Most embarrassing moments

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Mysterious D, Sep 21, 2008.

  1. the other dark

    the other dark Ancient
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    I was making a point. Yours was crappy anyway.
  2. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
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    This thread was already made a long time ago. I know that because I remember telling the story about whipping out my **** when i was all drunk and trying to get my girlfriend and her friend to suck it.
  3. Mysterious D

    Mysterious D Ancient
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    I remember that, was fairly sure it was posted in Off Topic.

    Consider me reviving it, but with more rules and guidelines.
  4. Mastar

    Mastar Ancient
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    I remember laughing my ass off at that..

    Hmmm embarrassing moment.. ohh.. this party...

    This girl and I were doing shots together and one of the shots managed to somehow go completely into my lungs... I was coughing for like 2 minutes straight. And my friends were laughing at me.

    But I apparently she thought it was cute and I scored with her later on >=D
    Boydeh .. likes this.
  5. Huntar

    Huntar Ancient
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    im not trying to be mean but this is really funnyXD i like how you used incredible imagery. lol. i know how it feels.

    My most embarasing moment was probably when i... hmmmm... oh hyea! 8th grade, volleyball. Im walking by the ladies flirtin as i go by. and i remeber sammy, ( the girl i liked ) being on the team. Im paying no attention and i walked straight into a trashcan and fell... hard. Starting crying and sh*t, turns out i broke my arm in 3 places. She acted like she "cared" but 2 days later i got so much Sh*t from her and her friends. And worst of all, Everyone on the volleyball team was smokin hot! ( yes, even in 8th grade ) lookin back on it now i dont find it that bad. ( yes i do ) but it all worked out. im still gettin those chicks left and right. ( you can tell what i just said was a lie :'( )

    but yea, probably my most embarasing. then i fell asleap ontop of a bounce house....
    (true story)

  6. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
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    Ah yes... more rules and guidelines... waitaminute! dumbass. dumb idea dude.
  7. Mysterious D

    Mysterious D Ancient
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    The guidelines are simply to my intelligible basically, come on Titty - no need for that.

    I want stories. :C
  8. dented_drum

    dented_drum Ancient
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    I met a girl about 2 months ago, who I really took a liking to. I was over at the place where she was staying one afternoon, and a bunch of folks were there, just chillin'. So, I begin playing with her sister's kids, talking with friends, and so on. There was a guy there (older guy, probably 40-50) who I've known for ages. Whilst I was fixated on the girl, I didn't recognize him. I approached him, and introduced myself respectfully. It hit me about 20 seconds later that I already knew him, and that took me back a few steps lulz.
  9. QKT

    QKT Ancient
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    your siblings are twats domiboy
  10. V

    V Ancient
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    OK this didn't happen to me it happened to one of my friends but we still find it pretty funny to this date. This happened during the summer before I was a freshman in high school (I'm a sophomore this year so it actually wasn't too long ago). Me and like 4 or 5 of my buds spent the night at my house. Well for some dumb reason, we had started playing truth or dare. It basically turned into dare with a twist, we'd bet money on the dares and if you didn't do a dare completely, you'd put the money you bet in a pot that would be split up evenly among everyone there. Well it was about one in the morning and we dared one guy to run around the neighborhood naked (because we knew he'd do it because this guy was a goofy asshole). So anyway, he agrees to the dare and we go outside to make sure he runs around the neighborhood subdivision (it was a pretty short area too). So he takes off and we're waiting for him to come back. On the way back, he tries to cut through the neighbor's yard to save some time. He get's tripped up and we start laughing. Then, all of a sudden, we hear an alarm go off and he's caught up in something. Luckily, the owner of the house's yard that the kid got stuck in was a really cool dude and understood completely, he was cracking up while explaining to the cop that had shown up the situation as well as some of the other neighbors. For being such a good sport we decided to give all of our money to the kid that went streaking around the neighborhood. We still give him plenty of crap for it though and he always laughs with us now.
    halo kid likes this.

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