
Discussion in 'Featured Maps' started by Shock Theta, Sep 25, 2008.


How would you rate this map?

  1. Poor

  2. OK

  3. Average

  4. Good

  5. Great

  1. Shock Theta

    Shock Theta Father of 4chub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Created by Iv0rY Snak3, Shad0w Viper and Orangeremi

    Gametypes Supported: Faceoff Slayer, Faceoff KotH and Faceoff Ball
    Recommended Players: 4

    Forgehub 2v2 Faceoff, Round 6.

    As an asymmetrical MLG-styled map, Eclipse utilizes a layout with multiple routes and pathways to each area of the map. The map is divided in to three main, distinctive parts, A base, B room and needle spawn. Between these areas there are a number of walkways, tunnels and ramps that allow for easy flow around the map. Eclipse puts a real emphasis on controlling the high ground whilst not making it a death sentence to attack an opponent who has a strong vantage point.




    #1 Shock Theta, Sep 25, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 6, 2008
    Dr. Chombie likes this.
  2. Dr. Chombie

    Dr. Chombie Ancient
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    i'll be honest i'm not sure i saw this map before but maybe i have. anyway its really good and definitely worth being featured. i especially like the interlocking and asymetricall maps are my favorite, and the fact that you added an mlg touch to it makes it that much better.
    Ryan. K. likes this.
  3. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
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    Lolz, I had a feeling that was what this was for when playing on it the other day.

    Great job on this map guys it plays very well.

    Although, I hope Snakage fixed his fail of NOT PUTTING SPAWNS FOR THE HILLS, ODDBALL Or EVEN FLAGS! Roflamao.
  4. XDAO SoX

    XDAO SoX Ancient
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    I was tricked =[. but this map looks amazing aesthetic wise. great job!
  5. QKT

    QKT Ancient
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    over 9000 times better than the last featured map :D
    2+ maps from ivory for the tourney?
    does he get premium for it? lol
  6. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    lololol fail

    What was wrong with Electric Slide? That was one hell of a map imho...

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  7. Smeagle

    Smeagle Ancient
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    This actually looks like it has a great layout. Something I'd delve into when I've got a couple friends getting antsy. Too bad I dropped out of the tourney.
  8. forgy bob

    forgy bob Ancient
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    Honestly in my opion. This is not the best of the featured maps but i do like it... i would have to say 4/5
    Ryan. K. likes this.
  9. HydroZoid

    HydroZoid Ancient
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    A nice map asthetically, but i know that there was another map named eclipse floating around in forgehub somewhere,so wouldnt it have been better to make sure there was none?

    it just looks bad when somebody uses the exact same name as another map that has already been built
    Ryan. K. likes this.
  10. TNF

    TNF Ancient
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    :( Stole the name of my map. Looks pretty good, this is a great add to the 2v2 faceoff. A lot of these maps are being built so complex and well thought out. Even though I'm not in tourney, I can tell this would be pretty fun. Hint: Make sure you look up the name of your map on the search tab before you post. I'll check it out in a sec, good job Ivory, shadow, and orange. And are these maps honestly counted toward feature considering they're posted on the front page to help with the 2v2 tourney contestants?

    Yeah, electric slide did have amazing gameplay.
  11. Bloumbas

    Bloumbas Ancient
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    Was this map ever posted, or is it hot out the oven? I downloaded like I do with most featured maps and I was the twenty first and was all like "WHHAAATTT THEEE EEIIFFFF". So I'm gonna guess this was never posted, but it looks awesome so way to go boys
  12. Iv0rY Snak3

    Iv0rY Snak3 Ancient
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    Yes, I had heard of your map, but this map has had SSSOOOOOOOOOO many name changes, and all of them got stolen, so once I got up to Eclipse (which was like it's 7th name) I could not be bothered to change it anymore. sorry.
    And yes they do count as features, but as all three of us creators are already staff, nothing will change.

    2v2 maps are only posted in super secret awesome forums that normal members cannot see, this is just to make the posts more of a surprise.

