Seriously, why would bungie do this? It was so fun to do in Halo 2 and we can place so many flag spawns and cap points and even designate different teams but only red and blue are selectable in custom games. Seriously, what the ****?
Can't you just pick a team colour then change into the gametype you want, like in Halo2? I just assumed you could. I have no idea why bungie would stop this. They brought zombies in as a gametype, why not something like this? Hmph!
seriously, 4-way CTF ruled. they think 4 teams would make lag or somthing? at least they made one best gamtypes out there
You sir is a living epic fail im sorry but there is a neutral flag gametype and it is in custom games and matchmakeing to play some halo my dear
There isnt a netrual flag, And he did not fail. Its not his fault if he could figure it out. Your a failure for slapping a failure on people.
idk what your all saying, there is neutral flag, and if not, but there is, you can just do neutral bomb, or are you talking about matchmaking
I don't know about Neutral Flag, I haven't tried that one. Neutral assault does not work unless you make it so you bomb your own base. And seriously, why the **** would you do that? I'm gonna try one more thing to see if I can get 3 or more teams in on CTF. It might need to have spawn points set down for each team as well as flag spawns and cap points. Will let y'all know what I find in a few hours.
neutral flag: no neutral assault: yes 4 way flag: no, but i dont get why not there are no arguments about that, i just checked in customs
4-Way assault? I'm not sure. But I am indeed saddened by the absence of 4-way CTF, as well as a proper race.
Race hasn't changed from the other games as far as I know. There just isn't a default set up for it. Unless you mean FFA race where you don't have to worry about choosing teams.
no sir, it'tis you who is teh phail. There is no gametype where there is one flag in the middle where both teams go after. That was in halo 2...
I think that they didn't put 4 team CTF because it would be easy just to take one team's flag and bring it back to yours, if there are only 2 teams it makes it a bit more challenging.
I have an idea. Reverse 4-team assault , if you can get that, and make it so you have to take the enemies' bomb and plant it at your own base! Assault: Go to other base take bomb, return to your base CTF: Go to other base grab flag, return to your base I think it would actually work.
Except there are only 2 teams in Assault. However, Reverse Neutral Bomb would work the same as Neutral Flag.
I have actually made a game of VIP where its sort of like capture the flag. The technical side works, like getting the VIP always in the oppositions base but I don't think the actual game is that fun. I made the VIP invincible and there's no way he can get out of the base (Standoff) unless the team comes to rescue him, if they don't then the game is boring for him.