Are there really new auto update maps? I have played 20+ games after TU2 and i have not played on a single one. I have however playe don the originals 15 of those 20 times.
Dude, where the heck did you get your information from? There's no such thing as an auto update map. You have to buy every map that will ever be released manually, and even then, none came out at the same time as the update. Sorry if you got your hopes up. What everyone is talking about is some maps that bungie is planning on releasing soon and the hint of new maps through some achievments that aren't unlock able or down loadable but were leaked a little while ago.
Boundless is epic i played SWAT Flag on it today and without the shield doors it triples the gameplay fun compared to snowbound. IMO, i think it should replace it permanently Anvil (Foundry) is horrible i played it on DLC FFA, everyone still spawns in the back rooms but the active camo spawn and deleted window panels there makes it better as theres more than one way to escape spawnkilling now but aside from that it does play abit better along with the change of scenery. Pit Stop is really unnoticeable to me.
Yes, you can get them here if you want. But yes, they are in the new MM. 2nd FFA game I played was on Boundless.
I played on Sandtarp, and Boundless last night when I was playing MM.. They're OK I guess, Same levels just on Sandtarp the Elephants were removed, and on Boundless some of the shield doors have been taken out. It doesn't really affect the game play as much as you'd think.
IMO It does, how many incidents have you been when its a standoff on either side of the door? I've had millions, it may be me but that doesnt exist anymore in boundless and completely changes the environment/gameplay. That. And the Shotgun shield door camping was the only things that made Snowbound suck terribly.