    And Waylander, unless there was some freak accident/fail on bungies side, all objective points should be there.
  13. azn_dude1

    azn_dude1 Ancient
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    I love the bridge theme. It really fits into this map...
  14. drak

    drak Ancient
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    I love the bridges, and all the stuff around, like the underpass, yet I still don't like the fact that the whole map isnt shown... :(

    Will there be a video to accompany this awesome map (just look at all those unknown creators of maps...tsk tsk...) and if anyone at all can by any chance get their CC, and record some gamplay, I'd be happy to make it look good in a video, so just upload the footage to RapidShare: Easy Filehosting

    cheers, GuruMan
  15. xSharpshooter94

    xSharpshooter94 Ancient
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    hey guys i actually got a leaked version of this map and needless to say it was awesome but the map seemed a little too centered on highground. basically what im saying is that i dont like that when your on the ground...your ****ed.
  16. God Of Forge

    God Of Forge Ancient
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    I love how you added so many fighting levels instead of limiting it to just one floor and some balconies.
  17. K3V1N

    K3V1N Ancient
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    this map is interlocked really well props for that
    i love how its a very close quarters map i like those the best
    but the map looks better aesthetic wise than gameplay wise
    all in all great job i really like it

  18. flare fang

    flare fang Ancient
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    there needs needs to be more pics of the map and not just action shots. other then that its okay 3/5
  19. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    Whipped up a quick visual aid for the map...

    In case you missed it on the original post:
  20. dented_drum

    dented_drum Ancient
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    I was able to spend a bit of my afternoon on this map. Being that the winner's bracket is slowly dwindling to the folks who earned their spot there, my partner and I are starting practice as early as we can. If I may, I'd like to say a few things about the map =]

    By the way, I like to do these epicly long posts on most of the maps that we play in the tournament. So, with that in mind, don't be bothered if I get a little jumpy. I tend to bounce from compliment to compliment. Kthx.

    We began to class Eclipse into three sections (Sharp's idea). We call them A, B, and Bubble Sections. The in-game correlation to those names should be pretty obvious. The very first thing I noticed was the map's accessibility. It is truly fun to run and jump around this map. The use of Window Panels in several spots greatly contributes to the style of gameplay I prefer.

    Once, I got caught between the two Single Boxes (at Bubble/Needler Spawn). My shields were relatively low, and my partner was dead. Just a few jumps and 'nades later, our lead was increased by two kills. Now, something to that same effect happens almost every game. I love how fun it is to twist your enemy around. I get the most joy out of purely confusing my opposition, and this map allows me to do so perfectly.

    As per the weapons, I have no complaints. I love how it's considered Forge-sin to place two weapons right beside each other, but the creators did that at the first Hill location. The Needler-Carbine combination works amazingly. As the enemy storms the High Bridge walk, the Needler slaughters them. The Carbine works perfect for in-Hill battle. The second Hill perplexes me more than anything. It's difficult to control, but Sharp and I have found a few proper ways to defend it. Finally, the last Hill spawn: I love how you didn't set any "Below" to it. The only time the player is scoring is if he's on one of the two boxes. Also, this cramped space doubles as a great Bubble Shield spawn, which I'm sure the three of you pre-planned.

    The only negative piece of criticism I can offer regards the spawns. Mostly on the "B Side," I find myself spawn-killing/being spawn-killed. This isn't so terrible that it could ruin a game for us, but I didn't think it could hurt to mention. In fact, that "Dodge-Dip-Duck-Dive-Dodge" factor of this map that I mentioned earlier makes a situation like the above more manageable.

    Two Final Notes to the Staff/Creators::::

    We've compiled a list (a small list) of spots in the map. Only one or two are good enough for actual use in-game, but I'd like to know who I can PM screenshots of the spots to in order to find out if they're legal or not. I prefer PM because I'd rather my opposition not be privy to them. So, who'd be the person to send 'em to?

    +++ A form of Flag would've been mass rape-age on this map. I came home from work, and my partner was waiting with the map. I saw the map before the list of gametypes to be player, and I automatically assumed that we'd be playing some kind of CTF here. Sadly, I was wrong. The surprisingly fun KOTH Variant is a semi-sufficient replacement, though. Oddball is just as fun as CTF. So, a superb job on a mind-blowing map goes to the creators-
    Orangeremi likes this.

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