Retribution Created by minato GT:Kyuubi Shippo in Collaberation with Sesshomuru GT: Sesshomuru Supported Gametypes: Slayer Map Description The story behind this map is that after the Rapture, it is one of the few cities still standing. After a while, the inhabitants started fighting over trivial things. Soon, it escalated to full out war. Choose your side. The map takes up about half of the 'main' part of Foundry. It is multi leveled, and impossible to get out of unless you go oracle and start deleting things. It's layout is that of, something weird. Don't ask. We spent about 4-7ish hours making this map. The merging isn't perfect, so don't whine about that. On to the pictures! Download Retribution _________________________________________________ The Picture with the name of the map. The defender's Sniper place. Attacker's/Neutral Sniper Spawn The central Peice The Catwalk to the Neutral/Attackers Sniper. Slight Overview of Attacker's Side, and Some of the Cover The Robot that is Aesthetics, Cover, and a place for Oversheild to spawn Bankshot Headshot Spawnkill Part of the Reason you can't get out. _________________________________________________ Please leave reviews that are for CONSTRUCTIVE critisism. Also, I would like to than Sesshomuru. Without him, I would have been unable to keep coming up with ideas. Download Retribution
Looks good, just a small wee bit sloppy. Good interlocking and geo. 4.8/5, I like it, download and I will see how it goes...
the map lookz okay. but its sloppy. ud prob' get more dl's if you made the wall neater and some merged walls straighter. but i like the single open box in the wall. if u make a v2 make a kewler robot. 3.5/5 EDIT sry bout whining bout merging. i know how annoying it is to do, and how annoying it is when ppl judge ur map on it. so 4/5
looks okay, a little sloppy with interlocking though, and it seems to me by that spawn-kill pic, that if it was that easy to do, than you have a spawn point problem. overall the map is pretty good. 3/5
okay well i would have to say i no i no REMOVE the robot i dont see it helping much if u want a robot put him ot of the wall this leeds me to my next point WAT THE CREEPY HANDS were u doing w/ that wall lol... that is not up to this maps standards and its sloppy ness is is possible downfall to making it breakout able... nice interlocking nice layout a bit clustered w/ aesthetics but its pretty good other than tho too things it worth a DL too bad im out... 3.9/5
Ok... what are you on? The robot was for aesthetics, and COVER, and OVERSHIELDS. Next question: What does WAT THE CREEPY HANDS mean? Number 3: I made the wall at 3 in the morning, and I hadn't slept for 6 days. Question 3: What do you mean 'breakout able'? It is IMPOSSIBLE to break this map. Not possible.
This map looks OK it just seems like you didn't really think it through (random). I see a profuse amount of chunky/sloppy interlocking and semi random weapon placement. No offense, but that robot looks kinda retarded... If you make a version 2 be sure to DESTROY that robot and clean up your interlocking (maybe add more geomerging?) PS: one of the photos in your thread is posted twice, fix it.
Looks really good, Thanks for the acknownalgement, I know I spelled that wrong. But in my opinion it is a wee bit sloppy, and for the guys who are complaining about it, we don't spend every spare minute of our lives making sure every little interlock is perfect.
Sesshomuru please don't necro post. Necro posting is when you post in a thread that has been dead for more than I believe a month. You unnecessarily brought this up. In the future, check that the last post was in the past month or preferably sooner.