ya terrax, thats the wrong site. if im not mistaken, its www.gfxworld.org but anyways, you did a good job on the sigs terrax. and Actually Cool, what program do you use? GIMP or PS?
Ok then, i think i can solve that problem. when im making a sig or something, when i make a new document, the layer it starts with, its the Background, and its all white. if you delete that and make another layer, it might work. otherwise, i dont know what to say, sorry.
Hey can you do the Adam Gontier one you did for lord terrax but make it say slipknot83 and at the top make it say 3DG and if u cant do the same exact thing make something like that
well, you will have to wait for Terrax to be unbanned because i dont have the sig, or the .xcf file, so you will have to wait a while, unless i can contact Terrax another way, which i think i can...
I got another request;Render: Planet Renders // Renders - Comic Renders/Halo - Marvel Comics Style... make him look pretty evil with a absract background. animation if possible... a reflection of the image in moving water. Then you do the rest ^_^
terrax has another site i can PM him the requests, then i can have him give me link to the sig and i can post here and say Terrax made it