act1 of war

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by shadowdyno, Sep 22, 2008.

  1. shadowdyno

    shadowdyno Ancient
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    sorry i haven't posted any new maps in a wile iv bean a bit busy but finally i have finished my latest mlg style map. act one of war was original made to be a swat/mlg map(i later fond out that fusion cores and fence walls are not aloud in mlg maps, go figure >_>) but i later figerd out its actuly mor fun to play on as a free for all map. althow the configerations are still there if you whant to play a team based game including objective.
    i always felt that people put to much work into making there maps look good and less on actuwal game play. its quit said. V.V
    as you can see the two sides look simular in most aspects. i also felt that it would be nice to use a part of the map that no one ever uses.
    i loved this idea. i used it in one of my freinds maps and i always whanted to use it in one of my'n. basickly its a room with one maler in it barly big anof to fit 4 guys in with a verry narow entinse on both sides.
    you can go around the cort yard or you can cut throw the tunnle.

    and of cores if you were to look at the top left Sid of the wall you will find the traditional shadow mongoose. :D
    Games to be played:
    mlg ts any (revision)

    #1 shadowdyno, Sep 22, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 22, 2008
  2. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    Seems very simple but good have some nice gameplay. Maps dont need interlocking to make them amazing just simple aesthetics and gameplay can do the trick.

    Nice job on this map 8/10 on originality.
  3. biscuit127

    biscuit127 Ancient
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    I'll give you huge points for using an normally untouched part of foundry (especially for MLG). The merging looks good, its a great idea for a map... just maybe not an MLG map. I don't think Trucks and Fusion Coils are MLG, so finding something else to put there would be a good idea. Other than that it looks good. 4/5 from the pics, I'll rate when I can play on it.
    EGP likes this.
  4. WheezyMoney

    WheezyMoney Ancient
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    this map is so far and away the opposite of what MLG is. you fail.
  5. shadowdyno

    shadowdyno Ancient
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    if you read into the actual post you will see "i later fond out that fusion cores and fence walls are not aloud in mlg maps, go figure >_>" so one READ THE ACTUAL POST and don't just fling throw the pictures, two your a moron! thx for you post tho. ^_^
  6. WheezyMoney

    WheezyMoney Ancient
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    i could give less than a **** about the fusion cores and fence walls. the general map layout is just awful. there are only 2 ways to get to each side of the map, and they are very small. not to mention the stupid trucks and barrels scattering the ground. stick to making infection maps, or whatever it is that you make, because putting MLG infront of a random map doesnt make it MLG.
  7. Novak

    Novak Ancient
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    This looks really messy, like you honestly spent about an hour on it. The double box in the first pic is geo-merged for no reason (you can't jump up on it), like Wheezy said there's only 2 ways to go from side-to-side (a good map should have at least 3), and you should put more effort into making it easier to read your post. This honestly shouldn't even be in the MLG section. I'm not trying to be mean, but you need to realize what makes a good MLG map before you post one.
  8. Savagesound

    Savagesound Ancient
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    Nice job, you used a different layout and unused part of founrdry than most MLG maps, but i think that leaving more room in the tunnel as in not as much cover would be best.
  9. Darkdragon

    Darkdragon Ancient
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    looks good... my map uranium was kind of like this but this is still original. so 4/5
  10. shadowdyno

    shadowdyno Ancient
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    [FONT=&quot]this map was mad for swat and MLG BUT i manly suggest playing on it with FFA. If you spend your time looking around and thinking with your head you can see there are several ways onto the boxes that are merged. And two ways are definitely anof ways in and out of any area, except for the area between the mini outpost's and the wall (ya there i know i screwed up and I'm going to try and fix it later). And for those tight Asses who continue to ***** about maps looking like crap i have this to say, MAYBE we should spend less time looking good and more time BING GOOD.[FONT=&quot]
    [FONT=&quot]Although i disagree with most of your points i am happy that you’re actually telling me why you hate my map (unlike your last post Wheezy!!!) And not just saying it sucks and running off with out even telling us why. Now even though i dont agree with you i will take what you say into consideration when making future maps and maybe when fixing up this one.[/FONT][/FONT]

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