Debate Hiding in halo 3

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by viprikr, Sep 19, 2008.


Is It ok to hide In halo3 slayer game?

Poll closed Oct 4, 2008.
  1. No because there not playing the game >:(

  2. yes cause its fun >_<

  1. dented_drum

    dented_drum Ancient
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    Amidst your wretched grammar, I see a big fault. You're a poor sport. Halo2's community, "as said," was more bonded than H3's. Sure, everyone wants to win, but you have enough respect for the next guy not to screw up his game.

    To answer Telrad's complaint, this topic makes you look like the prick who wins cheaply because you are the prick who wins cheaply. You say hiding is competitive? Right? Your logic states that, if I'd rather play the game genuinely, then I shouldn't mind quitting out a game because I'm obviously not playing it competitively.

    Go to MLG's homepage. No sane person would argue with me for saying that they're the most competitive sect of Halo players that exist. Now, see how many of their videos show people getting into 1337 spots. I haven't seen any that feature players camping around the corner, getting the assassination for the first kill, and relocating to that secret spot. I deduce from this that the most competitive way to play actually requires playing. Now, look. First, you'll attempt to belittle MLG or argue my statement of them being the most competitive. You'll claim that HLG is a comparative group, but that's just pure senseless. You'll end up whining about this thread's hardly-existant bullying tactics, and try to "hide" from the true topic at hand. How convenient.
  2. The Storm 59

    The Storm 59 Ancient
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    Its reasonable.
    There is nothing thats says you cant use any tactics that work to win. Hiding is one such tactic that works, that people use. It might be cheap, but its not cheating, so its reasonable. If you play ranked, be prepared to play ruthlessly against ruthless people.

    Just because something isn't fun, doesn't mean it isn't reasonable.
  3. Darkdragon

    Darkdragon Ancient
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    seriously, in ranked, i want to win, and hiding, camping, and any other non-cheating things are tactics, so we can/should use them when needed. im not saying do it all the time, but somtimes you may need it to keep hard-earned lead.
    and to tell the truth, like said, most players dont really care about the other team, nor do i, and i want to win and will do anything within the boundaries of the game to do so.
    The Storm 59 likes this.
  4. Aranore

    Aranore Ancient
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    I have a question to ask.. I mean it sincerely. Do you understand min/max respawn?

    go into foundry. empty the map completely. spawn a brute shot. one. now, set the respawn on it so that min max is equal to one. pick it up. don't get rid of it. wait. you know what? empty all your clips even. wait some more. just don't get rid of your brute shot.

    5 hours latter, tell me where the brute shot is.... still in your hands. not on the ground. as long as YOU still have the original weapon pick up, it will NOT respawn, as it is the only one on the map. If you drop it, or i nade you, and it falls onto the ground, THEN it will respawn. but as long as the original person does not loose it, it will not come back (that is why its not always a bad idea to keep empty rockets if you are good with the battle riffle in the pit; keeps it from coming back)
    ?? If you have no shields using the brute shot to jump, then you need to hone that skill. I can get into pit area with half shields every time. and that's not recharging, thats, "I only lost half my shields"
    how the HECK can you hit someone hiding up there ....through the tree they are hiding behind?
    ( [red lines] bad angles, as the tree they are hidding behind [blue cirle] stops the shots. [yellow line] taken while in air )

    O_o? only angle you can pull THAT off is taking the man cannon by the shotgun/pistol and shooting them while in the air. and only if you are flying by during that time of 3 seconds when his shields are recharging. [also, that's assuming he hasn't dropped the bubble that he brought with him which is on the way from the brute shot (the device you used to get there) ]
    Olympic runners are told not to touch other runners. its not a RULE per say, just a suggestion.
    because you are going to SERIOUSLY piss someone off if you touch them while they are running that 100m sprint and they get distracted and fall. the toucher probably thought it was funny.

    If i say a rude jewish joke to my jewish friend (who laughs at his own heritage) he will say one back about mine. we laugh. good game.
    If i say that same joke to my other jewish friend, my face will most likely look like i ate a curb on the street for breakfast.
    get my drift?

    connecting point: what you think of fun, is your opinion, but while in an area of publicity, the general... way of doing things SHOULD be followed. I have NEVER heard a serious gamer use hiding as a serious tactic. and generally the only people who support it are the few who do it (I say few loosely guessing that, around 2,500 use it out of the 25,000 norm amount of people playing at any given time.)
    would you cheat? ( I have previously stated that CERTAIN hiding is not cheating. only natural angle added hiding, not the impossible to follow hiding)
    you can say what you want. and do what you want. that doesn't mean it won't make you look weak or like an ass. Like the guy who wrote the apology to forge hub the other day, he said and did what he wanted. which is okay. It didn't stop the people's reactions.
  5. Darkdragon

    Darkdragon Ancient
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    Originally Posted by Darkdragon [​IMG]
    i want to win and will do anything within the boundaries of the game to do so.

    you said would i cheat, i never said i would. no hiding is cheating, cause we dont use an action replay or cheat device

    1. im sure that min-max does not apply in MM hiding is cheatable, like said, you can always somhow follow
  6. Aranore

    Aranore Ancient
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    min max is always applied. that section of the coding cannot be removed.. in MM there are no automatic timers. Bungie has made levels (essentially) in forge and we play em with their game types.

    but there are spots where you cant follow, or if you do you are a rabbit in a hole. and i mean the guy following. the other guy is waiting at the end of the tunnel for you to pop in and get shot by him.
  7. Darkdragon

    Darkdragon Ancient
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    well, go look at a dictionary, cheating is basically using an outside-reasource to do normally impossible things, and to hide all you need is a few weapons
  8. Scopulus

