The Orange Box

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Playerhata27, Sep 24, 2008.

  1. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    O hai tha forgehub.I haz a question.I've seen some win Half Life 2 videos and since it only comes with The Orange Box I'm going to get it soon.And Team Fortress looks pretty cool.But back to the point.

    First off is TOB (The Orange Box) live compatible?Especially Half Life 2.

    How much lol?

    Do people still play it if it is live compatible ,so would I be wasting my time trying to play with people.

    Thanks ,and I just got the demo for PC with valve/steam.And I see its online compatible so do you think I should get the 360 game or just buy the online bgame and play with the internetz.

    Thanks again.
  2. Jimbodawg

    Jimbodawg Ancient
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    Get the PC version if you can. It's updated more and has some pretty cool mods. But if you are limited to the console, then go ahead and get it. Half Life 2 is an amazing game along with Portal. Plus, Team Fortress will keep you occupied for quite some time, the online play is addictive. =)
  3. Shadow Tyrant

    Shadow Tyrant Ancient
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    Get the PC version if you can. It's got mods and is less glitchy (Goddamn skywalkers...) and updates more.

    The only game you can play over Live is TF2. The other games don't really need it, though.
  4. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    Alright thanks I'll think about the PC but I'll need to get more ram and poop.

    Alright cool mods sound/look awsome so I'll probably get the PC one but I might get both seeing TF2 looks cool too.
  5. Coolant

    Coolant Ancient
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    Lol! Someone hasn't played with me before..

    Get the 360 version. We're getting half the updates soon and we have a great community still going. Plenty of people still host games and they are no where near as immature and serious as Halo 3.

    DRiSCOLL Ancient
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    tob is a great game, just think of it this way 3 great games for the price of one
    1. half life 2 series
    2. portal
    3. team fortress 2

    Half life 2

    the half life series is arguably one of the best games ever created, they have blown people away for many years. The main reasons are great graphics, an epic storyline that keeps you guessing and massively fun game play. I feel they are very long games and can be challenging at times but it gets you thinking. The pc version is cheap and you get more out of it, such as mods ( Garry's mod for example) and unlike the 360 version, the ability to play online

    half life 2+

    Thankfully you can carry on the adventure with orange box, because you are treated to the prequels. The have all the good points from the first that i mentioned but carries on the storyline and introduces new characters.


    Portal was one of the main reasons i got tob, it feels like a mini game and is very addictive. A lot of the chambers are challenging but it varies from person to person but gets you to think. The game was so successful it has been announced that a sequel game will be coming out; portal: still alive

    Team fortress 2

    There is no single-player but its good to see a change. The graphics aren't amazing but set in an incredible style. Its great fun and im sure theres still many people playing it. There are differant classes to chose from so you get a different style of game play allot. The game play great, the maps great, overall great game

    - DRiSCOLL​
  7. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    Alright thanks I'll most likely get both anyways but thanks for reassuring me.

    HL2 isn't live compatible?O wow I thought it was.So that means only TF2 is live enabled.

    I just saw a trought walkthrough on Poratl and already I feel like I have the game.It really gets to you.Especially the cake =).And sequel?Sounds awsome.The song at the end is great too actually I'm listening to it right now.

    Yeah I've seen some videos on it and the classes I like it seeing I like Battlefield 2.I'll probably get the game tomorow for both PC and 360.
  8. GCLimited

    GCLimited Ancient
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    the orrange box has the best campai on it ever i love the HL campain its the best thing ever aaaaaaaa
  9. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    Uhh thanks?But what game has the best?

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