Canbium Download Link- : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Information Map Maker- Esquisofrenic Map Poster- Esquisofrenic Map Testers- xlXLeonidasXlx, Firewalker112, Champ Is Here, iTz GhOsT, Esquisofrenic, and Icekreeman Map escapable?- NO Gametypes- Capture the Flag, Odd Ball, and Assualt Suggested Gametypes- Team BRs and Capture the flag I DID NOT USE INFINITE MONEY SO GET OVER IT IF THERES MORE THINGS THAT COULDVE BEEN THERE Party Information Recommended Party Size- 6-8 Players Slayer- 6-8 Players Team-6-8 Players CTF-8 Players Assualt- 8 Players Inspiration-from the map Renegade... kinda, and Blaze is God maps Curbstomp and Blaze is God and Metallic Snakes map Blindside Inventory Weapons Battle Rifle-12 Assualt Rifle-2 Spiker-2 Pistol-2 Plasma Rifle-4 Needler-1 Brute Shot-2-(60 sec Respawn) Mauler-2-(60 sec Respawn) Sword-1-(120 sec Respawn) Rockets-1-(180 sec Respawn) Sniper-2-(90 sec Respawn) Grenades Frag-4 Plasma-7 Spike-4 Equipment Power Drain-2 Bubble Shield-1 Radar Jammer-1 Regenerator-1 Camoflauge-1 (180 sec Respawn) Over Shield-1 (180 sec Respawn) Screenshots overlook of Red Base: small overlook of blue base: a closer overlook of red base: Center (Bridge) Back Center: back left of red base: Red Base Sniper: Shotgun: Camoflauge: blue base left back of blue base Sniper Blue base OVERSHIELD IS BEHIND THIS sword Download link: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
Your forging techniques are very good. I bet you spent hours on this map. Although it would be a lot better if you would add more stuff and more cover so that there are less open spaces. Make a v2 and I bet that would be a very nice map. But for now, sorry no dl yet.
this map is okay, a little spread out in my opinion, but i really like the sniper building, that's mad sweet. overall 4/5 keep forgin'!
its a pretty good map, but kind of open. you should make a v2 with more cover. but the interlocking and merging is fantastic. 4/5
This map looks great, but I'm a little confused. I feel like I've seen the part with the shield door before Oh wait, I have: Thats Curbstomp, by BlazeIsGod. I'm not saying you stole it, but it looks verrrry similar.
to be truthful, i did. i was actually going to put that map in the inspiration but i couldnt think of the name. ill add it in now Blaze Is God is the best forger ever thuogh, hes like my idol
lol this looks pretty nice i love how the boxes r all at there own level looks nice i can tell u spent a lot of time... some places r a little crooked but thats fine if u make V.2 try n fix tho... nice layout n all, mayb too many power weapons... nice job with it tho n this looks nice i would DL but im oUt SRRY... um 4.9/5 nice job.. geo merging is nice and straight...
HMMM, i helped inspire someone. puts a smile on the face. there may have been a few points where you could have done better, like even geomerging perfectly even, try using 8 teleporters to geomerge everything, thats what i did for Blindside, it takes along time, but it worked every time. but for the most part, the geomerging looks pretty decent. when geomerging open boxes, focus the doors in the middle, and also when doing corner walls. there could have been a bit more cover, but as you said you were dealing wiht the money limit. looks pretty good, but try to make something original that no one can relate to next time.
Well i love the thread, very well writen, also the map, its a little plain, but the geo merging is great! Its a nice clean and tidy map, maybe add some more objects, that would make it better. But the aesthetics are great. Some of the things you used very used in a creative/unique way. Nice map. I think the gamplay would be great!
I think that this map is very nicely made and the last building is my favorite, though you need more cover and some parts like some geo-merging could be fixed for the good, make a v2 and I'll download, I can also help you if you just PM me and send a FR, then we can make a better v2, see ya, 4/5....
when i tested it i thought it had excellent gameplay dispite some small open spots so if any of you are just judging by the pics, i suggest you atleast play a match on the map then comeback with another review
Looking at this map, you can see your forging skills instantly. The merging and interlocking are flawless and the structures are really well made and original. The only thing I could say is that there is a lot of open space, even if it does play ok. You could try adding some cover that is a bit taller so you can't just go from one side of the map to the other without any obstructions. I like maps of that renegade style so it looks pretty good to me. 4.5/5 and would be a 5 if you added more cover.
your geomerges ar emssy and could use some work pretty nice design, teh hallway side of foundry is alittel better and filled then the door side of foundry, makes map feel to heavy on one side i llike teh red base sniper and the sowrd are- once again, both on halway side of foundry