Well it looks like we're finally going to get our new forge map as soon as the the mythic map pack is released. xbox.com already has all the new achievements listed and the skull for the map titled "sandbox" which is suggestive enough in its own right also has a monitor on it so its pretty safe to say this new forge map is a sure thing new achievements linky: Sign In Anyway I assume details on this map will be forthcoming and it would be best to keep all discussion related specifically to forging on sandbox in one thread (for now) so you all can discuss what features you think, hope, or want the map to have and eventually discuss the features it will have. Go:
theres a thread for that discussion in the halo discussion section. This is for the all new forge map.
I honestly can't imagine what is going to be in it. I think they made it clear that it isn't going to be a 'map editor', so it'll have to still be forge. Probably just going to be a HUGE selection of items w/ changeable skins and a large budget. My main want is a sizable wall, so it doesn't take forever to do things like blocking off the bases on Foundry. Snap to grid would be nice, along with locking objects on their angle, so you don't run into other things and get messed up. I'm looking forward to it. This is the best time for me to be getting a 360.
nice that bungie has not stopped makeing maps for this game. But Sandbox is probably an out door foundry that is a lot/slightly bigger without the map geometry that foundry has.
It's a safe bet to assume that Sandbox will perform exactly like the other post-Foundry maps. Floatable stationary objects, merging, and the like. I'll be really surprised if it's anything revolutionary after hearing it's not a true map editor. I know Bungie likes to play things close to the vest, but they are usually pretty quick to stifle any wild rumors. Hopefully there will be some cool new tricks like the closeable doors that they talked about in past updates, but I'm not going to hold my breath for anything mindblowing. If indeed Sandbox is the new Foundry, at least we'll get a new pallette to work with other than the really drab colors of Foundry. I'm hoping for a Brute motif.
I am assuming there will be a new weapon, the skull. If there is a skull pre placed on the map there is a good chance you can get rid of it.
I would also like to see a very large wall introduced into Sandbox. If the map is truly open, its going to take a lot of materials just to block off any map. I'm sure they'll have a considerable amount of large objects to work with.
I hope it'll be awesome, but don't get your hopes too high. Like they said, it'll be same old forge, but a wider variety of colored items would be cool. Any ideas on the environment on the map?
No one really knows. Hopefully they'll release some info today on them. It is Halo 3's birthday after all. =)
Same here, lol. I really have no idea what they're about to unleash. It obviously will have something to do with Halo (I think), but what?
Well, many think their new game, but that is ridiculous to release on Halo's Birthday... either it is new maps, or info on them, but it has to be something for Halo 3, or else they would have just released TU2 on the 25th if they had nothing else.