I expected something to happen at 7, but i was thinking my time which its 2 hours ahead. So when I saw that it was 7 and I checked the site, I was Sad Face
Hey, guess what... It's a new game by bungie... not a new campaign.. if you go to marketplace it says download the new video for bungie's new game which is this same vid... And plus, they're coming out with all those new multiplayer maps, I don't think bungie's going to add a campaign AND like 10 more multiplayer maps. And I know what you might be thinking, oh the new achievements on xbox.com say you need to find skulls, which probly means it's all part of a new campaign... When actually it might mean that you need to find the skulls on the new maps, because one of the new maps is called Assembly and one of the achievements is: Assembly Skull On Assembly, find the hidden skull. So this means there are new maps coming out, and probly not a new campaign, and there will definitely be a new game, which I think is called Armageddon. But what I don't get is why it says Halo 3 at the end of the video :frustrated:
it says Halo 3 because it ties in closely with the storyline. I can't really explain how right now. but that is New Mombassa, the EMP blast is a Slipspace jump opening (Prophet of regret anyone? (Adding to that: Have you seen his ship in this video??? I have)), and the things dropping are ODST drop pods.
If you actually download the video on xbl you will see that it clearly says "new campaing teaser for halo 3" or something like that. Somebody had the picture, were is it? *hints at a random person to post that one pic that shows the video description*
well i was playing on xbl today and i backed out into the title screen and something cam up about it but since my lil bro was also playin he exited it out and i didnt get to read it . maybe teh campaign goes back to halo 2 like a dream or sumthin then the last few lvs are back to where MC is on the planet.
I doubt it. That is a really big upgrade. You need to mess with the entire game's code to make it go from level 1 to level 2 to level 3 and on. if they didn't it would miss the new stuff. I bet its either a whole new game, or perhaps an Expansion that you start an entirely new campaign.
I don't know what to expect. Now doubt, after watching a video evaluation of the teaser, that it is during the final moments of New Mombassa, before the Prophet of Regret makes a jump, leveling the city in Halo 2. The ODST pod drop (Prepare to Drop) probably means that you are the ODST troopers in the game, like the old rumor was about playing a 3rd person, cover based game. If it is a campaign expansion, I have no clue, at all. It isn't a spartan, and it isn't cheif since he went off after Regret. The only thing suggesting it is for Halo 3 is the Halo 3 thing at the end, and all that stuff written about it in market place. What confuses me is that it says Threshold...
ya avcually now that i remember it said something about a new game in the massege i only got to read the 1st 2 sentences. ya now that u say that makes me think maybe its the rumored HALO:CHRONICLES
If you read bungies "pardon our dust" and look at the video, it kinda makes a bit more sence. go try it out.
Actually, it is the planet in Halo 2 as well in the level where you play as the Arbiter on the Forerunner Gas Mine turned to Flood Research. Threshold - Halopedia - Halo Wiki with Halo 3 Walkthroughs, Weapons, and more!
Alright, just to clear up that 12-hour countdown thing to people that still don't know about it somehow, Bungie was talking about how their site was inaccessible except for a screen that showed the Superintendent flashing a bunch of messages like "Please Remain Calm" and "Services Will Resume Shortly" and others, along with a, guess what, 12-hour countdown to the release of the trailer... Anyway, I think this is going to be an entirely different campaign story away from the Chief as an ODST soldier like most of you do. Unless Bungie just so happened to decide to throw the Chief in a drop pod somewhere somehow at the last second and give us some stupid explanation on why that is...but, yeah, the ODST thing is more likely... Or, this has something related to Halo: Chronicles like some one stated. Or, possibly even that Halo: Blue thing.
It wasn't inaccessable. There was a link on the top of the page that led to Bungie.Net. Also, it was basically the same page from E3 but the Countdown was reset, and it said "Alert Status AGAIN!" which I found was funny.
I did... and it also says that it is in Halo 2. Trust me, I researched this thoroughly for a project of mine...
Ooops, But I had the Right Installation right. Threshold is the planet Installation 04 was made, and is in space near it. I screwed up on the game. Sorry