I honestly say no. It's violent, and even if they won't go out and attempt to recreate anything that happens in game, they are exposed to the players on Live, which most of them swear every other word at the least. It's not going to benefit them in any way if they play the game, and as DocMan said, my kids will be playing games like FF just because those are great games, and you honestly can't consider yourself a gamer if you haven't played a single FF game.
I think that it's the immature kids that we should be worried about. Some kids are okay however. Any kid under 9 should not have Xbox Live for any reason, unless they set everyone to mute. Little kids cursing are really funny though.
i introduced halo to my youngest brother when he was about 6 years old, he enjoyed running through the campaigns, trying to get out of the maps, finding new glitches, and he even had the patience to do things as troublesome as trying to launch vehicles into odd places. the level of gore and blood is pretty minimal, and the violence that is there is generally directed towards cartoonish grunts, or boogymen flood, (no chainsawing people in half gears of war style) so ive been comfortable with exposing him to it. the only thing i dont let them do is play on xbox live, simply because there are people (regardless of age) who use their internet anomynaty to be jerks.
A person's brain is not fully developed until the age of about twenty; thus, a child of 6 is only about a third of the way through mental development. At such a young age they can be easily influenced by violence or extreme profanity. It's these children who swear and pull guns on people. I'm not saying no kids should play; there just should be more parental involvement; e.g. parental controls and monitoring.
i also think this game should be rated T did you know halo was originally rated T but then the 5 years old started playing it so to scare of those halo kitties bungie raised the rating to M, on the subject of the reasons its rated M blood and gore: im sorry this dosen't make since i don't think there is any gore and the blood is so small this shouldn't even be a issue i mean its not like a flood infects a marine and there guts fly out and blood starts pouring out of there... well pours i see more blood when i cut my self not a issue violence: if you know not to point a gun in someone's face then your good ,this however is a HUGE issue to the 5 year olds who dont know the difference from right and wrong but for teens this isn't a issue at all Language: i know 4 year olds that do more swearing than this i mean honestly you hear these words in your own house not a issue except if your a very.... inocent? i dont know! 5 year old, but then how would you be playing halo, our even have a Xbox in the first place Online: drum roll this is the problem right here i hate it so much when like tex said oh so wisely you go into a game and theres this random 7 year old saying VETO VETO VETO i will kill you all in there to high voice i dont know either to laugh our.... laugh there just not mature enough to play. to end this uber-long post i think that teens and up should play it let the 5 year olds play sonic our whatever they do
Okay, so 5 year olds raised the rating to M and don't know the difference from wrong and right, therefore they will point guns at peoples faces. 4 year olds are the ones that are cursing, but 7 year olds are the ones shouting "veto! veto! veto!". In conclusion teens + play Halo, and 5 year olds play Sonic. I get it now! lol.
Well I don't see the truth in that.If they're mature enough then good for them.I think your just sterotyping the avergae kid to repeat what he hears.Hell I was 11 when I started playing Live and I never got in a predicament due to it. Yes its violent but so is every other game.As I said before if they're are mature they'll know its a game and hasn't anything to do with real-life. But it also depends on the 'responsibility' of the child's parents.They could make the choice whether he plays it or not whether they are that kind of parent. I'm 13 now also.Some of you might still consider that a kid,but I think I'm mature enough to handle the game. Also ever notice the ESRB notice?"Game experience may change during Online experience".Theres a warning right there. Theres really no stop to letting M- playing M+ games.Their parents will most likely buy it for them and the ESRB has not control over that.
In my opinion, it doesn't matter how old you are, it matters how mature you are. If you are ok with playing the game without screaming, cussing, crying, being racial, or picking on other religions then your mature. It doenst really matter if you voice has changed or not. It just matters about how mature you are thats probably why halo is rated mature.
Basically its all said there.Mature is full developed in the mind and body.Able to have self-control basically sums it up for me.But right now I don't see much of a debate going.
I agree, Halo 3 should be rated Teen, its not that violent, yeah theres guns, but there's not alot of blood. the game all in all is'nt very realistic, so who cares, Halo 3 is a GREAT GAME and everyone should expierence it, not just people 18 and older.
Well, if you are under 12 you shouldn't be allowed to go on live. However, I think as long as you are above like, 5 you can play halo 3.
i played even when i was less than 12 and everyone loved me because i didnt anoyed them......i dont understand why some kids are so freaking brute and anoying sometimes, they act like 4 year olds
There are many types of little kids. There are ones who scream into their mics, and are very annoying. But all kids playing halo are not like this. So when I see some "uber-cool" guy telling a kid to "have your balls drop" or "grow some balls" I can just imagine what the kid will think. He cant think of a good comeback so why tease him. If your going to pick on little kids on a video game, seek help.
I believe kids should be allowed. As long as they can handle the content, and have fun, they are fine. The people that shouldn't be playing are the ones who take the game too seriously. They can't handle game, and will get angry over anything.
What do you consider as children? If you mean under 17, I'm there. I don't really see why I shouldn't be able to play. Nothing I see and do in the game comes out to the real world. I think reason most people dislike "little kids" because they tend to be annoying and scream at the top of their lungs. I am embarrassed by this situation. That's why I try to act intelligent and not like the stereotype. I'm 14. I think it's fine for kids to play Halo 3.
My view on this is simple. If you are sick of little kids either mute them, don't play matchmaking, or go play rank with a full party.
Well, I am 11, but im not a whiner/screamer/idiot, but i feel, 9 is the bare minimum halo players should be (on live), and only then if they have: A: Good-Grades (A parent who deserves to keep kids should understand halo doesnt help grades) B: A little maturity (enough so that the parents know the kid wont whine constantly and yell VETOVETOVETOVETO!!!! NO YOU RETARDS YOU DIDNT VETO THE WORLDS WORST MAP IT HAS SCOPED ARs (scoped ARs meaning BRs)) C: The ability to understand halo isnt real (stuff such as: Playing XBL doesnt mean you can kill people, you shouldnt swear at 10 and such) D: Niceness(?) (best word i could find for simply not trash talking everyone in sight, such as calling people noobs and such) Of course, i know 17 year olds who shouldnt be playing, once after beating a CTF match in 2 miniutes (we won 3-0) an enemy got 1 kill, and Tbagged and kept satying "balls in your face" after the match
Hmm.. to be honest, i would have to say that at least 14 would be an appropriate age... but i guess it's up to them and what their parents think. There is nothing bungie/microsoft can do about kids cheating their age (therefore denying family settings and speaking with their extremely high, annoying voices on their headsets) If they tell their parents and don't use their headsets, it doesn't bother me.
As stated previously, I think only kids who are 13 and up should play Halo. Any younger, and they tend to be annoying and loud. I think it also has a great negative impact on those younger that 13. My cousin is 13, and I have a great time playing Halo with him. On the flipside, his friends who are the same age are very annoying. Maybe I'm biased because he is my cousin, but I seriously find him less annoying. Some can handle it, some can't (even some older people). It really is just a case-by-case basis.