
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by DRiSCOLL, Jun 12, 2008.


What do u like best?

  1. Multilayering

    9 vote(s)
  2. Canals

    7 vote(s)
  3. Spawns

    2 vote(s)
  4. Interlocked floor

    20 vote(s)
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    DRiSCOLL Ancient
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    Why thank you, your post is very intriguing and made my day, i spent allot of time on it and its good to see it wasnt a complete waste of time

    This is not the right section, you may be new, im flattered that you took a look at my map but next time just message me or any other member, for the record yes it is very small

    on a side note, more screenshots of version two have been aded and allong with that a video, check it out, sorry for the lack of music in it, but enjoy
    Bottlecap likes this.
  2. Bottlecap

    Bottlecap Ancient
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    Oh yeah baby, dats me in the vid. Wow boi did Driscoll and I pwn it up. But, enough of me, onto the map.

    For all those who liked such maps as Unchained or Fractured, or maybe even Kashmir Islands, yup, you will like dis one. It has that same unique strategic gameplay to it. I mean, I know you guys or some of you have seen the vid and stated that spawn camping would be an issue, but actually not so. Really the way he has that little curve in the back of the defender's base you wouldn't be able to spawn camp. If your buddy is run'in with the flag and you are sitting there then when those two spawn you are ****ed. I mean, trust me, I'm really picky and ***** alot about the tiniest things on maps, but I can honestly say I didn't even think about anything like that while playing. This map just gets you so involved with the game that you really just don't have the time to say "eww that interlock is .2 inches off" or "I demand perfection damnit!". So I mean really for all you guys out there that love those really competitive doubles maps that are great for objective, then go ahead and give this one a whirl.

    But, to be fair I will mention a few things about the map I didn't like all that much. I mean really it just was like one small thing, the weapons. If you watched the video you will have noticed that the only weapons used were like BR's and AR's, and maybe a Sniper or two. And my suggestion to Driscoll is to have a custom like Flag variant in which players spawn with like Spikers or Plasma Rifles and maybe the players move slightly more slowly.

    But all in all this is a great small party tactical map that is worth your one of your HDD spots. Oh and ya... dis is gun b featured... or otherwise the universe will ass-plode....
    KB likes this.

    DRiSCOLL Ancient
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    wow just wow, thanks for the comment its a very long and interesting one, i enjoyed reading it and i know you know what you were talking bout because i was with you when you played it.

    i can see what your saying about the game type, is a good idea, moving slightly slower would make the map seem bigger and adding a variety like starting off with a spiker etc.

    The reason i didn't put allot of weapons on is because its not a very big map and it would seemed overcrowded, anyway i was told allot that the weapons were spread equal, like bungie

    thanks for your comment and thanks for participating in the video
  4. Gollygeeanelite

    Gollygeeanelite Ancient
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    This map looks beast. I love the way you set it up as a multi leveled map. I also like the way you set up the columns for the dumpster structure. It's cool that you used the stairs as a wall and you used the shield doors as a water way. You have a good amount of cover and some other pretty good aesthetics so I'll give you a 5/5
    DRiSCOLL likes this.
  5. ManRayX

    ManRayX Ancient
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    it looks from the pics that you built this map around the natural (computer generated) light in foundry. looks great in pics just dled it will check it out
  6. crazyzebu

    crazyzebu Ancient
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    WOW, this is one of the best foundry maps I have ever seen! Your interlocking (though a bit sloppy in places) is phenomenal. Great aesthetics (shield doors, stair wall, barrier columns, etc.) I like the creative layout as well. Great work, keep making maps


    DRiSCOLL Ancient
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    Thank you, the colorful text is cool :) but seriously theres many great foundry maps and calling this one of the best means allot, ive had allot of great comments and they just keep on coming.

    I tried very hard and took allot of time on interlocking everything as smooth as possible so its good to see you noticed and i love the layout to :) thanks again

    That wasn't my intention but its good to see you noticed even the slightest detail, thanks for the comment and download.

    Thanks everyone
  8. m3zz8519

    m3zz8519 Ancient
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    First of all, this looks just like a map that Darksn1per16 made when I was with him. 2nd you pwned that floor. That is so sick. I give interlocking 5/5. Creativity 4/5.How fun it was 5/5. Dude you got some f*@king talent!!!

    DRiSCOLL Ancient
    Senior Member

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    thanks for the cmt but i took at look at your map and there isnt no pictures, so there is no way i could have copied in the slightest:). The floor is a big part of the map so im glad you think i did a good job.

    Thanks for the ratings and thanks for saying i have talent :) i try hard in my maps just for cmts similar to these.
    KB likes this.
  10. Boydeh ..

    Boydeh .. Ancient
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    Wow great job DRiSCOLL, v2 is a great improvement. The spawn camping is finally fixed and everything is smoothed out. Its great fun and should be featured.

    Like before, great layout and good idea.
    - boydy
    KB likes this.
  11. DRiSCOLL

    DRiSCOLL Ancient
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    Thank you i thought so to, thanks everyone else you helped me get a place in forgehub favourites.

