Read more carefully mother ****er, I've said God knows how many times that I shouldn't have to. Stop bringing the argument back to this point.
I see you didn't read my post properly. I gave you an option to quit if you aren't having fun. You say that "Why should I?" And that's where your argument falls by the seams. You say you play for fun. (I deduced this from many of your posts.) I say quit. You say why Should I? I shouldn't be forced to quit! (You say this all the time.) I say if you aren't having fun when you are looking for fun, then you shouldn't care about any consequences of quiting that game. (I said this a few posts back.) You go back to Why should I? I' assuming you aren't playing for rank so why do you care if you have to quit or not? Finding a game in Halo takes a few seconds, so why would you care if that one game you are forced to quit?
It's not "Why should I", it's "I shouldn't have to". I find competition fun. I don't find it fun when people do anything, such as hiding, to win. Just as I say that, you say "Quit" and "It's fair". I know it's fair. It's just not fun. I don't want to quit because I shouldn't have to. You are not getting me. And stop assuming. I want to get my rank up, but I want to have fun at the same time.
i believe that it is not because what if you needed to go piss or get somethin to eat? i mean i wouldnt want to risk myself or my teammates going down(not that it matters right now becuase of TU2). besides one person hiding wont make a difference if your playing a team game unless its like objective or everybody left.
And again, we come back to fun is subjective. What you find fun, I find boring. Then there is no argument. Okay, here's your problem. You hate hiders and you think they should GTFO. They still do it. You go back into matchmaking and run into another hider and the cycle continues. Maybe you should learn about the spots before complaining about them. And here it seems that you just don't like a competitive community. A competitive community will always do what it takes to win. You will do what it takes to win as long as yo take out hiding, power weapons, weapons in genaral, grenades etc. A layed back community has none of this and is more suited to you. And in the end, why do you want your rank up anyway?
? if you don't drop the brute shot on guardian, it wont respawn. as long as the first person picks it up and keeps it, it's not coming back. also, last i checked there are no rockets on guardian. and finally, 3 second limit to be one shot? wtf? do you mean after using the brute shot? you can get up there with half shields. He finds it fun. and enjoys it. and should not have to quit just cause someone is hiding. that's his point. it would be like playing witches in a play ground, and the guys keep peeking. I want to play, but as long as they keep looking then the game gets real boring real fast. but i shouldn't have to stop playing that game to find fun elsewhere. I joined THAT game. and someone else decided to be an ass. but again, using the maps areas of cover to hide is fine. out of bounds to, unless its made impossible to follow.
That's what competition is. I don't think you understand what you're arguing about. Your posts conflict with each other. You say its about fun, but when given an option to quit out you say that its not about fun, its about ranking up. That is the point of the debate you give - You say its about fun for you. He gives you a way to have more fun. Then you say that you don't want to quit out because you don't feel you should have to. You know, what, ignore all of that because I want YOU to tell me what YOU think your trying to debate about. ------- Mate! Stop swearing at, or otherwise insulting people. Its not how a debate works.
I'm saying it shouldn't be so competitive because it's a video game. Fun comes first, even in the more "competitive" gametypes. Let alone that there is different kinds of competition. Ever heard of friendly competition? I never said it's all about ranking up. I say I want to rank up, but I want to have fun while doing so. Playing the game "correctly" and ranking up, playing people my skill level. What the hell are you talking about? He never gave me a way to have more fun. And I do feel I shouldn't have a reason to quit out of games. It's less fun, and that's what the game is about. If I'm not having fun, no matter what the cause, it's a problem that should not exist. You're sadly mistaken. ****er. Get some ****ing reading comprehension.
If you want friendly competition play in social. Social is still competetive, people who play there want to win the game, but they do it in a more social manner. Ranked mostly about leveling, whatever way you go about it. Ranked = Competition: people will do anything to win. Social = Friendly Competition: people still want to win, but its mostly all in good fun. Both social and ranks. If you play social for a few games you will be matched to people who are close to your skill level. If you want to play the game in the way you feel its correct, then I think social is for you. He told you to quit, which would allow you to stop having to look for them, and start playing the game the way you keep saying you want to, sooner. Many people in Ranked matches feel that rank is all that matters. You want fun, go play social. I play pretty much only social, customs, and campaign, because thats what suits me. Find something that suits you. Wait... what? Thats not a response to what I asked you to do, so again. YOU tell me what YOU think you're trying to debate about. Read to the tune of Batman: Nana nana nana nana REPORT! Nana nana...
