These are the pictures I took in the Red Sea. I am very proud of them, and each negative comment will be punished with death! Lotl A turtle A lionfish A snail A murene Dolphins! Nemo fish hiding in a soft coral A frog fish - and I found it! (They are extremely rare in the Red Sea and extremely hard to see) A snail with eggs A dugong! ( Abu Dabab ) And the picture I am MOST proud of: Camera used: Sea & Sea DX1G Oh and by the way: Everything I want you to do is to comment, comment, comment!
Whoa, those are cool! High res, too. You must have a real sick camera. and the "nemo fish" is actually called a clownfish.
Yes, costs a lot, especially for underwater. *cough900€cough* But because of resize they lost quality
And underwater camera with 10 megapx? Holy crap. Now i see why it cost so much money. Thats like fricken 1600 USD....
Thank you! But I still think the last one is best. What you do not know are the conditions while I took it. It was not taken while diving, but during snorkeling. Anyways, it´s been 10 metres deep! Try to make such a great photo while holding your breath! (Yes I am proud, and I keep repeating it....) And by the way, it is very easy to take a photo of a murene. They are not dangerous. It's a rumour. A roumor! (They almost don't move)