    Scopulus Ancient
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    Stop your bitching. Bungie did not set rules for matchmaking. You just need to be smart if they hide. Know your hiding spots.
  9. Aranore

    Aranore Ancient
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    I have. NO problem, with the spots that any person can get to, at any time. and, once again, as i have stated several times, the only spots that I disagree with are the ones where you cannot die once you get to the, as pursuers are easily picked off, or the ones where it is made impossible to get to afterwords.

    hiding behind normal bounce spots that only require grenades is fine. or other related ones. not the impossible one-timers-you-cant-follow-me-i-just-ensured-my-victory-by-making-it-impossible-for-your-to-kill-me spots
  10. Silent oo death

    Silent oo death Ancient
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    I agree, for hiding normaly hurts you alot more then helps when you're playing matchmaking, you don't do it for the win/lose aspect, you do it for the exitement of getting caught or not. And the other people should stop their bitching because it isn't really that important.
  11. dented_drum

    dented_drum Ancient
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    Wrong. Not only did your "we do it for the excitement" argument ruin that of the other hiders, it also ruined your own argument. Their only strong point has been that Ranked matches are Competitive. Which, to them, means that the player will do anything to win the match.

    What you said contradicts that epicly. So, it appears as if the hiders can't establish a point of agreement, other than the standard "we swear it takes skill!" We in disagreement with hiding stick to the foundational, "it totally rapes the MatchMaking experience." The only "points" that have been made were by Telrad. His points, like our's, held true to the poster's opinion of the matter. Now, as previously stated with the Olympics analogy, something does not have to be outlawed to be cheap/illegal.

    It's called good nature. If you don't have enough respect for the opposition, at least have enough respect for yourselves not to use such a cheap tactic.

  12. thelastsparten

    thelastsparten Ancient
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    exactly my brother gets so pissed because i climb up high to snipe and hide but what am i supposed to do hide in the tree on guardian or stand in the center
  13. The Storm 59

    The Storm 59 Ancient
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    Who said it wasn't cheap? How does using a cheap tactic in a video game lower the hiders respect for themselves.

    There are many reasons people hide. People against it only have one argument against it. People for it have any number of reasons.
    Its an extremely good tactic.
    It allows them to easily level up.
    Its enhances the fun of the hider.
    Its not against any rules.

    People who think hiding is reasonable have many reasons for thinking so because there are many reasons for thinking so.
    People who think hiding is unreasonable only ever have one (or two that are almost the same) reason(s) for thinking that its not okay, because there aren't many reasons for thinking its not okay. It is okay.
  14. dented_drum

    dented_drum Ancient
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    The reasons you count are the ones before the end of your nose. Everything more than six inches away from your face is invisible due to your general inadequacies. Even Telrad argues better than you.

    As per the other guy, you listed a total of three options: Hiding in your little spot, hiding at Bubble Area, and sitting in the middle of the map (Guardian). Now, two of those are camping/hiding, and the last is plain stupidity. You leave out the option of picking up the BR above Gold Lift, moving to Camo to get Stickies, and then locating your opponent. So, you die, but then what? The only thing you guys see is to camp behind a corner until the other guy gets impatient. That doesn't take skill *cough*telrad*cough*. That doesn't even take patience because you're laughing at how "cool" you are the whole time. I said it was cheap. I can't count the number of games I've played with random folks who'd scream, "That camper ******!" after being Shotgun-ed in Base-Side High Ground. Never have I heard, "Wow. I can't believe I messed up that bad." Mind you, it's not unpopular to hear someone compliment a player on the opposite team (at least with the people I play with). When humble friends and random guys we get teamed up with both find no fun in playing against campers, it's obvious what the popular opinion is.

    So, when you make your numerical points, consider this: You're denying absolute truth. You're dodging the fact that what you're doing takes little (and that's me being generous) skill.What was that you said?

    "It allows them to easily level up."

    You're cheap, selfish, and immorally biased; and, yes, you're cheating.
  15. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    Sorry if I come off rude or offensive or anythign just note I'm a senior HLG player so I'm just defending.

    How is it cheating?Its playing the game just not using your weapon to kill.The gametype does not say "You must kill your oppenent with not distractions".

    I also see it as a strategy.Call it camping or whatever you clal it if it works then it works.Would you rather be called a noob for hiding or lose a game and maybe a hard earned level?Ask yourself that question.

    I just can't stand people the feen on harassing hiders or campers because believe it or not we alll do it once in our online experience.
  16. monkeyrantz

    monkeyrantz Ancient
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    well, you know those times where you dont want to give the enemy's points and you have to go the bathroom and go get a cookie.... so sometimes.
  17. Darkdragon

    Darkdragon Ancient
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    this debate is really getting kinda dumb. anti-hiders: HLG people dont care if you think its cheap or not-they wont stop, also, stop trying to overuse the fact that its a little cheap.
    HLG: it may not require as much skill, but its a tactic netherless. and, like i said: when i play ranked, i WANT TO WIN, now if you kkill them and win,lt is still not fun for them, so either way, i still win. so it really doesnt matter
  18. DRO Maelstrom

    DRO Maelstrom Ancient
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    Why do you consider it to be cheap? If I understand the map better than you do, don't you agree that I deserve that advantage? I'm playing to my strengths, which is the SMART thing to do, not what you consider to be morally correct.

    Keep in mind that I had to obtain the lead before I started hiding, otherwise it's pointless.
  19. Aranore

    Aranore Ancient
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    cause it's cheap. and shows how low you are willing to go
  20. The Storm 59

    The Storm 59 Ancient
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    How does using a cheap tactic in a video game lower the hiders respect for themselves.

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