People: We all know nomatter how this ends HLG will go on, correct? yes we all know sharpest really cant tell when hes overused an argument, correct? yes we all know a simple grendae can can beat somone in the little pocket like on guardian, correct? yes /debate
All of its true, but careful: That sharpest comment is on thin ice with the rules, plus he'll be cussing at you now. And HLG are harmless overall, let them be. They're uber with their techniques, but they're just one group, and everyone else are mediocre copy's. It doesn't matter really.
Go into Forge, check the settings for the Brute Shot. I'm pretty sure it's set to reapawn even if another Brute Shot is present. No Rockets on Gaurdian but the point was to use splash damage weapons. When you use a Brute SHot to go somewhere, you have no shields. I estimated the recharge time and last I checked, if he uses the Brute Shot., he'll have no shields and you'd have respawned by then. And even if he has half shields, he's basicly a two-shot. He is trying to make the point that he wants to have fun. So, I suggested to quit and search for another match. Simple as. Also, your argument is flawed. You joined that game as much as the other people joined the game. In ranked, nobody is held responsible to make the game entertaining. If he finds that hiding makes it entertaining to him, it's not his fault that you don't have a similiar opinion. No. No. No. Nothing is impossible to follow. Every piece of equipment in Halo respawns. Weapons, grenades and props. All respawn.
Telrad and Storm 59 do you really believe it is perfectly reasonable for a team to decide to hide instead of fight? It appears to me you are arguing your points more to provoke Sharpestt and appear mature and rational rather than because they are your true opinions. I hope this isn't the case. When the other team hides it ruins both the fun and the competitive element of the match. No matter what your reason for playing it is, there is no enjoyment to be had for the "victim" team. It may be possible to flush them out and it may be possible to get the lead first, but it shouldn't happen in the first place. Quitting may be a solution to the problem but it is not a fair one. I don't want the inconvenience or the EXP punishment for quitting because the other team is choosing not to play the game as it is intended. I don't particularly care about the problem but I can see why people would find hiders annoying and frustrating. It may be funny on youtube but I wouldn't want to encounter it ingame.
but to tell the truth i think its not the hider's when you hide behind a turret case >_< anyway, if you dont like hiding just dont play doubles, as anything over a two-man team is hard to get everyone in the spot, so just play team slayer and you will fine
Consider this: It's not difficult for me to go look up the "difficult" spots that Telrad keeps referring to, but how difficult is it for you to get better at actual gameplay? Obviously, looking up a few spots wouldn't be so difficult; so, the skill required makes your's a cheap tactic.
No, i do not think that hiding is cheating, and it never can be against rules, because it can never technically be cheating. Hiding is pro-longed camping where you are more logical as to whether or not attack the enemy if he passes by, and why should you if you are already winning, a win is a win and the amount of kills you win by doesn't matter. The only way it could be cheating is if camping or just staying in one spot is deemed cheating. It is no doubt cheap but not cheating.
Can't speak for Storm but yes, I think it's perfectly reasonable. What? This IS my true opinion. Must everyone have the same opinion? Sharps just doesn't seem to understand that his way of playing Halo isn't the way that many of the people in Ranked like to play. Hiding doesn't ruin the competitive element. If anything, it brings it up hugely because it makes the start of a Halo match much, much more important. You see, quiting IS the solution if you are looking for fun! If you're looking for leveling up, learn where the most common hiding places are and how they get to those places. No. Consider this. Skill is compromised of learning about the skill and repeating it until you have it perfected to a T. The same with hiding. The only reason hiding may seem easier is because you can do these in custom games when no one is looking to kill you. EDIT: Am I the only one that finds the poll biased? Pick one and you're on the OPs side. Pick the other and it makes you look like a prick because you cheat.
I think it's a good tactic if your in the lead and times running out. It's also good for popping out and assassinating their buttholes.
you know, i have realized that this argument is pointless. HLG people really dont care what you iind of people say, and anti-HLG people really dont care what HLGers say. so, this argument will never effect anything. but i think its the other team's stupidity. 1.if you dont want to play HLGers,just play team slayer instead of team doubles. said, every spot is followable. should be able to keep track of the hiders 4. also like said, if i play doubles, i WANT to win, soi really could care less about the other team's fun