i apolgize for this comment. i had a bad day. and i got an infraction for it. aparently some people like tunnel maps. i just happen to think there all the same because im racist.
Uhh, maps don't have races. They are maps. God stop fixing stuff lol. You make me keep re-downloading. And, I was going to say to put the grav-lift in though... That was fun Lotsa kills came from that corner.
Exactly why I put it back in. And I am done fixing stuff for now, I think. I haven't been able to play the game for a while though. Nobody's been playing Halo 3.
Lol, I haven't played in a week O.O I am trying to make my machinima, but I keep getting interupted. <.<
I plan on making a bigger map like this one on foundry, probably a big oval shaped one so it will be longer than this one. It's going to take a long and frustrating time to build. I'm sick of this map and tired of playing on it.
So, can I test this so called map? And, relating to this map, I belive I have your old v2 map... some walls were late spawning and some boxes were too <.< Glad you changed to a v2.5
I love the idea! Your map is only one of the few infection maps that actually looks fun. I really like the fact that you put stuff to prevent camping, I hate camping! Anyways your map iz da bomb dude. Im really excited to play this with my friends but I already have 8 downloads . But dont worry, I will definitely download this after all the downloads finish.
This is a very fun infection gametype. The camp-proof system at the beggining does not work so well. You can camp in the starting room and go out only right before it explodes. The dumster does prevent alot of camping that would happen in the weapons room. If u move the sheild doors closer that would prolly help all the camping that can happen in the back room.
Humans trying to take advantage of the time between the fusion core respawns will not succeed. The shield doors that appear really help the zombies by allowing them to move in even closer to the humans while remaining safe. And with a group of zombies, humans will easily be outnumbered when the zombies all charge at once. But if someone tries to camp at the start in every round, I recommend you ask him or her my favorite question: What's the shape of Italy?
wow I see what you mean by another ambush, but yeah this is actually one of the better ambush maps nice work but sort of closed quarters, but seriously I think you did a nice job on this thank you for making this.
This looks nice ill DL it and maybe try it out sometime. But i would love to see a V2 with little more interlocking and maybe a little longer tunnel if possible. Of course i would try to help you do that.
My friend dosen't know what the shape of Louisiana OR Italy is... So I just booted him. And, today I was probably playing with the most stupud people ever. I had 10 guys, 5 quit, and I got 20 angry messages saying change the game so the Humans always win or else I will get reported for cheating... People on Xbox Live - I mean, can't they just go play on the highway?
lol i wish my xbox was fixed and i renewed my xbox live so i could play this map oh i give this 5/5 looks great and it would be good map to play with infection fans like me
That would be lame if the humans always win. That would defeat the whole point of the game, for it to be difficult for the humans. Oh yeah, I played a few games with the harder gametype, and I think I like it better than the original one. It's much harder and more teamwork focused because zombies have more health so you need teammates helping to take down the infected. It's more difficult and more intense, if you like that kind of game.
But then, most people want it to be that you can win wearing a blindfold. People have to learn how to play stuff.
Sam why do you keep telling me this map sucks. It's one of the most popular maps right now and one of the few infection maps that are fun for both sides. The V2 really cleans up the gmaeplay n it looks nicer. Also it's really fun when the zombies drop down in the middle of the pack cuz I once got a killtrocity. This map does not suck.
Version two is incredible. Keep it up Sam. I recommend this map to everybody! Everybody I played this with wants to do it again!
I loved the original. Good job making it harder for the humans, but judging by the video, the original was hardly easy. What did you change again?