What does Lukems mean by this quote? "We hope you haven't dedicated too much time and stress to this 12-hour long countdown event." I haven't heard much about this until moments ago. Anyone know what 12 hour event he's referring to?
well if you read the book spartan III already exsist but they arnt as cool as the cheif they are like suicide troopers. http://halo.wikia.com/wiki/Spartan_III I personally think that a new campiagn would after intail hype would be a let down because no one really likes the campain except the race to the end.
It's conceivable that the new multiplayer maps reflect this new portion of the campaign. A google search of the city called Mbaraki that The Superintendent was scanning reveal that it's a real port in Kenya, near a larger port in Mombasa. Mbaraki = Longshore?
If your right, about it being a city near mombasa, than maybe the explosion is New mombasa seen trough a neighboring city, Mbaraki. If you read the "keep it clean" bungie update, you clearly see the Superintendent is going haywire, and the official guy says he's gonna send people, so maybe those drop ships are ODST troops sent to stop the superintendent from going crazy and doing who knows what to the city.....maybe. There better be some splaining to do in tomorrows update.......or so help me baby jebus...
Well, if it is a new campaign, it is definitely within Halo because it says Halo 3 at the end. So very excite! Hoping for a new map though =(
Wait, it says, "Halo 3, prepare to drop" Could that mean that Halo 3 would be dropping and Halo 4 could rise over it? Just a crappy theory. But I think that there will still be the six new maps, because you can't have a ranked or social match on a Campaign maps can you? Or wait....... That scares me.
I doubt it will, Bungie is the type of person that will make you super anxious for something, tease you with it for months, and then finally release it to the public, they dont seem like the type that just gives it away instantly.
Well... i guess your right, but what does the 12 hour teaser mean then? And why would they show the achievements now? Something tells me they are dropping it soon so that they can try to last longer since Far Cry 2 is coming out with a better map editor, and Gears 2 is coming out.
He has got a point... the theories of the maps being released November 15th is just stupid! By then, Far Cry 2 and Gears of War 2 will have come out. I suspect that something MAY happen tonight.... Not predicting and not whole heartedly believing.... Just suspecting. I hope they don't come out tonight though because I have stayed loyal to the Lower the Guns thing all day and I do not want to break it at the end of the day. EDIT: I could be a moron but I just thought of something! The update said something about dusk. 7 is Bungie's favorite number. 7pm is in dusk. I think that if they are going to do something its happening at seven.
Shhht, people don't have to know that. They only need to know that bungie is in PST time, or one hour behind mountain, 2 behind central, and 3 behind Eastern.