Okay so you're showing that you are able to type in a different font? Amazing... I stand by my previous post, clearly you didn't make the theme if you can not prove it. Sorry but it's just that simple. I don't want the theme you are using. I just don't like it when people steal from others. So unless you can prove it, that's how you're going to be seen. Don't get all high and mighty thinking it's so good that only you can have it, that's pathetic. It's not that great, honestly... It's just some clear black PNGs with a white border. Oh and a white dot...
Thats all your gonna get sorry I could care less if you believed me, your opinion really means very little to me.
trick, why'd you edit your post with "your" theme on it so it doesn't say anything? (I apologize if it is in fact your theme, but reynbow would have my head if I suggested that ) I'll post my 'top in a bit. I changed it from reyn's old one lol.
It never did say anything I just posted the picture not expecting all this **** to be started. This is a post your desktop thread right?
okay, new rule, no more posting your desktop if you have leopard because it makes we want it more and more and it drives me crazy that I'm only half way there on buying one. Sushi, chips, I'm looking at you
I like the intended empty transexual porn folder for the purpose of getting it in the screenshot so someone would say something dumb about it. Fail.