I found these to be very revealing. Achievement: Hammer Time On Assembly, get 5 Hammer kills during any ranked or social match. Pull On Citadel, get a Shotgun Spree during any ranked or social match. Blades of Fury On Heretic, get a Sword Spree during any ranked or social match. Ghost Patrol On Longshore, get 3 kills with a Ghost during any ranked or social match. Post Mortem On Orbital, get 2 Death From the Grave medals during any ranked or social match. Get the Horns On a Mythic map, get a Bulltrue medal during any ranked or social match. Awww, Too Bad On a Mythic map, get a Killjoy medal during any ranked or social match. Killtacular On a Mythic map, get a Killtacular during any ranked or social match. Have Fun Respawning On a Mythic map, get an Extermination during any ranked or social match. Save This Film On a Mythic map, get a Perfection medal during any ranked or social match. Delicious Brains On a Mythic map, infect 2 humans during any ranked or social match. Zombie Repeller On a Mythic map, kill 2 Zombies during any ranked or social match. Tank Dropper On any Mythic map, get a kill on another player while in monitor mode. Assembly Skull On Assembly, find the hidden skull. Citadel Skull On Citadel, find the hidden skull. Heretic Skull On Heretic, find the hidden skull. Longshore Skull On Longshore, find the hidden skull. Orbital Skull On Orbital, find the hidden skull. Sandbox Skull On Sandbox, find the hidden skull. Vidmaster Challenge: Brainpan Find all the hidden skulls on the Mythic maps. Think its all BS? Go Here Apparently, there are 6 new maps. Idk......it seems like quite alot to hide.
There is a halo discussion, but to stay on topic, the ghost on longshore acheivement. Relic had a shore ('O') and it was large island that is long and it also had a ghost. What I'm saying is Longshore = relic
I'm pretty sure that Longshore is a map that was designed by a Halo fan. Bungie seemed to like the idea and layout because many Bungie employees posted positive responses on the thread. There are two bases on the map, the size would be slightly larger than Valhalla I'm pretty sure, and there is a cave in the middle of the map. There is a long shoreline "Longshore" on one side and mountains as walls on the other. This is just what I heard so don't criticize me if this isn't how the map looks. Longshore might be a remake of Relic from Halo 2, but I’m not sure. I think the new achievements are released this week or weekend and are going to total up to 750 gamerscore or gamerpoints. Some people are disappointed with the challenges for these new achievements because they don’t bring up a new challenge in matchmaking. These achievements such as: Awww, Too Bad On a Mythic map, get a Killjoy medal during any ranked or social match. This one. You could easily get this achievement in any game, but others like: Save This Film On a Mythic map, get a Perfection medal during any ranked or social match. Are going to be difficult for many players to unlock. Overall, these new achievements are Bungie's subtle way of getting players to buy the Mythic map pack even though most players will anyway.
Very true. This seems like a lot Bungie has been hiding. What do you mean fan made map? Do you mean that Longshore is a forged map? Note that the skull for the 'sandbox' map has a monitor on its head. Sandbox=new forging map=goodbye foundry.
A fan posted their idea of what a cool Halo map would look like in their opinion, with pictures from a program on the computer they used. It looked really cool.
Ive quite busy getting a couple of these and its allot fun bu some of them when you read them they seem so easy because you've done it 1000 times before but bungie is pretty smart and sneaky. Every time a legendary map came up almost everyone vetoed, bungie noticed this and now with the achievements if its not a legendary map people quite out. Its kinda sad really but thats how people are. Loonking through and there seems to be a allot coming soon and i can't wait but i guess it keeps people on halo that litle bit longer before many new games come out. Some stuff that annoys me about the update: *When going in dlc type of games you don't get downloaded content like it was and should be, e.g foundy, black out etc i have had many updates of old maps such as: Sand tarp aka sand trap and many other maps with the word heavy on the end. * idle guests, with the new achievements you can do in social so pple get there other controllers and gh3 guitar and use them to get achievements. * and finally, mythic achievements and no mythic ma pack. in my opinion they should have released them all the same day. im sure many will agree with me in the near future i hope bungie creates a play list with just user created content, obviously only the successful ones because there could be a problem with spawns etc.