kensprite and smeagle, i like the second one better. I like the style in this one. Looks really nice.
I like yours Zero, although there are a couple problems with it. The sprite seems way too big. And the red is clashing with the effects. Maybe, desaturate Ryu a little?
I need some quick CnC on these and need to know the best of them as well for my sotw entry (not FH's) Edit: if u are using a black skin than u probally cant see the black border. 1.Vivid 2.Sepia 3.Dark
Move the text in the towards the render. Basically down a little and to the right alot. And make it around two times smaller. Currently, it distracts from the focal, therefore creating two focals. Which is bad, as a viewer doesn't know where to look. And green up the tan on the right a very tiny bit. It's clashing with the render's colors a little.
i like the last one, but the text stands out too much. try setting it to overlay or something. also, i really dont like the fact that the sigs are so huge. i would suggest not so tall, cause it takes up too much room in posts and such i added greennes... and now it looks worse IMO..
Legacy, I think No.2 is the best one, the text is hardly viewable in the others, just make the blue a bit more vivid. To mkae it smaller, try cutting off from the top to the top of the text, its unused space and would help make the sig smaller/better.
Legacy, either the two or the three..... I like the "effect" in two just because I love that darkness effect and I have NO FRIKIN CLUE how to do it in gimp...
Well, you have to make sure the colors don't get dodgy. So try to make it all green on the right, but then add some tan or whatever the previous color was.
:sick::sick::sick::sick::sick::sick: tex... you make me sick... thats disgusting mg::squirrel_nono::squirrel_wtf: