SUSPENSION BRIDGE OBJECTIVE MAP WITH DESTRUCTABLE SECTIONS SET UP FOR ALL GAMETYPES ASSAULT CTF CONQUEST RECOMMENDED GET OUT OF FOUNDRY AND PLAY A BRIDGE TOO FAR!!!!!! A while ago I saw this map a great idea but poorly implemented it had no combat??!!So with the creators permission{who hasn't been here since august}I redisgned it to the map you see here and boy am I glad I did because A Bridge Too Far{BTF}is one of the finest maps I have built.Check out the pics{video on the way}play it and you will agree BTF,unlike most forged map is designed to work as a natural exstention to standoff not replace it.The map is setup for all gametypes but it really comes to life while playing CTF and CONQUEST. The bridge allows for blitzkreg style vechile raids on the bases so to counter this this middle section is exsplovsive,there are different ways to detonate this some will surpirse you some will confuse you but it can be completety destroyed from a single attack.This will stop vechiles{all of them} but not infantry. In keeping with the desrtuctable theme the "suspension cables" can also be taken out to prevent the enemy taking the high ground and getting the laser. As for the weapons,vechiles and equipment the weapons have almost remained the same but are in different locations,the turrets have been lowered to allow them to hit the ground and some of the bridge, sniper rifles and a flamethrower have been added.The rocket launcher remains in the same place but there is an angled mancannon next to it to allow Avalanche-esque high rocket shots and a high drop onto the bridge Power drains{i wonder where you are supposed to use them?}and bubbles are at either end of the bridge and there are grav lifts near the larger rocks which can be used to access the bridge. Vechiles can be driven on to the bridge{just remember slow is smooth smooth is fast}using the Valhalla-esque mancannon atop either base this is also where the objectives points are to prevent camping.Choppers have been added to encourage use of the bridge but theres a catch,to get them you must oper the tunnel into your base. Each base also have a couple of anti camp shield doors that have either been raised or lowered to allow grenades through. FOR THOSE OF YOU WHO READ THAT THANKS AND HERES PICs OVERVEIW BASES-SYMMETRICAL STARING POINT WEAPONS SHOTGUN SNIPER AND BATTLE RIFLES FIREBOMB WIRE SPOOL{think about it} CENTER SECTION-BE CAREFULL AFTER DETONATION-use the barrel TOP OF CABLES-EARN YOUR LASER ROCKET MANCANNON COMBO-another way onto the bridge theres 6 in total jump into lifts/cannon for best results CORRIDORS-Designed to create choke points TERROTIES-1 ON EACH BASE AND ENDS OF THE BASE The final area is the destructable center peice which if protected will help if its detonated it will be a lot harder to capture ACTION JACKSON THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU LAND FROM THE CENTER DETONATION-PAINFUL here is the map link DOWNLOAD A BRIDGE TOO FAR THANK YOU and ENJOY
i saw this map when it was just for aesthetics and i was like this would be good for objective based gameplay. and you my friend have pulled it off. i am absolutley amazed by how you converted that map into what it is now everything looks awesome. 4/5
F@£K FOUNDRY I know that it has to be used for certain things but it is far from the only choice seriuosly I can't even look at the greens browns and greys anymore this site will have to change its name to FOUNDRYHUB.COM but thats just me I have a lot of respect for people that can Halo is a truly beutiful game and so much of the forge scene is devoted to the most visually boring map I am planning to do something to change this but i don't think there is any point any intrest,ideas let me know Hopefully sandbox will have a better look but i somehow doubt it Thank you and others for the comments and yes it is a innovative cool map play it and you will agree
Ahhh, based off the infamous stand off at The Nijmegan Bridge during WWII Operation Market Garden..... Seems interesting, Im not sure about the gameplay though. I guess ill find out....
spot on mate + rep for you I think Bothers in Arms-Hells Highway is also based on operation market garden never liked the other ones but this one look rather accurate and very very pretty the game play is great its like the bastard offspring of vallhala standoff and longest{from halo ce} And a standoff on standoff I can't believe that didn't occour to me until now
it looks really fun to play on and made really well, but since you cant just drive the vehicles onto the bridge is a huge negative.
This is why i don't usally post maps without a video its easy and can be done perfectly once you know how i spent a lot of time making sure that you could get the vechiles on the bridge but it requires skill Also if you can think of a way to do it let me know bear mind the item limits on standoff the video is on the way just waiting on gamevee i made it for you, thought it might help you out, instead of you having to click the link HERE to watch it on gamevee and BTW i like your map, although i think it should be moved into casual or mini-game but definetely casual...
I thought that too but it is an oblective based map if somone wants to put in casual feel free let me know
Like i said, wait a little, because I JUST uploaded it...itll be working, or should be, within a half hour!
ya same here usually I only like foundry maps. But this one my friend u pulled it off. The pictures are just amazing i may add, the map is just insane very well built. looks very sturdy to, nice job. U got my download 5/5 for sure nice job great idea i love it!!
I'm glad you like it maybe it will tempt you away from foundry and out into the "sun".I think i have made my feelngs towards foundry quite clear earlier so I won't repeat myself Its also really difficult to take a bad picture of this map and it is very sturdy! the video i posted, then click it again, which will take you to the youtube copy the URL, and edit your Original Post at the top, and just paste it in...nothing more..thats it, it should auto-embed itself
this map is bitchin if you say yuo added an element of gampleay to an astetic map, job well done the interlocking is fair, the mancanon idea not to missued i really like the destructable cables, but hte mid sextion looks sloppy/crappy
if you can do better try it put your skill where your mouth is it not an exact science and there are a number of things that took a long time to figure out if the pallets are to secure it redeces the force of the blast significantly it also has to be hareder then just throwing a grenade to achive a full detonation
I actually really really like this map.This is the first Conquest map i've seen on standoff.Its pretty original in many different ways.I like how parts of the bridge are destructible.You also interlocked on a non foundry map. Nice Work!