[prison]: C/b

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Dyepb07, Sep 20, 2008.

  1. Dyepb07

    Dyepb07 Ancient
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    [prison]: C/b
    "Click title for download link."​

    Recommended Game Variant:Breakout
    Slayer Game Variant:Breakout Slayer

    PRISON: Control or Breakout. Escaping Prison isn't as easy as you thought. Use your resources and do the impossible, Breakout. 4-10 players. $$ left over: 0

    Here, I present to you a new kind of "Cops and Robbers/Jailbreak map. Unlike most other similar maps, [PRISON]: Control or Breakout brings out the real life challenges of breaking out of prison. These include, escaping from your cell, facing armed guards, and finally the actual escape from the prison. Now you would think that that's impossible, and it usually is, but not with some help and first class smuggling. Oh yes I almost forgot, unlike any other map I've seen, this only uses the two side halfs of Foundry!​

    How to Escape: You will start off in your dirty and overly uncomfortable jail cell, here are the steps to make your escape.
    1. Look up at the ceiling, there should be an opening to the air vent above, stand on your bed underneath it and jump/crouch through.
    2. You are now in the vent, notice the smuggled weapons scattered, It's a good Idea to pick them up.
    3. Move to the end of the air vent, punch out vent door.(Be prepared for guardes)
    4. Try to stay stealthy and alert, move to hallway and past busted down door.
    5. Turn right, you are now near the fence gate/wall, watch for sniper,turret, and mines.
    6. There are two ways to get past the wall. Locate the explosives rigged to the gate and attempt to blow it open or blow down the crate to jump/climb over.
    7. Once your out you are on your own, (YOU WIN!!!)

    Police/Guards: You have received word that your prisoners are planning an escape. Get ready, head to the armory, (Yes there is an armory, Just like most prisons). You have a choice to go to the cells to check on the prisoners or move to the Prison wall to ensure that no one will escape. Do not underestimate them.

    Now for the Pics, which there should be plenty of.

    The Cells​

    Around Cells​

    In Vent​

    Hole to vent/Getting Out​

    Vent Door​

    Hint to more smuggled goods (look closely)​

    Remember you are wanted dead or alive... no actually just dead.​

    Side parallel to Prison wall.​

    Prison Wall​


    Way Out #1​

    Way Out #2​

    Warden's office, (Shotgun Included)​


    Leads to Prison Cells​

    Leads to Prison Wall​

    Made by Dyepb07
    Please leave criticism, I may make a v2.
    #1 Dyepb07, Sep 20, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2008
  2. forgeexpert97

    forgeexpert97 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    nice interlocking walls although the wardens office is kind of messy. nice weapon placement 4/5
  3. Gollygeeanelite

    Gollygeeanelite Ancient
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    No, don't make a version 2 because this is so freaking awesome as shown, this is the most creative map I've seen in a long time involving the cops and robbers theme. I just love the jail cell setup, I know that the scenery and feel inside will always surprise me because I would never come up with that idea. The vent looks good, you interlocked well there. The side parallel to the prison wall looks sweet and the fact that you had enough money to include a warrens office adds another aesthetically pleasing part to your map.
  4. asickmarsupial

    asickmarsupial Ancient
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    Hey Dyepb07 got this off your fileshare on live and yea this map is really good I didn't realize how small it was at first Nice idea with the Cells and the vent.

    Also, can someone show me how to merge the walls and stuff together, I don't forge that much and am new.
  5. AAA RocK N RoLL

    AAA RocK N RoLL Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Ya this looks good man and I got to try it out. Nice Nice!

    NUKEZILLA Ancient

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    the maps layout is well deisgned i like it alot there are many diffrent ways to go and the interlocking complements it the easiest 4/5 ive given just 1 prob the teleporters kind of damage gameplay because people can camp and all that. all in all good map
  7. Savagesound

    Savagesound Ancient
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    I like it but armorys are really bad and also make it more fair for the attackers they seem to have no advantage.
  8. Xicemike

    Xicemike Ancient
    Senior Member

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    awesome prison. but not original
  9. Dyepb07

    Dyepb07 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I gave the attackers weapons almost as equal to the defenders plus I gave them flame grenades plus I made them more powerful in the gametypes plus I gave them "other" hidden weapons. Also I wanted to stay authentic cause I think prisons usually have armories.

    So in my opinion it's fairly equal.
  10. doomsdayassault

    doomsdayassault Ancient
    Senior Member

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    wow this is the best cops n robber map evar!!!! amAzing interlocking and shweet design. i would dl but i am almost full. and with far cry two coming out i might forget all about halo lol.;) 17/5
  11. DeadLock25

    DeadLock25 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    wow this is something that i have not seen before. you have a lot of nice ideas and your forging looks flawless. you got a DL from me. 5/5
  12. WheezyMoney

    WheezyMoney Ancient
    Senior Member

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    im not usually one for gimmicky maps like this, but its pretty original and well forged. its also very well thought out. good job.

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