Okay, so I decided to make a thread for my manga, I'll probable be able to update it everyday. My scanner isn't the greatest quality though, and it looks a lot better in real life. If you have any questions or want to comment, feel free. Char #1: Amy Char #2: Ted
It's not the scanner, he's correct. Try looking up techniques on how to smooth your pencil, and shade it. Also, I had no idea that was a girl.
once again, in all honesty, it's perfectly shadded in real life, my scanner is just a peice of ****!!!
Why dont you try using a camera to take a picture of it then? It cant possibly come out any worse than your piece of **** scanner.
If it was perfectly shaded, you wouldn't have dark lines in one place, and none in another place. Trust me, my scanner is a piece of crap too.
In real life, you can't even tell that there's hard lines in one place and not in another. My scaner makes it really ridiclously light.
Stop blaming it on your scanner and take a picture of it. Then you won't have to make excuses, because I'm SURE it will look much better.
Umm, no. You need to smooth the face more. If you look at girl manga, you'll see that their face curves slowly to the chin, rather than made of two lines that lead to the chin. Such like this one. Or this one. That one you can't really tell because she's facing towards the side a little.