Sep 27, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2008
    Mace likes this.
  3. c74yt0

    c74yt0 Ancient
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    Thanks for the feedback. The warthog has been debated in my head for awhile, I chose to leave it in because it is rather easy to take it down, the streets are narrow enough to grenade it. But yeah, again, thanks for the feedback, much appreciated.
  4. Kyfion

    Kyfion Ancient
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    Nice overall map in my opinion, bit all over the place though aint it? Thats not a bad thing though, just a comment. I especially love the sword hall, looks really cool, especially because the fence walls can be shot through allowing you to kill swords noobs :) The air-fusion coil was a cool idea aswell :p I reckon it would be a VERY fun map to play on, heaps of variety and lots of good spots. 5/5 Im gonna say but no download until my xbox is fixed :( keep up the good work.
  5. Bobguy13

    Bobguy13 Ancient
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    Haven't I seen this map before? this exact map? oh well. if you made the map, great job! if you didn't, imma go all shoop da whoop on your ass, do you hear meh bish? but yet again, if you DID make this, 4/5. :)
  6. sticky32

    sticky32 Ancient
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    would download but wont let me sigh in so maybe later
  7. Savagesound

    Savagesound Ancient
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    Amzing map dude most these kind of maps are a double boxe line with a bridge to get over it but you have a switch and it is neat with cover outside and inside is very neat and good but i have one question, how do you get inside to activate the switch,
  8. Billy Reloaded

    Billy Reloaded Ancient
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    Really nice map guy. Your structures, interlocking and layout are smooth, which makes this map very good. To be honest this kind of reminds me of Gridlocked.
  9. CAIRØ-XL5

    CAIRØ-XL5 Ancient
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    awesome looking map. ill try to dl when i can get live.
  10. Dyepb07

    Dyepb07 Ancient
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    I have to say, that is the nicest switch I've ever seen, map looks great no way I'm not downloading this great job.
  11. TheDarkKnight05

    TheDarkKnight05 Ancient
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    wow. This actually looks very good. The interlocking and gemerging look great and the switch for the ghost is pretty awesome. This map really reminds me of gridlocked by draw the line. But to be honest, the layout does look a bit better in my opinion. I really like how you mixed the open spaces for the vecihles and the long range sniper or BRing. And then also have the close quarter tunnels for the surprise attacks and the shotguning. The only thing i can really suggest is cutting down on the power weapons. You have a laser, two snipers, a shotgun, a turret, and a sword. I would take out the sword and the turret, because you already really have a close range weapon with the shotgun and the warthogs have turrets on them. Remember, these are only suggestions, you dont have to take them.
  12. crazyzebu

    crazyzebu Ancient
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    I really like this map, you have done a great job! The interlocking looks very smooth and the aesthetics are nice. I also like the switch, more and more forgers are using switches and I think it is a great thing. I think the thing I like most about your map is that it has a unique look and a switch. think a warthog will overpower this map, it looks a bit too confined for such a large vehicle. I guess I'll hold off on the critisisms until I have played the map, I look forward to doing so =). For some reason this map really reminds me of gridlocked, was that your intention?

  13. Mudkipsrleet

    Mudkipsrleet Ancient
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    The interlocking and geomerging are clean, the switch is very well made.I'll make sure and reccomend this to my friends.Only one question: Does the warthog overpower the map much?
  14. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
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    Map looks fantastic. I really like your gate, including the switch.
  15. Boyle06

    Boyle06 Ancient
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    that actually looks really nice... it kinda reminds me of gridlocked w/ a much more complicated design... nice job i bet this looks fun nice job getting the geo straight as well as the interlocking smooth... the layout is a 5/5... weapons are very good.. but i think there might be too much equipment depending on how many ppl r playing flares arent worth it, but trip mine should work welll... action shots are WIN put some on here... and im sure uv tested the turret so i wont say nething bout it nice job 5/5 im outta DL sorry
  16. c74yt0

    c74yt0 Ancient
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    Thanks for the comments everyone. I'm just gunna point out a few general things. This map may remind you of Gridlocked, but is no way like it. Gridlock is a terrific map and I liked the way it gave that city feel, hence the vertical double boxes. The warthog, I'm split about it, but while testing, it didn't seem like that much of a threat, but the people I was testing with never went for it because it was a death trap. But I would like to see peoples feedback on it after they played it.
    Mace likes this.
  17. Mace

    Mace Old Tyme
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    awsome map, like an asymetrical gridlocked
    i call vote for feature,
    i have yet to dl this but i will and im going to
    The design is great and teh interlocking, merging looks beautiful
    rarley these years do we see a good map that utelizes the back areas of foundry well like this
    bitchin man
    A SouthPark Kid likes this.
  18. forgy bob

    forgy bob Ancient
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    Hmmmm, I like this maps layout. Although the map seems a bit cramped it stilll seems open (yea that doesnt really make sense lol). The gate is a really cool feature to have in a map and the geo marging is very good so i will say 4.8/5 Amazing job!
  19. Zachary9990

    Zachary9990 Ancient
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    This is great. You have given a claustrophobic feel while at the same time allowing long range shots to be fired. I also like how the gate opens in two directions, thats just a nice tough that just goes to how that you wored hard on this. Overall gameplay looks great, but I'll have to play it to make sure. But right now a 4.5/5

  20. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
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    I finally got to downloading this. I like it.

    The interlocking and geomerging on this map are good. Though, you could have more, but it is not necessary. It would be just to stop those pesky nades. The curved bridges to the turret are a nice touch also.

    Aesthetic Score- 4.5


    The layout is great. The gated area is nice. The back room near it (sniper spawn) is cool. Past that area (Flag Spawn) is good. The geo-merging of this part is good. I like the open doors. This is also where that turret, previously mentioned is. One thing I like about it is the pallets that can be broken to lead to the middle. The middle area is nice. The mongoose placement is good. I like the window panel jumps to the fence bridge. The building that is connected to this bridge makes a good connecting point. It connects whe tunnel that wraps around the back of the gate into the gated area, the middle area, and the other base. It also is the path to the lazer spawn. At the bottom is the mine spawn, which I like much. I do not like, however the fence box part that connects to the fence bridge. It is over powered (Discuss later). The corner near there has good secnic values, but it is kinda bare as far as cover go. This should not be a problem though. Neer there is kinda like an alleyway. I like the eapon placement there. Above that is a brodge part containg a tele. It connects to the center building. Next to ithat is an open area that lleads to a base. The base is very bear. It need more cover. I like where the flag is. The tele in the armory room is kind of unecesary. Also this is where the map is breakable. The overall layout is not bad.

    Layout Score- 4.85

    Weapon, Equiptment and Vechile Placement
    It seems you have placed and spaced well. I like both of the sniper spawns.There are opposite ends of the map, both in a little back area. The amount of Brs are good. The turret placement seems fit. The laser spawn is great, it seems balanced. I do not like the shotgun spawn. The reason is that it is VERY close the camo spawn. This over powers that section of the map. The equipment placement is good. I like where the power drainer is. The vechile placement is excellent. I like where the ghost and warthog spawns are. I also like where the mongooses are. The placement is fairly good.

    Placement Score- 3.7

    As far as gameplay goes, I cannot say. I like where the flag(ECT) spawns are though.

    Final Score =4.125/5
    #20 What's A Scope?, Oct 4, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2008

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