    I love reading each and everyone's comments, normally it would help me and give me advise but since the release of version 2 there hasn't been any thing bad to say.

    I'm aware its great fun and ive even had xbox live messages saying " horizon is a sweet map" and "omg horizon is so fun".

    thanks again

    - DRiSCOLL
  12. DRiSCOLL

    DRiSCOLL Ancient
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    thanks, im honored to have my map your first forgehub download. The spawn camping was a big problem, but version 2 is its superior and fixes all that needed to be.

    I'm aware that people will not always get big parties but just because of its size, for example: sophire. Sophire is a great map from chips and is one of the smallest maps you can play on, but that doesn't stop it in big tgif lobbies.

    o and thanks i worked very hard on this and allot of people thought so too.

    thanks again everyone
    - DRiSCOLL
    Boydeh .. likes this.
  13. CANNON

    CANNON Ancient
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    WoW, its funny how i posted here *High*

    Anyways, i have posted in here now to probably get an infraction ... seen as i am here.

    The map is decent.

    Thank - you. >.^

    P.S I'm gay :'(
    #73 CANNON, Nov 27, 2008
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2008
  14. bio

    bio Ancient

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    After DL'g this map and testing it I have come to the conclusion that I do not know where or how this map has a 5 stars rating?? The interlocking applied to this map looks and feels very randomly distributed and not at all proportioned considering ti is an Assymetrical map and even in that area it fails to deliver, sloppy is a better word to describe this map, you can see it as soon as you spawn by looking at the texture of the floor it looks very erratic in style and lacks a decent concept applied to the layout where is the "Horizon" I wonder what motivate or inspired you to make this map?? it has poor visual and structural aesthetics which depends on random sporadically set's of barriers and street cones and some unexplained spontaneously placed dumpsters on top of the roof which neither of them all seem to improve or help the game play of the map as a hole, sure it can provide a short fun AR, melee attack or DUAL short slayer game type and I found king of the hill kind of fun but the hill markers are XL in relation to the scale of the map all 3 of them are extremely big which can make controlling the hill an impossible mission . the weapon setting of the map offers 2 sniper rifles which I doubt will work effectably in a mini map such as this one unless you are a fan of NO-scopes and hope to win a game that way and remember that life expectancy in a mini map is usually less than 10 seconds and I do not think you will be able to fire a hole round of sniper shots before being killed from behind considering there are spawns in every corner of the map, for mini-maps closed isolated areas are the ones recommended and at least you got that right you got 2 of those kind of areas .

    So overall I give this map which I know its got to be a v.1 a 1.2/5 for showing that you are learning to forge and trying hard at it but I strongly suggest you do some research about multi-level mini-maps before trying to make one because there are far more better multi-level maps that have accomplished they're goal in that area.

    I almost forgot you can easily get outside of the map (i can prove it) by grenade-jump plus there are 2 Plasma Grenades around the middle of the map on top of a canal 1 of those grenades you simply cannot pick it up I don’t know if I DL'd a corrupted file or was it an error on your part not checking that out, please explain do you plan on fixing that before submitting the map to Forge Hub favorites or is it already in favorites?
    #74 bio, Nov 27, 2008
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2008
  15. BboyLeon

    BboyLeon Ancient
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    I never liked this map because of the gameplay and the fact that it's a tiny "U" shape. The aesthetics is sexy and the interlocking is godly, but the map layout to me isn't so great. I love the forging, I just don't like the gameply
  16. mikeblair333

    mikeblair333 Ancient
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    I love the layout and ascetics on this map, the fusion ain't half bad either. The floor fusion looks very well done, but in some areas there are a few cracks in the ground. Not on the floor itself, on the elevated portions of the ground. But still, you definitely have my DL. 9/10
  17. Black Theorem

    Black Theorem Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    oh ma gawd, that's a LOT of interlocking! maybe there would be a little loading problem, and maybe it might not have really smooth gameplay (with all the obstacles and little jumps), but still a feat of Forgeness! 4.5/5
  18. DRiSCOLL

    DRiSCOLL Ancient
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    Thanks for your great comments, all of you. You have inspired me in making a version 3. You cannot get out, everything smoothed out and interlocked, so if you thought there was a lot before, well you will be impressed by whats coming.

    I have only showed halostriker my work so far, he is very impressed. I am finishing it up and will start the testing on all my gametypes.

    To the bio: im sad you feel that way but i got your message and I will notify you when the final version will be up, expect something soon guys.

    P.S loading time is regular, there is a big amount of interlocking but it doesn't affect it in anyway, but thanks for your concern
  19. oO SLiK Oo

    oO SLiK Oo Ancient
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    Wow.Now this is an awsome map.DL for sure.Highly put together good.Good job!
  20. ForgeGod117

    ForgeGod117 Ancient
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    Hey, if i was a moderator i would think of this as map avertising.

    For the map only big problem is that there is absolutely no cover and that needs to be fixed.
    As for driscolls last comment i call that a last minute bump.
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