Universal CnC Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by E93, Sep 19, 2008.

  1. LOL zombie

    LOL zombie Ancient
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    C4D is a program called Cinema 4D. It makes like... Effect, so to say, that enhances your sig. In your case, it would make em look like ****. So don't do it. But if you image Google; C4D, you'll get some nice things. I suggest downloading Gimp, and getting help from some of the people on this site that are pro at it or close. Well, not pro, but good.

    I,e, LOCKdowN, Meh, .Core.

    Uasally you use a layer effect to make it look secsy.
  2. E93

    E93 Guest

    I love that site!

    Just wondering though, does it give you the option to save it, or did you like, print screen, and cut it out in paint or something?

    Alzombie, I dun get your sig...
    Is it for this thread? Why not hyperlink it?
  3. Mastar

    Mastar Ancient
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    Huh? Paint.net is a programme you download and install.
  4. Hari

    Hari Ancient
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    LAWL! E93 doesn't know what he's talking about! I guess he assumed its a website as i did due to the '.net' LAWL!
  5. E93

    E93 Guest

    I thought you were talking about this site.
  6. Hari

    Hari Ancient
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    Nope its THIS site.
  7. E93

    E93 Guest


    I did nothing, basically...
    Damn, I suck at this...
  8. Hari

    Hari Ancient
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    Ur right. It needs effects, a focal point, a theme, some C4D's while ur at it. Lol what program do you use? You need to look at some tuts.

  9. Telrad

    Telrad Ancient
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    It's in response to a thread which offered a signature which basicly said that this thread was a failure.

    First of all, C4Ds don't make a sig instagood. In fact, for the sig your describing, it would make the sig much, much worse.

    @E93, I hate all those shows so I may be very biased but all the different people. Maybe put the sig SotW logo style. Would make the sig better.

    Also, maybe you should look at the font that each show uses and try and incorporate each one of those fonts for one word?

    Also, did you use paint.net, GIMP or what?
  10. E93

    E93 Guest

    Yeah, I found out about it earlier, but thanks.

    Explain what a C4D is, pl0x.

    How can you hate Lost, and The Office? God..someone has a weird taste.

    Ok, yeah, that's a good idea. Then put them in the E93, right?
    So how would I put the inside the letter? I think I know how...
    Get some transparent letter, and put the pics in them, and erase everything on the outside...

    Am I right?

    my sigs aren't usually that bad, I actually do some stuff to them, usually, put some nice effect, draw some stuff, but this one, I was just wanted the pic, and my username in the sig, so I didn't end up making it anythign more than that.
  11. Hari

    Hari Ancient
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    Dude.....i never said they did. If he had a single render some subtle C4D's could indeed make it better. What, do you think ur the master of GFXing now?
  12. E93

    E93 Guest

    Woah, woah, woah, calm down,
    I think he was just saying he personally wouldn't use it.

    Chill out, =]
  13. Hari

    Hari Ancient
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    idk. i am chill. Its just he seems to think he knows everything about GFXing but i've never seen a single post by him in the G&A forum.
  14. HellsRequiemAMX

    HellsRequiemAMX Ancient
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  15. Zerosun

    Zerosun Ancient
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    that sig is cool
  16. Hari

    Hari Ancient
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    Holy **** hells. Even if you made a CnC thread on its own you wouldn't get CnC for all of those.
    HellsRequiemAMX likes this.
  17. Warlord Alpha

    Warlord Alpha Ancient
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    I see what you did there! You are completely but discreetly bashing this thread! I like it (actually, it hate it. Noone likes this thread).

    Anyways, im only looking at the first page, because i dont feel like looking at all 15 pages, althought i must admit its not torture looking at your work. Quite the opposite, actually. I like the rainbow overlay (is that what you did) you did on the guy with the headphones. Very eye catching, but preserves the image and focal point very nicely. I like the C4D aswell. The guy with the microphone is pretty good too, but i dont like bright colors like that, so im officially biased.

    Nice sigs though. You seem to be pretty pro at this.
    HellsRequiemAMX likes this.
  18. Telrad

    Telrad Ancient
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    You've probably seen them in the background of many sigs. They are just extremly abstract shapes that you put in your sig and you just smudge it a bit or what have you.

    I hate Lost because I don't think that the writers even know where they are going with it and the other two, I never really got in to.

    Haven't really tried it but I would imagine just typing out E93, using the magic wand to get rid of the color of the letters and put the images you want in them. After that, just erase everything outside the letters.

    I never actually used the normal GIMP. I always used a heavily modded version until I got Photoshop.

    Anyway, can you type out selections in the shape of letters like in Photoshop?
  19. HellsRequiemAMX

    HellsRequiemAMX Ancient
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    Thank you, now that leaves about 251 signatures left, have fun guys!
  20. Telrad

    Telrad Ancient
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    You're being sarcastic again, aren't you?

    If you aren't, it is a bit harsh to say that though.

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