Everything is sick except the text. That fails. The edges need feathering and it needs cleaning. The text is so horrible, its ruining the epicness of everything else.
The arbiter looks like a noob. IF only you could have that without the arbiter and better text and the master cheif looking more spiffy.
Remove the clipping mask on the text and don't make it the focal and the sig will be a lot better. Also don't feather... =)
Why not feather? The edges look horrid...theres white lines around parts of the text. And what is a clipping mask exactly? Im kinda new to masks
It's what the Slipknot members wear! =p. No its kindof an overlay onto the layer beneath. i.e. he took a lava stock and put it ontop of the "Halo" and applied a clipping mask so the lava was cut out in the shape of the "Halo"... I use them for a lot of my sigs. =)
Yeah... That shouldn't have taken 10 minutes... Anyways u should have said that in the first post and also the tut u requested is posted. It's of the "Killers" sig. =)